Day of Rest!
By simplylyn
I must have overdone it yesterday as I had a bad night and had to take things easy today.
While lying on my bed I heard a terrific ‘clonk’ and thought it must have been a large bird striking a window. Sick feeling! During the night I had also heard a loud sound and didn’t know whether to awake my husband or wait and see if I got attacked. Decided wakening Roy in the midst of his well earned rest would be worst so attempted to trace any movement around the house by listening with my whole body!!! Nilch! (Is that a real word?). Anyway, no one came knocking on my bedroom door so I must have zonked out until the morning tea arrived at 5:45.
After exchanging our night time experiences we then started another day of life together.
Returning to the bird striking the window, we discovered it was a lovely collared dove, one of a pair that have a nest in a hedge opposite our house and defend it fiercely against the deadly foes, jackdaws, crows and cats. Howard again!! The dove was stunned apparently because it flew off when we came tip toeing nearby. I shall endeavour to get pics of them when they get up to mischief on the garage roof across the way or maybe when they are feeding in our garden – yes that would be more refined for such a respectable gardening fraternity.
Isn’t this a lovely (what do you call it) to belong to? Is it a club, website, org.?
Having been lazing around most of the day apart from attending our Sunday meeting, I have now got my second wind and am on the computer at 10:30.
Roy will be calling down to me any minute and threatening to buy a REAL doghouse. I don’t know where he can put it as the garden is so small. Ha ha!,
I haven’t time for many more photos tonight so shall be content with one or two I took yesterday. Hope you like them..
Can’t sign off without saying a big thank you to all who have made me so welcome and written such kind things about our window box. I shall measure it tomorrow just to see exactly how big it is.
Ahah! I have been summoned to go to bed as it is 11 o.clock.
Goodnight gardeners everywhere!
14 Jun, 2009
Previous post: Garden progresses
Next post: The morning after the night before!
11 o'clock ! Now did you really go to bed then ? :o)
15 Jun, 2009
The clematis is beautiful. Hope you had no more things going bump in the night. I have a problem in this house with suicidal birds, think it must be the large windows - did you see my recent blog about my similar experiences? Pigeons and doves make such a huge thump don't they, it makes my heart sink and scares the life out of my cat Daisy!
15 Jun, 2009
Lovely blog
15 Jun, 2009
Enjoyed your blog gave me a chuckle I’m glad you were safe in your bed.
Lovely photos looking forward to seeing more :0)
15 Jun, 2009
Nice blog and photos Lyn. We often have Collared Doves hitting our windows, but it's usually becaus they are being chased by the hungry local Sparrow hawk!A couple of time, a very clear wing print has beed left on the window.
15 Jun, 2009
Recent posts by simplylyn
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Lovely photos Lyn and the others of your garden,enjoyed reading your blogs and had a chuckle at your response to things that go bump in the night,pleased the dove wasn,t seriously hurt ,I,ve a pair living here somewhere although I,ve yet to discover exactly where their nest is,they are becoming quite tame now and cheeky with it.Looking forward to seeing more of your photographs........
14 Jun, 2009