Our 1st Garden That I Revamped
By steve_dj
I really wanted this to be my 1st blog but is now my 2nd as I had to comment about the CFS award for Best In Show but thats another matter. lol
Well we moved in to this flat in January and didn’t know what state the garden was in as it was under 2ft of snow. Oh yes, mother nature decided to snow on the day we moved in but that didn’t stop us!
So it was into March before I could get into the garden as moving in takes so long to unpack & make it your home but guess most of us have been there. So got rid of weeds, dead ivy and decided to give it a small border to start with the help of my daughter Mia. Bless her
So with the border done it was time to get rid of that moss of a lawn. Looks like grass but I can assure you it was nothing but mostly moss & mud. Maybe 10% grass.
So moss killer put down and wait for it to die before digging it up to start a fresh.
Popped down to B&Q as I saw they was selling turf when I got the moss killer so thought i’d see what the quality was like as it was only £2.30 a roll. It was just a basic hardy turf which was fine for my garden as the cheapest i’d found was around £300. This cost just over £50 so decided to gamble and bought the 1st lot there & then as we was forcasted heavy rain all weekend so perfect weather for it. Got soaked putting it in the car and out again. lol
So put my full wets on and decided to make a start the same day and got the 1st lot laid just before I lost all light! lol
Next morning, up at 1st light to see how it was looking as was working blind for the last row. Only thing I had to do was cut round the drain but so far so good so decided to head down B&Q to buy the rest of the turf ready for the hardest bit.
The last section took longer to do as doing the cutouts and trying to keep the sections as big as poss to prevent breakage was a nightmare but got there in the end. Looks a little patchy but thats normal to start but just pleased got it done before got drenched as the rain was looming. Plenty of it.
So with the turf now down for about a week I decided it was time to brighten up the border with some annual flowers.
Then decided that a edging border might look good and glad i did.
Next up was sheds to repair & repaint as my mate was giving me grief about it! lol. Totally changed the garden to be honest.
Now it was 3 weeks since turf had been laid and was ready for its 1st haircut
Then got some planters for near the sheds & trellis’s to add to the garden fences.
With trellis’s up it was time to plant the clematis’s and climbing rose.
Then decided to have a go at making my own Fuchsia hanging basket & mixed hanging basket from B&Q as i’d already done a pansy hanging basket which was going well. Mind you, got soaked through adding some trailling plants to pansy HB.
So HB all done and fixed to the fence. Looking quite nice down there now with the plants starting to bush out.
Having planted 4 shrubs down the back along with 2 bleeding hearts, I decided to give the bush that grows between the staghorn tree to give the new plants some sun and air. The response was quite quick and soon shot up. Not sure if this was me trimming or just coincedent. lol
Have a infestation of snails and slugs but seam to be getting on top of it now as less and less dead ones being found after eating the pellets. Started off about 20-30 for couple of days then down to 10-20 and now only a few tonight.
The mystery plant is coming along so well and only a matter of weeks before we see what flowers and end the comp to see who has won! lol. Can’t believe this is the same scraggly dead looking plant that i cut back to the roots in March.
A lot of plants are starting to flower just lovely including The President Clematis, petunia’s, Dianthus & Oriental Lily (Mona Lisa). This is the 2nd as the 1st got mostly eaten by snails & slugs. 2nd is in full flower. I split the old one up and put in different places. Its just starting to open up now
This is the latest pics of the garden taken a couple of days ago and just love my revamped garden. Gives me so much satisfaction to know I done all this for the very 1st time with no expert help.
This is how it looks as of yesterday with ivy gone from back, fence repainted, more shrubs and rose bush’s at the back and fox gloves added to under the shed hanging basket
View from our bedroom. The flowers down the side of the shed is all from seeds that was sowed in March
Hopefully I haven’t bored anyone to tears and thanks for taking time out to read my blog. Probably left some bits out but took longer than i thought.
My others won’t be so long winded! lol
Look forward to reading any replies recieved
27 May, 2010
Previous post: Chelsea Flower Show
Next post: If it ain't snails it bleeding new ivy shoots killing my plants!!
Awww thanks Sandra. So glad your the 1st to see & comment on my blog as wasn't sure how it was going to come across.
I've prob missed out some stuff but was getting bored with pics loading up. lol
27 May, 2010
lol know what you mean but dont worry it gave a good idea of progress from start to finish ;o)
27 May, 2010
I'm thinking of doing a very small pond down the bottom next year as I might get rid of the staghorn and bush inbetween. Going to see what the staghorn looks like in full bloom. Must admit, the leaves are looking stunning today on it with more coming through all down the branches. Just an idea to keep them snails at bay.
