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Lavandula Pedunculata Subsp. Pedunculata (French Lavender (Syn. Pap...

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Lavandula pedunculata subsp. pedunculata (French lavender (syn. Papillon))

Lavandula Pedunculata Subsp. Pedunculata (French Lavender (Syn. Papillon))


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Position: full sun
Soil: fertile, well-drained soil
Rate of growth: average
Flowering period: June and July
Hardiness: fully hardy (borderline)
From fat round flowerheads, delicate, upright petals emerge like butterfly wings and flutter in the breeze among grey-green, aromatic leaves. This French lavender has pale mauve flowers and looks wonderful planted en masse in a protected, sunny border where its heady fragrance can be enjoyed. Like most French lavenders, it is earlier flowering than its English cousins, but associates well with them if you want to prolong the season of lavender in your garden. The flower-spikes are also a magnet for bees and other nectar-loving insects. As it's borderline hardy it is best grown in a container in colder areas of the country and should be over-wintered in a cool greenhouse or conservatory. Garden care: Cut back the stalks after the flowers have faded to retain a compact shape. Carefully trim back in April, taking care not to cut into old wood.

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