A brief mardle!!
By sooze
Well those of you who have been to Norfolk will know that a mardle is just something you do when you chat about nothing in particular!
I could have gone to the local horse trials as a VIP…in the rain – not funny! So, rugby is on TV (to keep Alan entertained) and I thought i’d just have a mardle!
Don’t you just hate it when it’s cold and wet – I’ve even got the heating on…however last week in the hot sun I wandered around the garden with my camera..so here’s something to wet your appetite for summer days…
A couple of years ago I threw some aquilegia seeds (from my patio plants) over the low wall of my patio..I was so disappointed when all I got was loads of leaves last year. But I persisted and refused to pull them out…just in case. But look what happened this year….
So this year they have been so beautiful that we have gone a bit aquilegia-tastic!!! (just a word I made up :0))
we also put some of the seeds in pots in a shaded area under the carport – where we sit on wet evening with a glass of wine…or two
The local garden centre has (whoops – had!) a beautiful new one…Spitfire, which Alan couldn’t resist – I came home from work one day and there it was sitting proudly on the patio..
Well there you go …that’s my mardle done – except to show you the lovely buttercups in my lawn…or they were until Alan cut it!!
29 May, 2010
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lovely aqualigia, and pretty pics to sooze.
29 May, 2010
Raining here as well but needed so thats the good bit, hopefully not for all weekend tho. You did well leaving the aqulegia they look lovely and really like the Spitfire......
29 May, 2010
Not heard that word for many years! My maternal Grandparents were from Thetford, nr. Diss and never lost their accent, despite living in Sussex for 60 years. Beautiful Aquilegias, my favourite flower. Sunshine tomorrow is forecast. : o ) ) )
29 May, 2010
I have loads of these in the garden which come up every year and always wondered what they were! I like them very much, thanks for that Sooze :~))
29 May, 2010
I love aquilegias and yours look lovely.
29 May, 2010
Gorgeous pics ! :o)
29 May, 2010
Your aquilegias are beautiful Sooze......
29 May, 2010
You mardle all you like its nice to read other peoples successes I have lots of granny bonnets & they seed everywhere but could do with some of your colours.Git thut Norfolk wind ta blew sum seed up north.
29 May, 2010
lovely pics.
29 May, 2010
Recent posts by sooze
- Poor Jasper is bored
7 Aug, 2010
- Meggie and friends
25 Apr, 2010
- My garden through the seasons
14 Feb, 2010
- it's freezing here in Norfolk
9 Jan, 2010
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lovely mardle. love the aquilegia.
29 May, 2010