Missing you -Missing me!
By simplylyn
Hallo out there in Garden Utopia!
Felt a bit off recently, I am sure you know the symptoms. Things happen that disturb us i.e. plants dying on us, trellises collapsing under the weight of climbing plants, feeling too tired to get up after sleepless nights, aches and pains, members of family with job redundancy problems, old friends passing away, work piling up indoors, Howard the Siamese cat leaving calling cards all around the garden, three frogs disappearing, tempers fraying, and a bad reaction to some new ‘Generic’ medication instead of a branded one I have had for many years for Restless Legs Syndrome. Oh dear, and on top of all this my dear husband fell down the dreaded steps in the garden………AGAIN!
That was the last crunch!
No, I did not push him but I was right behind him trying to help him negotiate the last of 4 heavy paving stones into position to raise the height of the notorious bottom step leading down to ’Mum’s Garden’. He had decided to get some pavings and do the job himself although still suffering from his bad shoulder. Three were accomplished before I was aware of it but the fourth was a mistake. Walking forwards with a heavy slab in his hands down those steep steps was NOT a sensible thing to do. So I tried to help by holding onto his trouser belt. Hm! The top step was OK then the second was achieved with a bit of a wobble but the last was nearly lethal.
One minute he was there and the next he launched himself over and disappeared and I almost followed him down to the earthy depths below. He ended curled up tightly in the corner on top of my little garden plaque with his face buried in the escollonia and his legs twisted and arms doubled up underneath with the BAD shoulder on the ground.
Needless to say I did not call out, “You haven’t smashed the paving slab have
you, dear?”
As if I would do that!
No, I scrambled down as best I could and began my deeply concerned and sympathetic wife role. Neither of us knew what to do at first as he couldn’t move a muscle. I kept asking should I go for help from a neighbour but he said no very firmly; he just wanted to try everything out first to see if anything wasn’t working, then he would attempt to extricate himself from his predicament with a little help from his ever-loving spouse!!!
Hours later we managed to manoeuvre him into a suitable position on his back from where he was able to lever his body into a half sitting state. Without pulling on his bad arm I managed to get him up onto his knees and from then on it was all plain sailing. Well, at least we knew he wasn’t vitally injured and although I forgot the customary treatment of a hot cup of sweet tea, he declared his intention of finishing the job. Badge for Courage, Medal of Honour and umpteen other appropriate ‘gongs’ coming up!
I waited until the next day to tidy up my garden and I salvaged what I could of the broken or crushed plants, hoed over the flattened soil and removed Howard’s latest deposits. The rain must have washed away the mothballs or he has taken a liking to them.
Now it looks back to normal but neither of us is eager to descend via the steps yet. The bottom one rocks slightly in a rather unnerving way.
I have searched the internet for wrought iron rails and found several firms that do make them, but it will take a little time to persuade him to give his permission to proceed further. Alternatively, I quite like the idea of a chair lift as at some ski resort, or an aerial cabin, or perhaps a monorail around the garden? The mind boggles at the choice!
Photos to come when the rain stops.
Meanwhile, the repair of the trellis is another story………………….
15 Jul, 2009
Previous post: An evening stroll around the window box.
Next post: Overwhelmed!
Welcome back Lyn...glad to know you're both ok. praying for continued improvement and you both feeling Great soon.
15 Jul, 2009
So nice to have your blogs to read again Lyn...
Lovely to have you back on GoY....
I'm reading this at 2.25 a.m......
Hi Ian... sleepless nights ?..... don't ask. Lol.
Lyn...check out Raquel's recent photo of a ski lift....
I reckon that pic can give you lots of inspiration for design ideas for your steep steps. Lol. Lol. :o)
16 Jul, 2009
Lovely blog Lyn, poor hubbie .... he's a bit disaster prone out there isn't he ? !
By the way, add me to the sleepless nights and always tired list :(
16 Jul, 2009
I hope everyone had at least some sleep...
16 Jul, 2009
Missed you Lyn, glad to have you back. Sorry to hear of all your misfortunes it sounds like you have had more than your share. I must admit my first thought was not for hubby or the pavings but the escallonia!! Once a gardener always a gardener eh?
Hope things are improving for you both.
16 Jul, 2009
oh bless your hearts
I dont want to sound like Im molycodling you
but I do so wish I lived close by so as to send my hubby round to help.
What an awful thing to happen amongst others. I bet hubby was badly shaken and no sweet tea to revive just terrible!
Sleepless nights are the bane of my life too my lil girl is so unsettles at night and constantly waking bless her, I now have good old matchsticks propping the eyes. Good thing though have finished various books I otherwise have little time for.
The ideas of a monorail and fabulous and if we had won the lottery wednesday would buy you one of an instant and be round every day to play
all aboard...peep peep
love to you both and sending you lots of warm and floaty thoughts to help you nod off tonight
x x x
16 Jul, 2009
Sorry to hear about all your troubles and your poor husband falling.......im sure things can only improve..... so i see im not the only one who cant get a good nights sleep......
16 Jul, 2009
I'm sending you a PM, Lyn...nuff said.
16 Jul, 2009
Welcome back Lynne. Hope hubby is recovering now, and that things soon get back to normal.
16 Jul, 2009
Dear lord, its no picnic, getting on, is it? I keep going, am determined not to give in, but do I pay a heavy price after gardening - this damn arthritis. I hope you've both recovered well, but I don't blame your husband for trying! I'm fully aware that if they told me my heart has got worse and I shouldn't do anything to upset it, I'd probably take up abseiling .... Take care, and carry on, regards.
20 Jul, 2009
now that is the type of day you want to stay in bed with the covers over the head
20 Jul, 2009
Recent posts by simplylyn
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- Back to normal - well as near as possible!
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- Feeling shattered!
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- The Garden made a good recovery!
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Oh Lyn, what a terrible thing to happen to poor hubby. Give him my best regards and tell him its exactly the kind of thing I would do, including the refusal of help! I hope he is recovering well and being suitably pampered by everyone after his ordeal.
I hope you yourself soon feel better, Sleepless nights can be the most debilitating thing, and nobody seems to understand (unless, of course, they have suffered themselves). Along with everything else you must be ready for a nice long break somewhere peaceful and relaxing.
Hope you both feel better soon.......Ian
15 Jul, 2009