Good to be alive..
By stevebuk
isn’t it just great, the sun is out the weather is hot and life just gets better.
Today i managed to unload all 7 trolleys of plants at the GC on my own, as we were short staffed and very busy, but i do love moving them around and finding spots for them to squeeze in.
As i am the plant buyer for our GC i tend to spend lots of time searching for unusual perrenials to bring in, this may sound easy but let me assure you it isn’t.
Firstly not many of the nurseries want people like me to buy plant from them, as they would rather sell to the public (retail) and as a lot of unusual perennials dont come with instructions or Point Of Sale material i have to type it all out and laminate cards for you to read, (to which i dont mind at all)
The icing on the cake for me is when i hear people say " oh look at this plant" or “i didn’t think i could buy this here” , it makes me feel like my job is so worth while and usefull to all.
I have at long last got a part time helper starting tommorow, Elaine, i have not met her as yet as i was away when she came for her interview, but hopefully this will mean i can probably get my lunch in peace as there will be someone to cover for me….. bliss…
29 May, 2009
Previous post: A good day had by all
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Keep up the good work steve.....:>)
29 May, 2009
Good GCs know their plants! Well done for supplying growing info...I approve 100%...I wish more GCs took the time and trouble you do.
29 May, 2009
i agree with spritz: hear, hear!
29 May, 2009
I'd like to visit your gc. I'm always on the look out for something unusual.
30 May, 2009
well done you, I for one always try to read about the plant first due to knowing bee all about them, so well done you you are helping lots of Mookins out there.
x x x
30 May, 2009
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I have just found a great GC that sells plants im looking for Steve and i will go back again and again every year spending too much :) So good on you for giving Gardeners exactly what they want.. PS hope you enjoy your lunch..
29 May, 2009