The morning after the night before!
By simplylyn
How kind of you to comment on my silly blog of last night/early morning……….
Oh dear! I didn’t get to bed until 3:30 but please don’t tell my dear husband who is also the chief gardener, my carer, my better half, the new commie chef, a man for all things now that he has been well trained over the past 57 years, mostly crammed into the last year and a half, as I wanted him to be able to survive if / when he became solo. Now he can use the washing machine, tumble dryer, knows how to erect the ironing board, rotary dryer in the garden, vacuum the house, cook up a simple meal, clear up counter tops, shop in the supermarket unsupervised plus a multitude of other everyday tasks that are gradually being introduced to him about running a house and surviving. He doesn’t ‘do’ ironing, mending (sewing kind), and fiddly things…..
Having crept up the stairs, looked out at the beautiful moon and heard the first bird begin the dawn chorus, I hastily prepared for bed, scrawled in my Diary, with the pen running down the page like water trickling, then I must have zonked out immediately because the next thing I remember is the tea wallah entering my abode, bearing a strong cuppa (Y———-e) and greeting me with a smile and the usual query, “How are you?”
My nose is beginning to grow as long as Pinnocchio’s.
Spell check is querying that – but it is true! Oh, it means the spelling of course, well I don’t know and I couldn’t care less. Conscience stricken, I checked the spelling on an old pack of cards the children played with many years ago – (our baby is nearly 49!) – and the spelling is Pinocchio. Huh!
Where has this morning gone? I’ve been making appointments on the phone: sorting old files of newspaper cuttings; printouts of interesting things; redistributing papers under different headings, stapling, slipping into plastic wallets/files; tidying my desk a little in case anyone snoops; taking a few pics; trying to remember how to play Pinocchio as the instructions aren’t in the pack; eating grapes like a Roman; ( anyone know what that means?) , and wishing I could turn over a new leaf and become a more orderly person but not to the Stepford Wives standard.
It is lunch time and I had better do justice to the nice meal so lovingly prepared. Mien Herr has gone for a rest but I don’t feel tired yet.
The collared doves are both fine and I think it was one of their fledglings that made contact with the window. The feathers look babyish. I know about these things. Ouch, my nose again!
We have a new bird in the vicinity, a black headed gull with only one leg.
Both of us shuddered to think how that happened but i don’t feel justified in blaming Howard. I have him on a video, yowling with a dear little toitoishell Oh now what’s wrong with the spelling? of course I knew it was tortoiseshell and was just about to do it. Ouch! Anyway, Howard was trying to ‘hog’ the greenhouse down below our garden and the other cat wouldn’t have it, after all HE lives there. In the morning he jumps up onto the window sill and waits until the elderly lady opens up to let him inside her bedroom. Oh happy bygone days. Did I say elderly lady? hm I’m probably older than she is!
Finished my meal and am now thinking of a short rest on a sofa in our library! Doesn’t that sound posh? Picture to come sometime – without me lounging around in it though.
Managed to snap myself using the timer. I am wearing my gardening togs but haven’t yet been outside to do anything productive. As you can see, mine is the tidy desk with everything in its place!
Gotta go
15 Jun, 2009
Previous post: Day of Rest!
Next post: At it Again!
Terrific blog, Simplylyn. I was grinning from ear to ear by the time I'd finished reading it. Envy you your tidy desk. I don't tidy mine very often. Can't find anything afterwards!
How about some pictures of the cats...pleeeease?
15 Jun, 2009
I have times when I sort out files like that but invariably I then add to them and mix them up again,mind you it passes the time if the weathers bad and I,m stuck obviously have done a grand job with hubby this last couple of years bless him and I for one agree with him about the ironing its a horrible job,your turning into a right nighthawk and its habit forming,trust me I know...........
15 Jun, 2009
You had me smiling form ear to ear I often get told to turn the computer off and go to bed! That’s the trouble with this site so many lovely people to talk to
Lovely blog thank you :0)
15 Jun, 2009
yes its 12.15 and hubby went up 2hrs ago. so i must now as work tomorrow.
15 Jun, 2009
Yep! my desk is very tidy...ouch hey is that Pinocchio thing contagious??
15 Jun, 2009
Very amusing. A trained one is the best kind, hubby that is! I have a few clues on how to do it early, like washing something red with his white shirts, he has done all his own laundry since. : )
Didn't someone say that a tidy desk is a sign of a sick mind? : ) just kidding!
It is hard to curtail activities because of failing health, but you seem to be adjusting to it well. Lots a luck with your petite garden... you know they are all the rage! : )
16 Jun, 2009
I can't believe how kind everyone is! I think I'll do a 'Bruce Forsythe ' and put you all in my favourites.
I shan't put the spell check in though as whoever the egg head is he/she drives me crazy with 'correcting' almost every other word. Well, the odd one here and there- but that is bad enough. I've tried Forsyth different ways but it is still underlined in red, likewise favourites. Can't let it bother me as I have sooooo much to do. Ahhhh! Yes, the dreaded red line marches forth again.
Many thanks for the lovely comments. I only knew how to do private messages but hope this will be acceptable.
16 Jun, 2009
you have a lovely home simplylyn, and i loved your blog, cheered up a very dismal day here, its bucketing down and has been all day, i keep telling myself 'its good for the garden', but i would have liked a little sunshine inbetween the showers!!
17 Jun, 2009
loved your blog - can i send round my two boys they could do with some house training and they never listen to me!!
22 Jun, 2009
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Lovely blog Simplylyn :)
(Lovely tidy desk !!!)
15 Jun, 2009