Last of the Summer time?
By simplylyn
Roy has started clearing out pots where the plants are definitely ‘going over’. He wants to avoid having even worse weather in which to do the deed. As it is, – it was wet,windy and cold and he felt whacked without his helpmate. I felt mean but also a little upset that the job was being done as we haven’t really been able to enjoy them for long. I don’t know why the Busy Lizzies took a turn for the worse so suddenly but they began to keel over and were beyond recovery. I hope we shan’t find vine weevils in the compost. as in some previous years. It made us buy only treated bags but this year I don’t remember seeing any in the garden centre (plus we forgot to look!).
This morning there was an announcement of the end of the hosepipe ban in West Cumbria. As we live in the East it hadn’t affected us. Despite all the heavy rain we’ve had up here it hasn’t done anything for the reservoirs apparently. I wonder how they decide where to build them? Practically ANYWHERE up here should have been OK.but you know these crafty rain clouds – they only drop their bounty where it isn’t wanted. Beaches full of holidaymakers being a prime target.
I took a few photos when the sun came through this morning but I am not sure if I know how to retrieve them from wherever this new computer thought fit to save then. Already I have had some strange things happening like "Windows Check file system of C: and CHKDSK, and Type of file system NTFS " being displayed on my screen. Even worse - the whole screen went black and nothing worked. I wished I had been outside in the garden playing my role as happy little helper. I could have enjoyed hearing the buzzard as it sped across the sky, laughed at the funny antics of the gang of sparrows and felt the satisfaction of a job well done.
This did very well after suffering from the frost.
Cheeky little sparrows!
’Ain’t it a shame that sparrers can’t sing? Think of the joy that a sparrer might bring." (apologies to Barbara Windser)The geraniums are hanging on for a while.
It is 03:40 and the wind is blowing hard while the rain rattles against the windows. What a horrid night and I could have been tucked up in my little bed kicking and groaning with Restless Legs instead of playing with my lovely new computer and writing blogs no-one will want to read!
20 Aug, 2010
Previous post: The Garden made a good recovery!
Next post: Feeling shattered!
Awww the sparrows are so sweet..Must admit to being suprised you had a hose pipe ban though..I get Restless Legs too and wish I could find a real cure for it....Unless you suffer it you can't explain what it's like eh....
20 Aug, 2010
We had 2 sparrows a couple of years ago, we must have 52 now, a chirpy cheerful lot. RLS me too, especially when watching TV. Strange that a bird as big as a Buzzard sounds like the cry of a kitten.
20 Aug, 2010
Beautiful hydrangea's, loved the blog and the sparrers !
20 Aug, 2010
I love the queue for the bird table lol
20 Aug, 2010
Sweet little Sparrows all lined up like that!!
I do feel for you with your new computer! Mine refused to work the other day so I thumped it hard and slammed the lid and now I think I may have killed it off!! It's only just started today with alot of restarts and anti virus re loading. Am thinking of buying a Mac but they are expensive but I think they work better and don't get so many problems with viruses etc!!!! I was awake from 3.30 am but didn't dare get up for fear of disturbing our young pup and then having to take her for a walk in the rain in my dressing gown!!!
20 Aug, 2010
Yes I read your lovely blog as well, as for the "sparrers"----loved 'em.
20 Aug, 2010
lovely blog lyn, all rain here for last two months and not done my plants and flowers much good, far to much rain and wind to, its battered them rotten, a real bad summer, i havent even had chance to just sit and enjoy it all , lovely pics ;o))
20 Aug, 2010
I read it too, loved your Hydrangeas and the perching Sparrers! sympathy with RLS and temperamental computer syndrome I hope you have a better night tonight :o)
20 Aug, 2010
Perhaps it should be Gardener's LS anxious to get back out in the garden.;-)))
21 Aug, 2010
You have gorgeous hydrangeas Lyn! I loved this blog :o))))
21 Aug, 2010
I read your blog and enjoyed it
21 Aug, 2010
Lovely blog, Lyn! I like the colours of those hydrangeas, and the sparrows made me smile! :-))
21 Aug, 2010
Lyn I `ve also enjoyed your blog and your pics are lovely, especially like the ones of the sparrows I think they were waiting for your Roy to move away and see if he`d left their next meal, my laptop played up this morning and all my search and signing on pages had a black background, daughter sorted it for me but we don`t know why it did it and she isn`t really sure how she fixed it but its ok now.........
21 Aug, 2010
Lovely blog Lyn and I know that feeling of sitting up all night when you could be tucked up all warm and cosy. (It's 05:30 now). I've got used to jobs not getting done when they should be done but left until they can be done. It isn't easy to sit and look out at all those little things you would like to be doing but it is much better than trying to do them and hurting yourself.
I'm sure "Bab's" wouldn't mind you pinching the lyrics of her song if she knew they were going to be used in such a lovely blog.
22 Aug, 2010
and i read and enjoyed it as well lol sparrors made me chukkle lol. love the blue hydrangers . you got it working in the end ,so thats all that matters ;0)
25 Aug, 2010
Recent posts by simplylyn
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- Feeling shattered!
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- The Garden made a good recovery!
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- Rip van Winkle's wife!
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Well I read it - and enjoyed it! Love the sparrows, what a perfect place for them to perch. 'Our' gang seem to like roosting in our Hazel tree which is near to the balcony where we sit with a drink in the evenings and once they were making such a racket before settling down for the night, Partner called out "Oi! Stop all that noise!" and they did! Partner can obviously speak 'Sparrer.' We have buzzards here too, along with short-toed eagles, vultures and many other raptor birds. Their cry often brings us rushing out with the binoculars.
Hope you got back to sleep again without the kicking and groaning :o)
20 Aug, 2010