By sodapopklc
Hello everyone,
As a lot of you know by now I love collecting Japanese Maples, and for anyone who is passionate about acers this is the time of year to be on the hunt for them… I’ve bought a few of my trees now from common DIY store like B&Q, Homebase & Focus, when they first have them in store they’re a heafty price, but be patient and wait, cos now till end November is perfect time to grab a bargin!…
This week I went to B&Q and because most Acers have lost there leaves these stores slash the price of them to half price, I bought a tree that’s finished it’s leaves for this year and was originally priced at £12.99 for just £4.99 just because it’s bare, but I know that the leaves will flourish and come back next year.
This time last year I bought a tall standing red acer, it was originally priced at £45.99, but as it had lost all it’s leaves B&Q slashed the price to £19.99, a real bargin as it’s looking fantastic this year!
Just remember to gently scrape the bark in several areas to check that it’s green and healthy, if it’s brown don’t buy as it’s dying or dead. Always do this before purchasing the tree, otherwise you may not end up with such a good bargin.
Please remember that acers will have to be covered/protected from frost over winter, and they also are acid soil lovers.
Hope this info helps & happy maple buying!!!
7 Oct, 2007
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If you ever need to prune an acer, ONLY do it during the winter when the leaves are off. If you do it when the sap is rising, it will bleed badly and may well get killed
9 Oct, 2007
I have 7 now and still collecting! :-)
14 Oct, 2007
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- Bird Feast!
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1 Mar, 2008
Sounds like you have an eye for bargains - how many acers have you got now? I wish I had space for a multi-colour one like Joey's.
7 Oct, 2007