I am going senile i think
By stevebuk
well after the good old bankholiday triumphs at the garden centre, i have now lost a large bunch of keys that opened it.
I have felt so bad, its like i have lost a limb or something, my bosses have been great about it, but i feel so ashamed because of all the worry and disruption it has caused.
We are now changing the locks to the gate, and the wife and i will take a ride over to spalding tommorow to change them.
A chap there is going to refit a new centre column in each lock then all will be well, it has cost me my time off from my cabin but it is the least i can do.
Wind, my oh my the wind had been awful today, specimen trees down on the ground, all the 1ltr and below plants thrown across the centre, and loads of shrubs broken and potless at the time of leaving the centre, but couldn’t do anything about it.
As i am off for the next 2 days, i have left instructions for a mass clean up and water campaign to go ahead.
I dont wish to sound horrid, but sometimes i just cannot believe the stupidity of some people, on several occassions this week, customers have phoned me to ask why there trees and shrubs are turning brown and shriveling up, have you watered them i ask, NO i didn’t think i needed to, it rained last week. Fortunately i have a good set of hair, otherwise i would be bald by now…
26 May, 2009
Previous post: Monday bank Holiday
Next post: Finally sorted
Poor you - losing keys happens to the best of us! Glad your bosses were understanding.
The wind has been awful recently. My poor plants all grow at an angle and a few have been scorched recently. Am hoping they'll be better when they've grown up a bit more.
Funny how people don't get the need to water trees/shrubs/pots when it's been raining... I felt bad recently when my Acer palmatum 'Butterfly' started to curl up and die. Turned out to be a dodgy rootstock.
26 May, 2009
Me and hub locked ourself out on thursday, we had a car full of shopping including freezer stuff, his keys were in his van but the van keys were in the house Grrrrr. After an hour we hit on the idea of using wire from the Ghouse hooked at the end to hook the keys from the passage floor through the letterbox..We had already tried 2 fishing rods from neighbour and 6 sets of van keys from various van drivers in the street, Phew.. So Steve your not the only forgetfull one :)))
26 May, 2009
thanks guys, here i was thinking i had entered the age of no return, so its good to hear your stories too.
26 May, 2009
He! he! Don't listen to them, Steve. Senility is setting in. Trust me...I know, ha, ha, ha. <evil cackle>
Glad your boss was OK about it and gobsmacked that people don't think they need to water trees, lol.
What garden centre are you at? Spalding isn't far from me and I may pay a visit sometime. :o)
26 May, 2009
Glad to hear that your bosses were OK about it!
We all lose things, don't we - it's such a pain! A few years ago my husband lost his wallet with all his cards etc in it. We were away for a break and searched the room...no luck and it hadn't been handed in, so he cancelled all the cards, informed the bank etc...then only a few minutes later it turned up fallen on the floor just under the edge of the bed cover. Hmmm. A few choice words were said!!!
27 May, 2009
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hehe...bless I probably would of been one of those people this time last year.tell them to get themselves on here.
sorry about ya keys, I did that when I worked at a Hotel a few years back was absolutely mortified, it wasnt until a very angry big boss man shouted at me very loudly telling me how much would be coming out of my (already low) wages I remembered they were in my other handbag!!
didnt make that mistake again
x x x
26 May, 2009