Garden Planters
Garden Centre > Outdoor Living > Garden Planters
We have found 51 garden planters from 2 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £6.99 to the most expensive at £219.99.
You can narrow your choice by - Ceramic Planters, Metal Planters, Plastic Planters, Resin & Fiberglass Planters, Terracotta Planters, Wooden Planters, Zinc Planters.
Showing 41 to 60 of 51 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Thyme For Tea Terracotta Teacup And SaucerAdd a touch of humour to your container herb collection, either on the windowsill or outside on... |
VegtrugThis clever trug allows you to grow vegetables in really small spaces like balconys and patios. ... |
Veg Trug 1.8m Frame & Polyethylene CoverEnhance your VegTrug with this custom-designed frame and cover. A robust black frame with easy pu... |
Veg Trug 1.8m Fleece CoverEnhance your VegTrug with this custom-designed cover. Fleece Cover - 60g fleece which protects ag... |
Veg Trug 1.8m Micromesh CoverEnhance your VegTrug with this custom-designed cover. Micromesh Cover - 0.6mm mesh which protects... |
Veg Trug X 1.8m Plus Free SeedsThe stylish way to grow delicious, nutritious fresh vegetables on your patio!- VegTrug - Create a... |
Versailles Planter BoxA superb value hardwood planter made from yellow balau wood. Make an eye catching feature by pl... |
Wall Flower TowerAlso now available, a wall mounted version, with 12 planting holes, measuring 60cm (231/2) high x... |
Wall Flower TowerAlso now available, a wall mounted version, with 12 planting holes, measuring 60cm (231/2) high x... |
Windsor Versailles BlackThis planter looks like a traditional painted wooden planter, but in fact it is made of fibregl... |
Yorkshire Terracotta Long Tom PotA classic, heavy long tom which has been crafted in Yorkshire. This traditional style terracotta... |
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For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our page on flower pots.
- Pottygardener
- Gardengnome
- Gattina
- Treesandthi..
- Annella
- Oddbillie
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