Garden progresses
By simplylyn
Moved into new home November 2006. Window box garden 34’ 6" x24’.
We made some needed changes over the next (nearly) 3 years. Some plants, trees, shrubs, pots and upper gravelled areas had to go. The lower part of the garden was overgrown as were the two side areas where we put a small shed, vital for all gardeners, in the right hand corner and paved around it. Once cleared we laid a gravel path with stepping stones to link up the lower level. Now one can walk comfortably all the way round. Willow trellis was added to the posts to support the climbing plants in situ.
First 6 photos shew garden in 2007
Next 9 photos taken 2008
Next 12 photos taken 2009 Snowy start!
Paved terrace on upper level. My ambition is to lie on a sunbed here for the first time this summer . Too bumpy before on the gravel.
My appointed guard against Howard, neighbours’ Siamese who thinks this is his plot.
To be developed, watch this garden area!
20 Jun, 2009
Previous post: Spiders, Trojans, Worms, Viruses, Frogs and or Toads?
Next post: Jack is back!
Lovely garden,lots of hard work,you've deserved that sunbed and I hope you get lots of chances to use it :)
20 Jun, 2009
well done very pretty enjoyed the journey round your plot. Loved your beautiful matching blue pots. Sue
20 Jun, 2009
Oh what a lovely happy garden, I bet you enjoy it everyday to the fullest. Happy times in our gardens for sure.
20 Jun, 2009
Lovely garden Lyn. All the hard work was worth it. Well done. Enjoy all the sunshine they say we're going to get next week.
20 Jun, 2009
lovely, i really like the gravel path with decking slabs, may have to use that idea in my garden
thanks for the pictures i really love looking and gaining new ideas
20 Jun, 2009
Brill garden Lyn, youve worked hard and made it beautiful i hope we do get a chance to lie on our sun beds,but the rain in the northeast is gettn me down at the min :( I just look out the window or if im lucky run out and do a bit between showers :)))
20 Jun, 2009
Your garden is beautiful. A true labor of love...
20 Jun, 2009
Great pictures Lyn and a lovely garden.
21 Jun, 2009
Your garden looks lovely, sunbed to the ready.
21 Jun, 2009
It's great. Surprising what you can do in a small area.
21 Jun, 2009
Thanks for the kind comments. Lifted me up as I haven't been too well for the past few days. Saw the doctor earlier in the week and had some blood taken for tests because he saw a pink rash (I hadn't noticed it) so now I have something else to worry about!!! However, some good news:-
Jack is Back!
Tell you about it in another blog....
Lovely people out there, must be something about gardening.
That's where mankind started off.
21 Jun, 2009
It looks extremely neat and tidy, you've worked hard on it. Nice photos and nice cat ornament.I never partiucularly liked garden ornaments but since seeing so many on GOY, have cashnged my mind somewhat!
23 Jun, 2009
Recent posts by simplylyn
- Confined to Barracks!
23 Nov, 2010
- .
22 Nov, 2010
- Back to normal - well as near as possible!
27 Oct, 2010
- Feeling shattered!
8 Oct, 2010
- Last of the Summer time?
20 Aug, 2010
- The Garden made a good recovery!
2 Aug, 2010
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22 Jan, 2009
Wonderful improvements :o)
Get your sunbed ready.... hot weather forecast for next week...
20 Jun, 2009