Flower Bulbs Starting With C
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Flower Bulbs > C
We have found 50 flower bulbs starting with c from 50 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £2.49 to the most expensive at £14.60.
Showing 1 to 20 of 50 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Cactus Dahlia Collection* (5 Tubers)Buy the entire Cactus Dahlia Collection and you will save £6.00. The Collection consists of 5 Tu... |
Cactus Dahlia Karma Corona* (1 Tuber)Cactus Dahlia Karma Corona-Large bi-coloured orange flowers with yellow-orange centre. These sp... |
Cactus Dahlia Karma Pink Corona* ( 1 Tuber)Cactus Dahlia Karma pink Corona-Long tapering petals of lavender-pink veined with a deeper shade ... |
Cactus Dahlia Karma Sangria* (1 Tuber)Cactus Dahlia Karma Sangria-Deep pink buds opening to lustrous pink with a yellow base. These s... |
Cactus Dahlia Nuit D'ete* (1 Tuber)Cactus Dahlia Nuit D'Ete-Deepest wine red with an almost black centre. These spiky Cactus Dahlia... |
Cactus Dahlia Shooting Star* (1 Tuber)Cactus Dahlia Shooting Star-Pale yellow flowers with a delicate pink flush to the tips. These sp... |
Calochortus MixedSometimes referred to as Fairy Lanterns because of the shape and attractive shading of the bright... |
Calochortus Violet QueenThis named selection of 'Butterfly' flower is a most delicate and discreet shade of violet pink w... |
Camassia Leichtlinii (Camassia Bulbs)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moist but well-drained, fertile, humus-rich, soil... |
Camassia QuamashGrows widely in marshy conditions in mountain meadows in North West U.S.A where it was an importa... |
Chionodoxa LuciliaeVery early to flower - in its native habit in the mountainous regions of Turkey it literally appe... |
Chionodoxa Pink GiantA special pink selection of ‘Glory-of-the-snow'. Flowers are bigger than those of the true specie... |
Clematis Snow ValleyA stunning relative of the well-known climbing clematis. This little evergreen beauty will tumble... |
Corydalis SolidaA popular variety producing beautiful bright spikes of tubular flowers held above attractive fern... |
Cream Beauty Iris X Hollandica BulbsThe ritch butter-yellow markings on the falls contrast nicely with smooth creamy-white standards. |
Crocus 'Flower Record'Available within 2 weeks 15 bulbs per pack Colour: purple Size: 8/9 Height: 10-15cm |
Crocus 'Gipsy Girl' (Species Crocus Bulbs)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: gritty, poor to moderately fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate o... |
Crocus 'Golden Yellow'Available within 2 weeks 15 bulbs per pack Colour: yellow Size: 8/9 Height: 10-15cm |
Crocus 'Grand Maitre'Available within 2 weeks 15 bulbs per pack Colour: purple Size: 8/9 Height: 10-15cm |
Crocus 'Jeanne D'arc'Available within 2 weeks 15 bulbs per pack Colour: white Size: 8/9 Height: 10-15cm |
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