Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs
We have found 4338 shrubs from 8 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.00 to the most expensive at £359.99.
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Showing 41 to 60 of 4338 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Acer Palmatum 'Bloodgood'striking dark purplish-red foliage, bright red in autumn |
Acer Palmatum 'Fireglow'deep purple-red foliage similar to 'Bloodgood' but considered to be an improved form |
Acer Palmatum 'Inaba Shidare'large red stalked leaves are deeply divided into pointed purplish lobes which turn deep crimson i... |
Acer Palmatum 'Inazuma'rich purple red serrated leaves turning bronzy green in summer and crimson in autumn. |
Acer Palmatum 'Kamagata'light green leaves with red tips and edges in spring which turn a delicate pale green in summer a... |
Acer Palmatum 'Orange Dream'yellow-golden leaves unfold in spring becoming greenish in summer and orange-yellow as autumn nears |
Acer Palmatum 'Peaches And Cream'light green foliage in spring and summer which is edged with red initially |
Acer Palmatum 'Red Pygmy'long thin red leaves in spring turning crimson in autumn |
Acer Palmatum 'Roseomarginatum'green foliage is variegated irregularly with white and rose-pink on the edges especially on the n... |
Acer Palmatum 'sango Kaku'<I>('Senkaki') </I> - young branches coral-red. Good yellow autumn colour |
Acer Palmatum 'scolopendriifolium'green leaves with 7 long linear segments which are thin and narrow. A very dainty appearance and ... |
Acer Palmatum 'scolopendriifolium Tropurpureum'bronze form of this excellent narrow leaved acer |
Acer Palmatum 'shaina'upright growing compact and dense variety with bright red new foliage which matures to deep maroo... |
Acer Palmatum 'shindeshojo'brilliant glittering scarlet spring foliage becoming shrimp pink and bronzy-green then orange in... |
Acer Palmatum 'shisio'<I>('Shisio Improved' or 'Chisio')</I> - slow growing dwarfish maple with fiery red growth in spr... |
Acer Palmatum 'Trompenburg'rich deep purple leaves with tubular lobes giving a finger-like appearance enhanced by bright red... |
Acer Palmatum 'Ueno Yama'intense orange new growth turning orange-green and yellow in autumn |
Acer Palmatum 'Ukigumo'outstanding variegated foliage of light green freckled and blended with pink and white giving su... |
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