If you could see it now.....that little plant of mine! dah de dah!
By simplylyn
If you remember me you may also remember my mystery plant that started off my acquaintance with GoY. It was supposed to be Plectranthus Fruticosus but many had doubts.
Well, it grew and grew and then some hanging flower buds appeared that gradually raised themselves upright and began to open into pretty little white and mauve flowers that have lasted for nearly three weeks.
I still am unsure what its real name is as it doesn’t fit into any descriptions in our gardening books, however it is very attractive and gives us a lot of pleasure. Perhaps someone out there will recognize it?
Hope everyone is keeping well and busy! I have yet to pull myself into an acceptable state. Simply whacked that is how Simplylyn feels! A good dose of tonic required but not one for plants (although I don’t exactly feel human!)
We now have handrails in our garden but I have used them only once. Maybe next year if all goes well.
Kindest regards to all
19 Oct, 2009
Previous post: Life gets tedjus don' it?
Next post: A Halcyon New Year Ahead to You All.
Cheer up Lyn, hope you feel better soon .Please waft some of that lovely sea air over to me Holly it's a good tonic, and it's free.
19 Oct, 2009
So glad to see you back on GoY Lyn, I do hope you find the energy to visit us more often. I'm afraid I have no idea what the plant is either but it's lovely anyway. :o))
19 Oct, 2009
Looks like exactly what you said, Plectranthus fruticosus, or spur flower. Used to grow different kinds of Plectranthus in FL; kind of like a coleus, quick, easy to propagate rooting at the nodes. A fuzzy white and green one is called Cuban Oregano. And there's a lovely silvery one. Enjoy! Hope you find a tonic to lift you!
20 Oct, 2009
I didn't know you've been unwell. I hope you feel better now. Your plant redembles Plectranthus leaves and flowers but not the upright growth. It's a nice plant though.
20 Oct, 2009
lovely plant , dont know what it is sorry
20 Oct, 2009
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Hi Simplylyn... not sure what your plant is......... but do hope you feel better soon........wish i could send you some of our sea air........to cheer you up......its a tonic in itself.............
19 Oct, 2009