Life gets tedjus don' it?
By simplylyn
There was an old song in which that phrase cropped up. It was half humorous and the narrator sounded like a ‘hill billy’ lazily recounting all the boring things going on around him. Well, I could join him at present as I am very down in the dumps. A little bit of good weather provides a slight boost but it doesn’t last – the weather or the boost!
Our garden is so neglected and the handrails are not yet ready for installation. I doubt I shall be needing them for a while but for Roy’s sake I hope they come. If he fell again I don’t know where we should be. My left shoulder has joined his in suffering and we try to help each other cope.
A bit of good news though! On 21st we are expecting the first sighting of our No.3 Great-grandson :-) He will be a month old. His mother and brother and our daughter and husband (the Grandparents) are coming up specially to see our part of the family. We have another daughter who lives nearby and she has five children, two married and one with a little boy so it should raise our spirits. I must make an effort.
I haven’t been keeping up to date with things so I don’t know what’s happened to all you lovely people out there. I do hope things are well for you all.
Kind regards
14 Sep, 2009
Previous post: Overwhelmed!
Next post: If you could see it now.....that little plant of mine! dah de dah!
Sorry Lyn I clicked on like blog force of habit.
14 Sep, 2009
Oh dear Lyn,sorry you are feeling down but seeing all your family ,especially a new baby will be good for you and Roy,sincerely hope you improve soon and dont worry about your garden it can fend for itself for a while..........
14 Sep, 2009
Glad to hear from you Lynn but sorry you still aren't feeling too good. Did you get the PM I sent about 2 weeks ago? I hope seeing your family will help to cheer you up.
14 Sep, 2009
Its lovely to hear from you again SL, I'm sorry your not it better fettle pet but the great grand children will bring the sun out for you I'm sure.
14 Sep, 2009
Hi must've joined Goy just before sorry to hear you are not feeling chipper...we all send a big hug to you & as Ian says...let your little ones get you smiling again.
14 Sep, 2009
Sincere thanks to you all.
A little better today but have been resting on the sofa for most of it - just now I came into the study to check GoY before going to bed and found your kind comments. I shall sleep with a smile on my face I am sure!
Good night God bless xx
15 Sep, 2009
missed you lyn visit when you can. And enjoy the expanding family.
18 Sep, 2009
Recent posts by simplylyn
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- Back to normal - well as near as possible!
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- Feeling shattered!
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- The Garden made a good recovery!
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Gardening with friends since
9 Aug, 2009
so sorry to hear your down in the dumps Simplylyn,with all this lovely weather we've just been having, sunshine always makes one feel a whole lot better I think.
At least you have something to look forward to seeing your great grandson. ENJOY while you can.
Take care,Les.
14 Sep, 2009