Nemasys Caterpillar Killer Nematodes
Garden Centre > Garden & Growing Essentials > Pest Control > Poisons

Please note: This product out of season and will now not be dispatched until early August 2011. Following the success of other Nemasys products in our catalogue we are extending our range to include Nemasys Caterpillar Killer Nematodes. This will control: The destructive cabbage white caterpillars that can wipe out an entire brassica crop. Gooseberry Sawfly caterpillars that can completely strip the leaves of the gooseberry and red and white currants leaving the bushes weakened and producing a poor crop the next year. Apply with a pump sprayer ensuring all caterpillars are directly sprayed as those that aren't will not be affected. The pack contains sufficient for three applications at 5 to 7 day intervals. Each application will treat 40m2 of open ground or up to 20 trees. The temperature needs to be above 14 celsius for the predatory Nemasys Caterpillar Killing nematodes to be most effective. Please Note: if you wish to control Codling Moths please order Nemasys Codling Moth Killer 5090-3826
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