27 May, 2010
a small pond would be great steve, they do set a garden off and attract wildlife to ;o)), now you have the idea in your head your sure to do it now lol, i was exactly the same
27 May, 2010
The only problem is depth. It's only about 2ft MAX deep before hitting rocks. It would have to be a raised one i think. Do you fancy a trip to Essex 1 weekend to do it? lol.
27 May, 2010
lol i would help if i could steve, love a challenge,,well you could dig as deep as you can, put one of them solid bucket type ponds in them build around the rest with rockery or whatever you like really,, they dont cost much for small one either, pansypotter did a blog on making one in their garden a few weeks ago, im sure you have seen them busket/bowl shape rigid pond liners,also look on pond ideas there are lots of ideas
27 May, 2010
Yes I might just have a look later. Just out to water the garden! ;-)
27 May, 2010
Excellent job Steve dj. Well done you....
27 May, 2010
What a wonderful transformation,it takes some people many years to get this much done.The sheds look new,love the trellis,they'll soon be covered.
A lovely space for your family to enjoy in it's first summer :))
27 May, 2010
Thanks Michaella (steve is fine, lol).
Why thank you Aster. So rewarding and just love coming home from bad day at work to sitting in the garden looking at new buds and flowers coming through. Really pleased with what i've done considering i've never done before. Had about 8 offers of other people's gardens to do. lol
27 May, 2010
Wow its fantastic....lovin the new look sheds,just shows what a lick of paint can do,or is it cuprinol......you have every right to be proud,its beautiful :-)
27 May, 2010
Replaced the wood around where it seals the roof and gave it 2 coats of ronseal fencelife Dark oak.
27 May, 2010
I think you should change jour job:) it looks fantastic:) well done:)
27 May, 2010
lol Okasia. I'm not qualified and don't think my knee's & back would take all the bending and kneeling down day in day out! Shame as i'd probably love it
27 May, 2010
bloody hell,i want you to come up to mine and do my garden for me pllleeaasse,what a brill job you did,just hope mine looks like this one day,and didnt know b&q did grass will have a look,thanks for the lovely blog
27 May, 2010
You've done really well. It looks great. You can be proud of your self lol. What we need now is for the nice weather to continue through the summer so that you can enjoy being out in your new garden :o)
28 May, 2010
Well done Steve,its a credit to you,and you are right to be so proud and pleased with it.You will never be finished you know,..tweaking here.moving there...welcome to being a gardener,:o))
28 May, 2010
welcome to the world of gardening. you will never just sit still again. You will always be thinking and planning. its a great first garden and looks so professional too.
well done to daughter too.
28 May, 2010
I love the before, during and after blogs - its makes the garden come alive - I think you've done wonderfully it looks great and the grass has really come one a treat! Well done!!
28 May, 2010
What a wonderful transformance Steve - Wish my husband was interested in our new build house garden as you are with yours. I, too am doing mine from nothing. I say nothing but at least I had a lawn - Well done on all your hard work, it's paid off.
28 May, 2010
Well done Steve you really have done so well, as for a pond, last year when Sandra was at my house first time she said she didnot have room for a pond, but knew she would have one, and now she is going to get some fish for her new pond, believe me it is so relazing sitting next to a pond and listening to the sound of water.
28 May, 2010
what a difference - you`v worked really hard and have some lovely plants i`m just wondering how long you will last before deciding to widen the borders to fit even more in- !!! this gardening is very addictive my borders get wider every year !
28 May, 2010
Ladybug, ty for your comments and a bit far to come to do your garden all though i've always fancied going to tyne & wear. Yes B&Q started doing turf this year but make sure you buy the delivery they had that day or day after. They usually have a board saying when next delivery is. I say this as rolled up turf doesn't like being rolled up more than 48 Hrs. + I don't think the staff keep it the rolls watered enough when there sitting there.
Hywel, just praying for a great summer to get them in full bloom. Had a good week of sun so far all though a drop of rain is forcasted tonight which will do the plants and my new turf the world of good.
Bloomer, Your right, i thought i was finished but have been tweaking all over the place and will be all weekend. Its not till you sit back and then see a better place for a certain plant to be. lol
seaburn. Ty for the comment . Wouldn't say it looked professional but thank you anyway. I'm more than pleased with how i've turned it into a pleasant garden. I've been out in the garden everyday since March and probably will be until winter. lol
GS, ty for the comment on my blog. It's come out quite well and have missed a few bits out in the blog but didn't want people to get bored of reading it. lol. Yes love the grass and only a couple of bare patches which isn't bad considering its a budget turf from B&Q.
Annelise, i'm sure your hubby will get more involved when he see's your efforts your putting in to your garden.
