Water Conservation Products
Garden Centre > Garden & Growing Essentials > Water & Irrigation > Water Conservation
We have found 75 water conservation products from 75 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £11.99 to the most expensive at £804.95.
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Harcostar Long Linking Kit For Water ButtsThe long linking kit enables two water storage containers to be connected together to allow an e... |
Harcostar Overflow Kit For Water ButtsThe overflow kit is essential if you are not using a rain trap as it allow the excess water in t... |
Harcostar Space Sava Water Butt StandA unique stand designed to raise the Space Sava water butt safely off the ground to make filling... |
Water Butt Linking KitA simple but useful kit to link two water butts together: when the first is full of water the sec... |
Water Butt StandA safe and easy way to raise your Space Sava water butt to a convenient height, to fill watering ... |
3 P Water Butt Connector For Linking 3 P Water ButtsThis is for linking a 3P water filter to a non 3p water butt It comes complete with a hand cut... |
Harcostar Water Butt StandThis stand is perfect to raise your water butt off the ground. It measures 57cm diameter by 27cm... |
Water Butt Irrigation SystemA unique way of turning your water butt into an efficient low pressure drip watering system, whic... |
Water Butt StandAn easy way to raise your Child Safe Water Butt to a convenient height, with recessed section so ... |
Harcostar Space Sava Water ButtThe Space Sava water butt allows you to store water without having to compromise on space. It ca... |
Harcostar Child Safe Water Butt 114 LitreAn excellent water butt that holds up to 114 litres (25gal) of water and comes complete with tap... |
Italianate Water Butt StandThis faux terracotta stand is perfect to raise your Italianate waterbutt off the ground. Measuri... |
Space Sava Water ButtWith a capacity of 100 litres (22 gallons), this smart and hard-wearing slimline Water Butt with ... |
Harcostar Child Safe Water Butt 168 LitreAn excellent water butt that holds up to 168 litres (37gal) of water and comes complete with tap... |
Garantia Avanti Water Butt DiverterConnection made easy with the Garantia Avanti Water Butt Diverter. No need to cut your downp... |
Harcostar Child Safe Water Butt 227 LitreAn excellent water butt that holds up to 227 litres (50 gal) of water and comes complete with ta... |
Space Sava Water Butt Plus StandBUY BOTH SAVE ?5.00!: WATER BUTT - With a capacity of 100 litres (22 gallons), this smart and har... |
Water Butt Irrigation SystemA unique way of turning your water butt into an efficient low pressure drip watering system, whic... |
3 P Rain Water Filter For Water ButtsThe Rain water filter is a great way to filter water in to your water butt or tank. It removes l... |
Garantia Rapido Quattro Water Butt DiverterConnection made easy with the Garantia Rapido Quattro Water Butt Diverter. No need to cut yo... |
Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?
For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our page on water butts & barrels.
- Terratoonie
- Mossy
- Treesandthi..
- Paulsgarden
- Motinot
- Clarice
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