Aberfan again
By steragram
Can’t find the blog or question where we spoke about this but have just seen the following cutting from the local paper which might be of interest to the people who commented on it
This was in the on line Western Telegraph – doesn’t look like the whole link but putting appropriate words into Google should bring it up.
1 Oct, 2016
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it must be the 50th anniversary of this disaster if my memory serves me well on the 21st of this month. I will never forget this horrendous day as it happened on my birthday while I was pregnant with my son. Well I think that is correct but maybe my memory is misled.
1 Oct, 2016
50 years....I'd have been 14 and at school......Its a very strong memory even now
1 Oct, 2016
I think most of us who remember this tragedy,will never forget the horror of it all..I still recall Cliff Michelmore who was the reporter at the scene at the time,being in tears...It doesn't seem like 50 years ago,does it? but yes,it must be..
1 Oct, 2016
Thanks Shirley - I knew it was a recent one.
It would be interesting to get hold of the book that's being advertised. 50 years?? No it doesn't seem possible at all.
1 Oct, 2016
Hard to grasp that it happened 50 years ago as it stands out so clearly in my mind.
Such a terrible day. So many lives lost, just awful.
1 Oct, 2016
I don't remember it much but it was on the tv. I remember my father saying they should close all the coal mines down because they were too dangerous.
(his father was killed in one)
Yes I know the Aberfan disaster didn't happen in a coalmine, but the tip came from one.
2 Oct, 2016
Always so sad each year as this is remembered. I found out this year that one of my uncles who was in the merchant navy, joined his friend who was from the next village to Abervan on a mercy mission to try and help. He along with many others got there the day after and dug for three days and nights. My uncle only pulled out dead bodies...he never told anyone he had been as he felt so unless afterwards. We have all told him how proud we are that he went to help.
2 Nov, 2016
My neighbour's husband was one of the first there Sandra, and he never speaks of it either - just as survivors from WW1 used not to mention it ever again. Some memories are two painful to let them surface.
3 Nov, 2016
I recall this as if it was yesterday horrific watch it at 12 years old as both my parents were born in the valley's when the war broke out they came to Coventry like a lot of Welsh people for work hence the city I was born in . The Coventry people started a fund and sent money for a park to be built for the children and more money recently sent for to update the park.
16 May, 2018
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Stera, it's on Hywels blog 'Little Journeys' ...
1 Oct, 2016