Garden Centre > Plants > Perennials
We have found 4302 perennials from 9 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £0.50 to the most expensive at £269.99.
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Showing 1701 to 1720 of 4302 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Heuchera Fire Chief PlantsOne of the very newest varieties, with the most unusual variegation, and some of the most sun-tol... |
Heuchera Lime Marmalade PlantsOne of the very newest varieties, with the most unusual variegation, and some of the most sun-tol... |
Heuchera Marmalade PlantsOne of the very newest varieties, with the most unusual variegation, and some of the most sun-tol... |
Heuchera Midnight Rose PlantsOne of the very newest varieties, with the most unusual variegation, and some of the most sun-tol... |
Scilla Non Scripta (English Bluebells)One of our best known wild flowers! It produces beautiful spikes of nodding, violet-blue, bell-sh... |
Schizostylis Plant CollectionA beautiful addition to summer and autumn gardens, producing clumps of spiky, rich-green foliage ... |
Schizostylis Fendland Daybreak PlantsA beautiful addition to summer and autumn gardens, producing clumps of spiky, rich-green foliage ... |
Schizostylis Major PlantsA beautiful addition to summer and autumn gardens, producing clumps of spiky, rich-green foliage ... |
Schizostylis Pink Princess PlantsA beautiful addition to summer and autumn gardens, producing clumps of spiky, rich-green foliage ... |
Iberis Pink Ice PlantsCommonly known as candytuft, are dwarf, shrubby perennials, producing mounds of evergreen, narrow... |
Helleborus Foetidus (Stinking Hellebore)This exceptional form of the native stinking hellebore boasts maroon-suffused leaves, stems and f... |
Dicentra <I>Spectabilis</I> Alba (Bleeding Heart)An elegant perennial producing tight clumps of attractive mid green leaves and arching stems of p... |
Dierama Plant ErectumIts easy to see how this graceful flower got its common name Angels Fishing Rod. The mounds of sl... |
Dierama Plant IgneumIts easy to see how this graceful flower got its common name Angels Fishing Rod. The mounds of sl... |
Achillea Plant Cloth Of GoldThese clump-forming perennials boast strong stems, aromatic, ferny, grey-green foliage and impres... |
Alcea Plant Double Chaters ScarletHollyhocks, as they are commonly known, have become a favourite for creating that 'cottage garden... |
Alcea Chaters Plant Double YellowHollyhocks, as they are commonly known, have become a favourite for creating that 'cottage garden... |
Anemone Plant Honorine JobertThese 'Japanese Anemones' are tough, easy-to-grow plants that will create clumps of elegant, vine... |
Aquilegia Plant Blue StarAquilegias, with their grey-green, fern-like foliage and delicate-looking flowers, have been a co... |
Aquilegia Plant Crimson StarAquilegias, with their grey-green, fern-like foliage and delicate-looking flowers, have been a co... |
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