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Garden Centre > Plants > Perennials

We have found 4302 perennials from 9 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £0.50 to the most expensive at £269.99.

Our guide on Perennials may be worth a visit if you need some help deciding.

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Showing 4241 to 4260 of 4302 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling

Macleaya Kelways Plant - Coral Plume

Macleaya Kelways Plant Coral Plume

Pink-flushed, grey-green, heart-shaped leaves, topped with plumes of deep pink little blooms. Flo...

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Suttons Seeds

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Sanguisorba Plant - Arnhem

Sanguisorba Plant Arnhem

A graceful perennial with dark red, egg-shaped flowerheads that open from the top. Deadhead to av...

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Suttons Seeds

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Verbascum Plant - Gainsborough

Verbascum Plant Gainsborough

Large sulphur-yellow flowers, with greyish green foliage. Remove old flower spikes to encourage r...

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Suttons Seeds

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Veronicastrum Plant - Fascination

Veronicastrum Plant Fascination

A tall, elegant variety with leafy stems and spikes of lilac-blue flowers followed by pretty seed...

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Suttons Seeds

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Acanthus Plant - Mollis

Acanthus Plant Mollis

Dark green, jaggedly cut foliage and spikes of white or pink-veined flowers. Needs plenty of spac...

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Suttons Seeds

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Achillea Plant - Red Velvet

Achillea Plant Red Velvet

Flat-topped heads of loosely packed, rosy-red, daisy-like blooms that change colour as they matur...

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Suttons Seeds

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Astrantia Plant - Ruby Cloud

Astrantia Plant Ruby Cloud

Strong, clump-forming plants with palmate foliage and heads of long-lasting flowers. Flowers June...

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Suttons Seeds

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Crocosmia Plant - Star of the East

Crocosmia Plant Star Of The East

Large golden-orange flowers with a yellow eye, opening from orange-red buds. Flowers July-Septemb...

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Suttons Seeds

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Eryngium Plant - Big Blue

Eryngium Plant Big Blue

Large, egg-shaped blooms, borne on sturdy stems, with spiky, blue-green foliage. Flowers July-Sep...

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Suttons Seeds

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Geranium Plant - Laura

Geranium Plant Laura

Double, pure white flowers smother the delicate foliage all summer. Flowers June-September. Heigh...

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Suttons Seeds

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Phlox Plant - Blue Paradise

Phlox Plant Blue Paradise

Trusses of hydrangea-like, violet blue flowers that are most attractive to bees and butterflies. ...

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Suttons Seeds

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Rudbeckia Plant - Goldsturm

Rudbeckia Plant Goldsturm

A border favourite, producing masses of long-lived, golden-yellow blooms with dark centres . Idea...

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Suttons Seeds

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Trollis Plant - Cheddar

Trollis Plant Cheddar

Clump-forming plants with dark green foliage and cup-shaped blooms. Flowers 8cm (3) in diameter! ...

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Suttons Seeds

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Alchemilla Plant - Robustica

Alchemilla Plant Robustica

Pretty foliage and long-lasting flowers that are full of nectar. Remove dead blooms. Flowers June...

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Suttons Seeds

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Coreopsis Plant - Zagreb

Coreopsis Plant Zagreb

A robust, long-lived plant with dark green leaves, and big, rich yellow blooms. Insect-friendly p...

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Suttons Seeds

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Geum Plant - Mai Tai

Geum Plant Mai Tai

Purple buds open to produce apricot flowers on wiry purple stems. Attractive to bees and butterfl...

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Suttons Seeds

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Pulsatilla Plant - vulgaris Blue

Pulsatilla Plant Vulgaris Blue

Showy lilac-blue bell- or star-shaped flowers, with bold yellow centres, followed by silvery seed...

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Suttons Seeds

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Geranium Plant - Ingwersens

Geranium Plant Ingwersens

Glossy, light green leaves and clusters of flat flowers which are light pink with dark sepals. Fl...

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Suttons Seeds

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Sedum Plant - Karl Funkelstein

Sedum Plant Karl Funkelstein

Fleshy green, purple-tinted leaves mature to a beetroot colour. The pink flowers can be dried for...

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Suttons Seeds

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Actaea White Pearl

Actaea White Pearl

A stately border perennial which will thrive in a damp, semi-shaded spot. And just as many other ...

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Suttons Seeds

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Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?

For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our page on border ideas.

  • A garden flower photo
  • back border
  • Summer Border
  • View of the back garden June 08
  • Upper border 31 May

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