What happened?
By steragram
I was writing a comment on Jane’s Nursery rhyme blog, watching the keyboard instead of the screen and suddenly GOY shut itself down. When I reopened it that blog and the one before it had disappeared from my list of blogs I’d commented on. I’ve had blogs disappear before and never sussed why – any ideas?
9 Nov, 2013
Previous post: God speaks with St Francis
Next post: Fran's news
Surely only blogs can disappear if the member deletes them!!?? Not sure Stera, don't worry though, maybe PM Jane'snursery.
9 Nov, 2013
hi steragram..my blog is still there...hope it reappears for you and thank you for your comment on my blog....
sorry that has happened and sorry i can not help as to why...
9 Nov, 2013
My comments often disappear from some of the blogs and I've never figured out why, yesterday morning I lost Goy completely, now I kid you not that caused quite a panic, what would I do without my daily fix...
9 Nov, 2013
I'll never understand these contraptions !
I hope your screen shows the right things now. It's annoying when something like that happens.
Often when I am writing a comment, the next word will appear in the middle of a previous one, a few lines further up the page ! WHY !? It baffles me ...
10 Nov, 2013
Snoop......a little tip for you, if you or anyone is writing a long blog, save a few lines into 'drafts' and then continue later on, at least you will then know some is saved !! :) Hywel haven't heard the word 'contraptions' for a while. LOL.
10 Nov, 2013
Hywel.that sometimes happens with my text..it's usually the cursor in the wrong place? ..mainly when I meant to press enter to move to the next line..and didn't ! Lol.darned Contraptions ! :o))..x
10 Nov, 2013
Isn't "cursor" an apt word?!!
10 Nov, 2013
I do that too Hywel - leave the cursor in the wrong place and start writing again. It all comes of watching the keyboard instead of the screen. I did find Jane's blog again but still don't understand why they sometimes disappear without me pressing delete. Odd.
Sheila you have a point there!
10 Nov, 2013
I hadn't thought of it that way Sheila :o).It fits the bill perfectly !...and I do the same,Sue,eyes mainly on the keyboard . I'm glad you found your way again :o)
Snoopy,the arrow disappears once you start typing,and only reappears when you go outside the comment box..
10 Nov, 2013
I'm confused.dot com.Snoop! :o) I am useless with a mouse,with my laptop..so I never use it..but thanks anyway :o)
10 Nov, 2013
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How strange,Sue..that has never happened to me..so I've no idea what could have happened..I hope someone might be able to give you an explanation..
9 Nov, 2013