Meet My New Friend Speckle!
By sodapopklc
Hello fellow gardeners, I’ve not wrote in the blog section for a while, but after taking 3 lovely pics of my new friend I thought it only right to introduce you all properly to our very friendly bird – Speckle…
Speckle often visits our garden on a daily basis, we have a stone dish which is filled daily with fresh water, the little thrushs love to drink out of it, and they make use of the spare dirt by having fun mud baths. Speckle often comes wondering down the garden path, I sprinkle raisins and bread espeically for him/her. One sunny day my mum went into our new conservatory and low an behold Speckle had sneeked in!!! Ol Speck had ventured a bit too close for comfort I think, as he soon went back out.
I love birds and always try to encourage them into the garden, thankfully there doesn’t appear to be any cats where we’ve moved (touch wood) so the birds seem happy to rumage through the bushes.
I’ve not seen Speckle now for about 3 weeks, I hope nothing horrid has happened to him, but then again I don’t see any of the other black birds either so maybe it’s the time of year? We’ll have to wait and see :-)
21 Aug, 2008
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Hi Speckle :)
21 Aug, 2008
Speckle is beautiful. What a cute photo.
I had a nest of thrushes in my garden about 6 weeks ago.
This was the first time in 7 years I had seen thrushes in my neighbourhood. The thrush parents worked very hard raising two youngsters. We do have lots of cats around here, so I worry how well young birds survive locally.
However, more recently one morning there were three new juvenile thrushes in the garden, just for a short while, so I think the parents had produced a second family in a different nest nearby.
Just because the thrushes disappear doesn't necessarily mean they have come to harm.
I found when recently there were a couple of dry days (yes, it did stop raining for about 48 hours!) the thrushes returned just to use the bird bath in my garden.
I hope Speckle comes back often to visit you and you can take more lovely pictures. Thanks for this photo.
21 Aug, 2008
He,ll be back he knows you love him
21 Aug, 2008
Great photo of a real gardeners friend.
21 Aug, 2008
He's/she's great!
22 Aug, 2008
wow how great!!!
22 Aug, 2008
I found that throwing snails up on to the garage roof has encouraged thrushes into my garden. Those snails that don't get eaten get fried if we get any hot weather
22 Aug, 2008
That's an interesting idea, Andrewr. Thanks !
In my garden this summer, when the thrush parents were feeding their fledglings, they displayed amazingly well-coordinated team-work, taking turns in smashing up snails to give to their young. One thrush would have a bash, and then the other would take over. Good parenting !
22 Aug, 2008
What's going to work? - Teamwork!" Our children forever sing the signature tune from the kids' programme "Wonderpets". Your comment, Terratoonie, reveals that real wildlife uses this technique very well.
23 Aug, 2008
speckle is lovely your picture inspired me to post my birdie pic
25 Aug, 2008
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22 Oct, 2008
Could well be the time of year. Now that the second brood have grown up our birds are much quieter and are not coming down into the garden like they were a few weeks ago. Mind you it's been pretty hot here so I don't blame them.
21 Aug, 2008