Vegetable Seeds & Bulbs
Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Vegetable seeds & Bulbs
We have found 765 vegetable seeds & bulbs from 5 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.29 to the most expensive at £21.50.
You can narrow your choice by - Alfalfa, Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Bean, Beet, Beetroot, Borage, Borecole, Broad Bean, Broccoli, Brussels Sprout, Cabbage, Calabrese, Cardoon, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chamomile, Chard, Chervil, Chicory, Chilli, Coriander, Corn Salad, Courgette, Cress, Cucumber, Dill, Endive, Fennel, Fenugreek, French Bean, Gherkin, Green Manure, Kale, Kohl, Leek, Lemon Grass, Lentil, Lettuce, Lovage, Marjoram, Marrow, Mint, Mixed, Mushroom, Mustard, Okra, Onion, Oregano, Pak Choi, Parsnip, Pea, Pepper, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radicchio, Radish, Rhubarb, Rocket, Rosemary, Runner Bean, Salad, Salsify, Scorzonera, Shallot, Sorrel, Spinach, Spring Onion, Squash, Swede, Sweetcorn, Swiss Chard, Tomato, Turnip, Watercress.
Showing 61 to 80 of 765 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Beet (Leaf) Seeds Silver Or Sea KaleUse green portion of leaves as for spinach. The thick white midribs should be cut into sections, ... |
Beetroot 'Chioggia' (Beetroot)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil:tolerates most <br/> Rate of growth:average <br/> ... |
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Beetroot Boltardy 500 SeedsFantastic Beetroot Boltardy seedsBeetroot Boltardy are high quality, medium sized beetroots. A go... |
Beetroot Boltardy SeedsOur most popular beetroot and no wonder! Boltardy can be sown early in the year right through to ... |
Beetroot Cardeal Seeds (Gro Sure)Beetroot Cardeal has been specifically bred for baby beet production. It has an excellent globe ... |
Beetroot Cylindra SeedsPerfect for slicing the long cylindrical beets have a good colour and are free from internal rings. |
Beetroot Detroit 2 SeedsA reliable all round performer.Detroit is a heavy cropper producing uniformly globe beets of good... |
Beetroot Kestrel SeedsPerfect beetroot every time. Kestrel is a high quality variety yielding smooth round beets whethe... |
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Beetroot Rhonda X 150 SeedsUniform, smooth, dark red, globe shaped roots. A high yielding variety with good disease and bolt... |
Beetroot Seeds BoltardySmooth-skinned roots of fine colour, ideal for exhibition. Resistant to bolting and recommended f... |
Beetroot Seeds ChioggiaA striking Italian beetroot with ball-shaped light red roots which, when sliced, reveal highly or... |
Beetroot Seeds CylindraA superb beetroot to replace Forono, which has now been deleted. It produces delicious, high qual... |
Beetroot Seeds F1 PabloAn excellent item for both table and exhibition use. The exceptionally uniform, round, smooth ski... |
Beetroot Seeds Globe 2A popular round beet for table and exhibition. Crisp, dark crimson roots of excellent texture. |
Beetroot Seeds Globe 2A popular round beet for table and exhibition. Crisp, dark crimson roots of excellent texture. 'F... |
Beetroot Seeds MonetaThis 'monogerm' beetroot produces one strong seedling per cluster thus alleviating thinning out t... |
Beetroot Seeds Yellow CylindricalHigh quality, cylindrical roots with yellow skin and tasty, crisp white flesh. |
Beetroot Solo SeedsThe most popular home grown vegetable just got even better! Reduce the need for fiddly thinning o... |
Borlotti Bean SupremoThis dual-purpose French bean forms a dwarf bush with attractive pods and beans which have a crea... |
Broad Bean 'Aquadulce Supersimionia' (Broad Bean)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: humus-rich, moisture retentive soil <br/> Rate of growth: fast <br... |
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