Ty clarice. I'd love a pond but its going to be next year due to funds really. Probably will have to have a raised one due to lack of depth. Already have an aquarium indoors which I've had for 6 years now & love it. Might post a pic of that in a bit. lol
28 May, 2010
Can't believe what a difference you've made, it looks really lovely! So pretty, you must be so chuffed. What a nice space for you and your family to enjoy.
29 May, 2010
lol Viv. Probably not very long but I love lawn so won't go much deeper. The sheds may be moved to the left against the fence and back so that'll give me a bit more to work with.
Thanks Jan. Really pleased with it and still tweaking. Doing a few more bits over the next few days.
29 May, 2010
Really enjoyed before and after pictures and the blog was good, not boring, pleased you are enjoying your hardwork, pat on the back for you. It looks great all of it, just sit down for a while now and relax in it, you really deserve it.
29 May, 2010
Thanks Olive. Glad you enjoyed the blog and didn't find it boring. Just gonna tweek it a little as 5 new plants bought today to fit in and possible removal of ivy all though just looked at it again and thought its a lot of awkward work to avoid plants/shrubs at the back and get round back of staghorn. Really are in 2 minds!! lol
29 May, 2010
Take care around the staghorn,if it's damaged you'll have it shooting up all over the place-even yards away !
29 May, 2010
Yes it was all over the place when we moved in. behind the shed & down the sides. Was quite bizarre as I didn't know at the time why! lol
29 May, 2010
Sorry I'm late with this, catching up on posts again :( I really enjoyed reading this and seeing the wonderful photos of the transformation. You've done a brilliant job on your garden, pat yourself on the back and enjoy it.
2 Jun, 2010
Thank you Katnip for your kind comments. I plan to enjoy it in the summer when i've finished. Thought i'd finished it last week then decided to tweak a few bits and now take down the ivy (see new blogs) as it was strangling the new plants and it was old 'n' tatty.
Will the garden ever be finished? Probably not as there is always something to do during this important time! lol
2 Jun, 2010
Keep at it Steve, it keeps you fit also, the trouble is with this site, when you are busy in the garden you sometimes find it difficult to catch up with all the gardening posts - think I could spend more time on here but then the garden must be looked after so I don't seem to get to see as much as I would like of other people's gardens but like you eventually I get around to it.
3 Jun, 2010
Yes I 'm like that now...got stuff can be doing but chilling out. Bloody ivy has taken it out of me. Just got back from taking it all down the tip. Gets right down your throat and onto your chest. No wonder i've been feeling ill last couple of days!
3 Jun, 2010
Well done you have worked wonders. Now to actually sit in it and enjoy it! I can talk, never seem to have time to do that myself. There's always another million jobs to do!
14 Jun, 2010
Thanks for your comment Jane.
I've got to change that last picture as it looks slightly different now with the ivy down off the back fence and painted, got more shrubs at the back and the lily's are no longer under the shed hanging basket. I've got fox gloves there now.
14 Jun, 2010
well done Steve, what a fantastic job you have done! Youve made such a difference, so rewarding when you sit down and admire what you have achieved. Bet your family are well chuffed with their new garden :o)
24 Jun, 2010
OMG such an inspiration!!! this is an amazing job...and thank you for sharing! I will paint the shed too this week end after seeing this..starting somewhere hehehe hope to get some results too!!!
19 Jul, 2010
My pleasure for sharing. Not bad for my 1st ever garden. lol
I looked at a lot of pics on here and got some good advice before starting on the revamp. So many good people on here all giving free good advice.
I've added you as a favourite so I can keep a breast of your garden as it comes along so plenty of pics please young lady! lol
p.s. Why on earth would you want to come to UK from Italy? lol
19 Jul, 2010
You've done a brill Job Steve. I love the way a neat tidy lawn changes the look completely, and turf is great cos no waiting. I will have a good look at the rest of your pics later (at work) :-)))
26 Jul, 2010
Ah thanks Annella. Its not a patch on yours but every garden should be different. lol. I'd so love your garden even though it is a North facer. You've done wonders with it and should be very very proud!!
I'm proud of mine as done it from scratch and all my own design. Just looked at a lot of pics and questions on here and went from there.
Was tempted with doing seeds but takes to long and + didn't know the state of the soil underneath so thought it best to start from scratch!!
Feel free to have a look at my pics, there's quite a few on there and doubt you'll have time to do them all! lol
I sent you a PM so not sure if you've seen it.
Take care
26 Jul, 2010
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well done with the blog steve, really enjoyed seeing it all come together, you have worked so hard and its payed off to, looks so pretty just like your little helper mia ;o)))
27 May, 2010