Hi Everyone I'm Back!!!
By sodapopklc
Just a quick blog to say how sorry I am for my absence on here… Time has gone by so quickly and I apologise for the unanswered questions people have left to me over the past couple of years. Since I have last been on here I have been in a whirl wind of finding full time employment (the job is going great) and I am now a proud owner of my very first website created for a friend of mine who’s an up and coming actor/singer/professional dancer which took over 2 years to get up and running… But throughout all of this absence there is one thing that I’ve always remained passionate about and that is me herb & veg gardening :) I’ve added some new pics of the garden flowers this year, and will hope to add more v.soon… Also the shed has had it’s first coat of paint on – it’s now a lovely rich ceder colour.
If you can forgive me for my absence, I would love to hear from you all again… and can’t wait to check out what other people’s garden’s have been like :)
Take care and happy gardening!
Lucy x
7 Mar, 2011
Previous post: Meet My New Friend Speckle!
Next post: Happy Easter & Happy Gardening!
Hi Lucy...glad you have come back to us...:>)
7 Mar, 2011
Gosh you must have been one of the first members in 2007 !
I joined in spring of 20008, but re-joined with another name in 2009 because I didn't like being called by my cat's name lol
It's nice to hear from you and I hope you are here to stay now :o)
8 Mar, 2011
Recent posts by sodapopklc
- Back On The Gardening
3 Jun, 2015
- Happy Easter & Happy Gardening!
24 Apr, 2011
- Meet My New Friend Speckle!
21 Aug, 2008
7 Oct, 2007
- Bird Feast!
13 Aug, 2007
8 Jul, 2007
Hi Welcome back Lucy
7 Mar, 2011