Autumn pics and new bed
By steragram
Just a few spots of colour to encourage me digging up some more lawn…
First, here’s Crocosmia Severn Sunrise, with Geranium Rozanne peeping through it.
Fuchsia Southgate with F. Minuet – neither hardy unfortunately. I made a standard from Southgate some years ago but it took up too much space in winter so i gave it away. …
First year flowering from a cutting a friend gave me.
Gift from a kind Goyer – best its been so far! it really lifts the s[pirit.
Lovely butterflies – two red admirals and a tortoiseshell.
An hour or two after making a start on a new bed. Spot the bit of pond and the wheelbarrow in the corner.
And lots of effort later: This will house the new dwarf lilac that’s on order – wanted one for ages!
Finally this is the view across the lower part of the bed, taken before I’d finished widening it:
The white bush at the bottom is Hydrangea quercifolia, which has never flowered like this before!
22 Sep, 2015
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It is a lovely shaped border in your lawn Sue.
23 Sep, 2015
I am all for curves in a garden.
23 Sep, 2015
Lovely blog and pics. Isn't it great when you look at the beauty in your garden which in turn inspires you to create even more
23 Sep, 2015
It cetrainly is Gertrude. Thank you Sandra, Linda and Diane.
There's a sad ending - we found the mower wouldn't go round the top because there was a dip in the lawn, so yesterday afternoon was spent lifting turf and filling in - used a whole barrowload of soil and got very tired! If it's still a problem you may hear the scream from here...
23 Sep, 2015
It will settle with all the rain. Be ok in the spring.
24 Sep, 2015
Settling is the problem Diane - we fear it might sink again as it did before.Its level for now though.
24 Sep, 2015
Good luck with it Stera, hope to see your lilac there next year.
24 Sep, 2015
Thanks Klahanie - it should be arriving tomorrow!
24 Sep, 2015
That'll look great Stera.....I love island beds.unfortunately my new garden wouldn't be big enough to accomodate them. I had a dwarf Lilac years ago at a former garden (not my last one) and it was excellent we only had it 3 or 4 years before we moved but it grew and flowered was a pink colour.
24 Sep, 2015
Thanks Paul. When you've sneaked a bit more lawn you might have just room for one!
24 Sep, 2015
It looks lovely, Stera - such a good shape. I hope you have solved the problem with the lawn. It is so aggravating when an alteration produces an unexpected problem. My new Southgate has produced loads of flowers this year but they haven't all opened. I didn't manage to over-winter many fuchsias last winter, I'm not sure why.
25 Sep, 2015
I have two Southgates and like yours, lots of buds but not much of a flower show. Hope you have better luck this winter with your fuchsias.
25 Sep, 2015
Ah yes found it now Stera they are so pretty love them so much and bonus they flower later than the others that I have, all good stuff to keep the colour going longer. So pleased you introduced me to them, thank you again. :O)
26 Sep, 2015
They were recommended to me when I bought Physocarpus diablo - I asked the nursery owner what she thought would go well with it. I would never have thought of orange but it works.
26 Sep, 2015
I would definitely agree with that - that's just what is next to the ones you sent me. How strange is that, because when you said would I like some, I had no idea what colours they were and I planted them and then re-planted a Physocarpus diablo right next to where I had put them. They set each other off really well. I have always been a plonker planter and if something doesn't quite go I move them. Strangely not many times are things moved though.
26 Sep, 2015
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You have done a great job,Sue..and I didn't realise your lawned area was so big..Your new border breaks it up nicely..lovely plants too ...
23 Sep, 2015