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Garden Centre > Plants > Perennials

We have found 4302 perennials from 9 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £0.50 to the most expensive at £269.99.

Our guide on Perennials may be worth a visit if you need some help deciding.

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Showing 4181 to 4200 of 4302 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling

Phygelius Plant - Somerford Wine

Phygelius Plant Somerford Wine

Compact, branching, semi-evergreen plants, commonly known as 'Cape Fuchsias', that are fully hard...

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Suttons Seeds

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Phygelius Plant - Somerford Yellow

Phygelius Plant Somerford Yellow

Compact, branching, semi-evergreen plants, commonly known as 'Cape Fuchsias', that are fully hard...

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Suttons Seeds

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Physostegia Plant - Rosea

Physostegia Plant Rosea

A deciduous, clump-forming perennial with toothed green foliage and pretty spikes of snapdragon-l...

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Physostegia Plant - Snow Queen

Physostegia Plant Snow Queen

A deciduous, clump-forming perennial with toothed green foliage and pretty spikes of snapdragon-l...

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Suttons Seeds

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Pink Plant - Doris

Pink Plant Doris

No garden should be without delightful pinks and their delicious perfume! Theyre perfect for a su...

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Pink Plant - Lily The Pink

Pink Plant Lily The Pink

No garden should be without delightful pinks and their delicious perfume! Theyre perfect for a su...

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Suttons Seeds

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Pink Plant - Pretty Flamingo

Pink Plant Pretty Flamingo

No garden should be without delightful pinks and their delicious perfume! Theyre perfect for a su...

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Suttons Seeds

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Pink Plant - Pop Star

Pink Plant Pop Star

No garden should be without delightful pinks and their delicious perfume! They're perfect for a s...

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Suttons Seeds

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Pink Plant - Silver Star

Pink Plant Silver Star

No garden should be without delightful pinks and their delicious perfume! They're perfect for a s...

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Suttons Seeds

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Pink Plant - Starburst

Pink Plant Starburst

No garden should be without delightful pinks and their delicious perfume! They're perfect for a s...

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Suttons Seeds

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Pink Plant - Candy Floss

Pink Plant Candy Floss

No garden should be without delightful pinks and their delicious perfume! They're perfect for a s...

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Suttons Seeds

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Pink Plant - Memories

Pink Plant Memories

No garden should be without delightful pinks and their delicious perfume! They're perfect for a s...

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Suttons Seeds

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Pink Plant - Passion

Pink Plant Passion

No garden should be without delightful pinks and their delicious perfume! They're perfect for a s...

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Suttons Seeds

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Potentilla Plant - Gold Sovereign

Potentilla Plant Gold Sovereign

Rich golden, saucer-shaped flowers provide colour throughout the season, set off against narrow, ...

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Suttons Seeds

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Potentilla Plant - Monarchs Velvet

Potentilla Plant Monarchs Velvet

Rich raspberry red saucer-shaped flowers with deep velvet red centres provide colour throughout t...

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Suttons Seeds

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Potentilla Plant - Scarlet

Potentilla Plant Scarlet

Deep scarlet saucer shaped flowers provide colour through out the season, clump forming, attracti...

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Suttons Seeds

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Potentilla Plant - Verna Nana

Potentilla Plant Verna Nana

A clump-forming plant producing dwarf mounds of foliage topped with brilliant yellow flowers. Att...

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Suttons Seeds

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Pratia pedunculata Plant - County Park

Pratia Pedunculata Plant County Park

A low-growing, spreading habit makes this an ideal alpine for rockery or container. Sky blue flow...

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Suttons Seeds

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Pulmonaria Plant - Trevi Fountain

Pulmonaria Plant Trevi Fountain

Commonly known as 'Lungworts', these dependable perennials produce mats of soft, bristly, semi-ev...

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Suttons Seeds

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Pulsatilla Plant - Vulgaris

Pulsatilla Plant Vulgaris

Showy purple, bell- or star-shaped flowers, with bold yellow centres, followed by silvery seed he...

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Suttons Seeds

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Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?

For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our page on border ideas.

  • A garden flower photo
  • back border
  • Summer Border
  • View of the back garden June 08
  • Upper border 31 May

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