do they think we are daft !!!!
By stevebuk
I like many others were outraged by the carrying on of the politicians in recent weeks, and i think there has been some skuldugery going on hoping we wouldn’t notice, has anyone else noticed the price of petrol has been steadily rising.
Annie (my wife) works at Morrisons supermarket, she has mentioned to me over the last several weeks that she has noticed prices going up, not just the petrol either, but the price of the shopping too.
Now i understand there is fluctuation in the money markets, but i dont recall any change in the price of crude oil or that the local farmers have difficulties lifting crops, so why then has petrol and food gone up ??
i think its about time we all started pointing fingers at the guilty and calling them to task and giving them the chance to explain why they all want to rip us off at every available opportunity.
AHH thats better, now back to the garden,,,,
30 May, 2009
Previous post: Good to be alive..
Next post: You got to smile ,,
They can claim lots of money for their homes pretending they need 2. My mother needs care in her old age and she is being charged extra for it because she owns a third part of one house. The whole thing stinks. I don't think I'll bother to vote next week. It won't make any diference. We'll always be worse off whoever gets in. They only think of themselves and I don't want to waste my energy on going to vote for any of them.
30 May, 2009
the problem is, if you dont vote to change it, things will stay the same and its a vote for that i'm afraid..
30 May, 2009
I don't think things will change whoever gets in. They're all as bad as each other.
30 May, 2009
Yes of course they dont think they know I have been telling people of all this and more and they have laughed and dont want to know for years but now they know . yes I too have noticed the price of petrol going up and I will be voting, so as the others dont get my vote as if ;you dont vote who ever has the highest gets your non vote towards theirs, I am awaiting news to see if any of the mps go to jail like, we would for claiming on electrol list they live in one house when they don't, this is a criminal instant jail sentance according to talk sport radio. I listen to after 10 oclock at night the radio says dont give up putting pressure on your mp and demand to know what claims they have made and if they don't answer then tell them don't worry you ll get it yourself under the freedom of information act. and then tell them you will give them an answer at the next general election when they will be out of a job, to me they are all out for their own gains. I know a lot more but cannot say on here on what is comming before us.
30 May, 2009
They have also been ripping off for the past 4 years of council tax as well in certain councils and bands, so check you have not been over charged as the goverment knew about this and has kept it quiet and the only way the radio said on talk sport to get your money back is to appeal. Morgana
31 May, 2009
Please please please use your vote on June 6th. Doing nothing will change nothing and may allow certain non main stream groups to obtain power
31 May, 2009
Well I always have voted but I think it's a waste of time. They're in it for themselves and nothing else.
31 May, 2009
ok guys, if you visit this site you check on your local MP ect and find out what they are claiming for..
Funny thing is, my boss is a local councillor who is up for election very shortly. He is a good honest working farmer, and i know he will be good for the area if elected.
31 May, 2009
Oh gosh Steve - this blog could be such rant material so I ll just say agree with you could be here for days if I start !
31 May, 2009
petrol is the same here, i noticed it went up twice in one day at my local garage.
strangly enough tho our food prices here have dropped big time, i believe tho its to encourage folk to shop in the republic and not to go up north where its cheaper.
31 May, 2009
Steve agree with you, but dont get involved with politics & religions.
31 May, 2009
too true clarice
31 May, 2009
No marguerite these are just local elections.
I realised that this subject could be a volatile one, or at least a difference of opinion, but in the short time i have been on here, and the positive comments about my garden and photos i realised i was among level headed people.
Anyway as mentioned earlier i will end on this note, I for one am thoroughly fed up and Browned off with this particular government, they sold off the gold cheap, cost us our on pensions, we are all now in debt etc etc...
Thank you for all your contributions, keep the flag flying...
