walking in the woods
By stickitoffee
A few days ago I went out hoping to take some photos of the golden trees, but on the whole they dont seem to have turned yet ~ even though I have a drive full of oak leaves to sweep up for the third time this year!
But I did find these funghi ~ the Ranger thought they were pholiotis squarrosa ~ they look more like homes for gnomes to me!
I have included a picture of my cat also in the woods ~ if she spots me going out she insists on following!
20 Oct, 2010
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she is very funny, i have had to take her back home more than once when i wanted to go shopping!
20 Oct, 2010
The cat is hoping you don`t go far,lol, I love the autumn colours as well. Lovely pics.......
20 Oct, 2010
Beautiful pics :o)
20 Oct, 2010
Our cat follows my daughter when she walks the dog! lovely pics Stickitoffee
20 Oct, 2010
many thanks all of you ~ its cold here, ive tried weeding this morning but my hands hurt it was so cold!
so now the weeds are growing and im on Grows on you ~ its addictive!
20 Oct, 2010
We are staying in today because we have workmen surrounding us (at the front and in the back garden) so we're supplying hot drinks and "supervising" the work of our fence contractors.
Glorious sunshine today but very noisy with all the drills and hammers going though! Very nippy once you get in shade and hubby said there was ice on the windscreen this morning.
Winter's a comin'...
20 Oct, 2010
Nice photos. I have a friend who's cats follow her to the woods aswell :o) It's nice to have them following.
20 Oct, 2010
We have lots of "fungi" round us because of the forest and the locals keep disappearing with little baskets and emerging with ceps. The trouble is the locations are a deep dark secret and kept well hidden from "blow ins" as my husband used to call me when we lived in Devon. Lovely photos, gorgeous cat.
21 Oct, 2010
dont think i would dare pick any of them, i have no idea which is safe and which is not!
i work for a supermarket so i just buy mine!
thank you for the nice comments ~ my cat [Minty] is normally very camera shy but occasionally I get a shot of her!
21 Oct, 2010
I liked this blog and Minty, my cat always followed the bairns' when they went out to play she has been brought back many a time as she always gave away their hiding places, when they where playing Hide and Seek.
22 Oct, 2010
thats a really nice story Mavis c ~ i wish mine could find the children! they left long ago ~ now 27 and 30!
22 Oct, 2010
Stickitoffee....I have four son's aged between 30 and 15, all at home with mam apart from my 19 year old who started Aberdeen University in September.He is missed by all of us but he will be home for Christmas.
22 Oct, 2010
lucky you mavis! wish mine were still at home.
just seen 'anothergalanthophile's blog on the cyclamen society at wisley ~ there is a cat in it just the same as mine!! is that where she goes at night??!!
22 Oct, 2010
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That fungi is very impressive...and your kitty looks really happy sitting on the log waiting for you.
20 Oct, 2010