the last flower standing?
By stickitoffee
no doubt we can find flowers in every month of the year in all our gardens, however, I tend to think of flowers finishing in october/november and the new fresh spring flowers starting the cycle all over again.
Is this fuchsia the last of my summer flowers?
21 Oct, 2010
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i cant remember right now, but with any luck i have left the labels in ~ bit too dark now but will try to find the name tomorrow.
we are lucky to have a garden centre near here that seems to specialise in fuchsias ~ especially the large varieties. they have a large version of each fuchsia on display alongside the small plantlets available for sale, but amazingly in a few months they are producing these lovely large flowers ~ about 3" across.
21 Oct, 2010
far too cold to go outside now. We have had several nights of frost now. Hate having to scrape the car.
but i would be interested to know when you have the time.
21 Oct, 2010
will do my best
21 Oct, 2010
I've got one like this SBG - "Bush Heidi Anne Upright". I brought mine inside after frost warning a couple of nights ago. Not sure if I'm being a bit over protective. It's so lovely I just don't want to loose it. Is yours in a tub ST? I wondered if I should have put mine in the ground.There's buds on my Penstemon and the first flower on Rudbeckia showed yesterday. This is my first year doing anything with the garden and am so pleased that so much just grew - even if they didn't flower when they were supposed to . . . but there's always next year. :))
21 Oct, 2010
mine is in a box which is unfortunately fixed outside but its certainly coming in at the weekend! they have promised its a little warmer tonight?? this one is a trailing variety and i had it hanging down over some steps coming up to the house, I have loved all of them, couldnt believe how well they came out.
21 Oct, 2010
. . . ah !! i'm going to look for a trailing one for next year. It'll probably have a different name though. Just looked at mine that I brought in - oh dear ! I don't have any out houses, so put it in a cool bedroom but I think that's too warm for it cos it has REALLY wilted. Maybe I should pop it back outside in the morning and just put a fleece over it when frost is forecast. It's quite mild here at the moment (Central Scotland).
21 Oct, 2010
wish i was in scotland ~ i love it! im in the midland in england and it feels cold to me
im going to put them in the garage, cos the kind people of GoY have said that will be ok, and i hope to take cuttings in the spring.
heidi anne rings a bell so it could be that?
21 Oct, 2010
Ive looked on google image, it looks as if you are right Silverbell ~ the fuchsia is heidi anne
21 Oct, 2010
I only knew cos the label's still in the tub ! I'm really bad at remembering the names of plants' though it's improved a bit since I joined this site. I bought a Readers Digest gardening year book at a car booty - there's a section in it about the meanings of the Latin names of plants. It certainly de-mystifies them (Well . . . at least while I'm reading it)
I'm going to post some photos soon of last winter up here. It was exceptional though, but stunningly beautiful and great fun. The few plants I had all survived, but I lost all the small conifers I had in tubs at the front of the house. I didn't replace them, but when I do, I know what to do now to protect them.
21 Oct, 2010
i shall look forward to those photos and the book sounds good too, i could try the charity shops or sometimes amazon do the cheap used ones. i like a good book.
21 Oct, 2010
This is a brilliant book. Masses of easy to read information and a glossary of gardening terminology. I got it out just now to see if there's an IBSN number for you to track it down - Heck! First published 1968, this is the revised edition of 1972. Previous owner couldn't have used it much as it was in pristine condition when I bought it. It's hardback, mustard colour cover and measures 8" x 8" x 2". I paid £1.50 for it - has to be my bargain of the year.
21 Oct, 2010
I've found the label ~ this one is 'cecile' i also checked it with google image so i think its right
22 Oct, 2010
That's a lovely fuchsia. I'm glad it's lasting well for you. I hope you have some flowers for a while yet.
22 Oct, 2010
hopefully yes but its coming in this weekend, we have had frost this week
22 Oct, 2010
So I understand. You're wise to give it some protection. Mine are in a covered area so they'll be all right for a while. We don't usually get frost here until much later.
23 Oct, 2010
lucky you! its such a shame to take them in when they are still flowering
i also have begonias ~ i think they were the bedding sort ~ that have only just got going ~ i think i will leave those to chance?
23 Oct, 2010
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lets hope not but arent they gorgeous? Do you know which one it is. I like the thought of all year round blooms and have just about managed it this year :o)
21 Oct, 2010