31 May, 2009
Im in the process of sending letters to mps who have been named and shamed for their EXPENSES
Im sending them a list of my expenses that need to be paid that I dont think I should have to pay for (will also include receipts for the accountants paperwork):
Salsa lessons: for my health!
ladies personal items!!- a definate essential
chocolate- another item that should not have to be paid for by me
My husbands chocolate: as he is a member of my household
All the sports channels on sky- we dont watch porn so this should be covered
the lsit is endless .... wonder if I get a reply... or my money back!!
x x x
31 May, 2009
just had a thought, i wonder how far i would get if i embesseled loads of my tax money from the Tax office, then if found out i could use the now famous excuse, " i will stand down at the next election" and get away with it :)
31 May, 2009
Apart from the possible factor that Im sure you would never do anything as bad as that. True honest hard working folks like yourself have lots of reasons to try something like that but never would. Whilst the penpushing slugs that do feck all are greedy boodsuckers and do it anyway... for a bloomin duck house!!
x x x
31 May, 2009
Sorry to inform you Steve but I don't think you would get away with the tax man as if you owened your own business and had a tv which was needed for your job they would only allow you so much tax on it as they would say you can watch jeremy springer on it too and that is not to do with your business so you would not be able to get full tax relief.:D
31 May, 2009
its either laugh or cry and I for one have a wicked laugh with a snort on the end, if that doesnt help people through hard time.... chocolate will
x x x
1 Jun, 2009
Oh dear! Politics....very, very dangerous ground!
Look, guys and gals, we're in a recession, get used to it and stop laying the blame at the feet of which ever party is in power. That's just too easy....too 'Daily Mail' ( shudder ).
Recessions are cyclical, they come every 20 years or thereabouts, like it or lump it.....the last one was under Mrs. Thatcher ( remember, the Milk Snatcher, the woman who managed to destroy an entire industry ( coal ) and then proceed to crow about it...) and she was hardly a Labour politician now, was she? Don't get me started.
World economies rise and fall, the USA sneezes and we all catch a cold.....we have to pay the price for profligacy.
But please go to the polling stations, whenever they have any kind of election, local, national, European.....even if you 'spoil' your ballot paper by writing 'disenfranchised' on it, you will be making your voice heard.
Our Great Grandmothers didn't chain themselves to railings and go on hunger strike so that you could twiddle your thumbs and not bother...if you don't turn out, you have foregone the right to grumble.
Difficult times ahead? Yes, probably, but don't chuck out the baby with the bathwater.....what, exactly, will popping the Tories in power achieve? More money for the well-to-do and the remainder can go and hang, as per usual. Remind me, again...who IS the Leader of the Opposition?
Enough, enough! We're British, for goodness sake! We come through these things. Really, we have no choice.
No more politics!
1 Aug, 2009
BTW you can still get milk for your children at school by approaching the pta and governers of the school, as europe still give us money for this school milk is still free, you just have to pay for the delivery birmingham put their foot down and fought for their children to get it especially when they found out the councils were claiming for it and using for them selves and normally its the head teacher pta and governers that dont claim for it as they cannot be bothered with the interuption of milk brake time.
1 Aug, 2009
Dearie me, Morgana! That's worth knowing! School milk was the highlight of the day when I was a kid! In winter it used to freeze and burst the foil cap and expand from the bottle....we used to think we were in was like having a milk lolly every day, for free!
Teachers used to have the skills and ingenuity to coincide milk 'breaks' with story times, so there was no teaching time lost.....not rocket science, really, is it?
Must try harder! 6 out of 10!
1 Aug, 2009
How right you are they talk about our youngsters fiddling the dhss which are bringing up our future these are to morrows children that will care for you when we are older nurse us operate on us etc yet the councils are stealing the food out of mouths of children, which years ago if you stole a pint of milk of a door step and that person had a child it was an instant prison offence. what will Gorden Browns children etc be doing for us . Teachers have been put under pressure form filling etc by goverment so has lapsed in other areas.
1 Aug, 2009
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Oh, I've most definitely noticed the petrol rise. Every time I go to my garage I mention it. I know it's not their fault, but you've just got to get it off your chest.
It's over a pound a litre here again. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Bloody disgusting I think it is and what makes it worse is that we are powerless to do anything about it.
30 May, 2009