cooking anyone?
By stickitoffee
I have contacted the very clever creators of this web site and asked if we could have a cookery site ~ they will do this if enough people are interested ~ please contact them if you would like this.
25 Oct, 2010
Previous post: stormy skies
Next post: We're going on a ber----ry hunt
great ~ many thanks.
25 Oct, 2010
Hi Stickitoffee, just done the same, my wife would love it!!
25 Oct, 2010
im so pleased tiger ~ perhaps we can tempt you into the kitchen too?
25 Oct, 2010
I wrote a message to them this I need to send another?
25 Oct, 2010
I would also love a cooking section. who and how do i contact them?
25 Oct, 2010
I have left a message for them on the feed back section. I hope that was correct.
25 Oct, 2010
sorry, my fault for not explaining properly ~ i have copied Ajay's message from my original blog [I love this blog] about the cooking: just need to use the 'contact us' at the bottom:
Hello, if enough of you want a cooking/baking/recipe website we could put one up like we did with I Spy a Bird for bird watching. If you could let us know by sending in a Contact Us message (at the bottom) it would be really useful to get an idea of how popular it might be.
hope that explains it better than i could ~ and thanks rohima
25 Oct, 2010
Just to say Stickitoffee, i'm a semi-retired master-baker!
I try to stay away from kitchens these days, my wife's domain now!! She is a great cook, and i would not dare to tread in her kitchen. Lol.
25 Oct, 2010
wow! im very impressed tiger
i prefer the kitchen to myself so i quite understand how your wife feels!
25 Oct, 2010
The sign of a great cook Stickitoffee!!
25 Oct, 2010
im glad to hear that ~ think i should put a notice on the kitchen door???
25 Oct, 2010
I'm only allowed in if i'm on the way to the garden!!
25 Oct, 2010
well thats a good enough reason ~ just looked at your profile ~ lovely photos on it.
oh yes and i see you are a lawn specialist ~ any advice on trying to keep a lawn made of grass when it is in the shade of very tall trees ~ that dont belong to us ~ it is now mostly moss ~ i dont mind cos at least it is a lovely green ~ but is there a way of improving the grass?
25 Oct, 2010
You can buy seed or turf that is " shade tolerant ", but this can be expensive. Best to try and keep the grass longer in the shade, this will help to keep the moss under control. Try to cut it regularly and at the same height at each cut.
A regular application of a moss controlling feed may also help.
Thanks for your comments, you flatter me!!!
25 Oct, 2010
great ~ thats very helpful ~ thank you!
25 Oct, 2010
Done it!
26 Oct, 2010
thanks meanie
26 Oct, 2010
there Ive done it too Sticki!
26 Oct, 2010
thanks pamg, will be great if we can have a cooking/recipe blog
26 Oct, 2010
I also asked for it not to be blue--- do you think thats cheeky.........
26 Oct, 2010
ps for once i love the ads !!! cupcakes.........
26 Oct, 2010
dont suppose anyone will mind ~ the bird site is blue so i imagine it will be a different colour?
cupcakes are delicious ~ i can imagine a cooking site would attract lots of adverts?
26 Oct, 2010
true-- all the sites i've been on have adverts -- fingers crossed then...
26 Oct, 2010
you are making me hungry now pamg ~ will have to get the mixing bowl out again!
but thats no hardship
cant have an entirely empty kitchen ~ always better with the baking things out ~ especially on a wet cold day
26 Oct, 2010
Well I've not been baking today but I've had a lamb stew cooking away in my's smelling very delicious and have just now put on a few potatoes to boil and mash and that's dinner sorted....the smells are so good we'll be eating as soon as the spuds are mashed. Yum, yum.
26 Oct, 2010
i can smell it from here ~ carrot and coriander soup on top of my stove ~ oh and poached pears in a tiny bit of ginger wine
am i making you hungry?
26 Oct, 2010
not with coriander--- what happened to good old parsley-- for me its taste swamps everything ( I add it to currys though )
26 Oct, 2010
Carrot & coriander soup sounds nice too, Sticki...never had poached pears though.
We've just eaten and the lamb stew was very tasty :) I've also been gifted some pea and ham soup made by Daisyco so that will certainly be enjoyed tomorrow. It's my most favourite soup and I've never made it...just tasted others' efforts (and my mom's as a child).
It sure is soup/stew weather now. The bread machine is doing double time as we have been eating homebread bread as well.
26 Oct, 2010
pea & ham soup is one of our favorites too, you really need a knuckle bone or hock to cook with the peas, my mum-in-law always added selery & carrots-- a meal in itself!, when we get this cookery site just think of all the lovely recipes, some of the old ones were the best!
26 Oct, 2010
i love my bread machine, and i love soup ~ one of the best is celery and bacon, i also like carrot and orange and roast pepper with tomato
26 Oct, 2010
Oh dear, a bread-machine!!!!!!!
Sorry Stickitoffee, that's a swear word in this house!
I would love to tell you how to bake bread but this message would self-destruct in 5 seconds!!!
26 Oct, 2010
Tiger....I have made bread many times from scratch but since getting the bread machine I've enjoyed the ease. I first got the bread machine when we had our newsagent's business as it was convenient to set the time and have it ready in the morning. It doesn't quite match up to homemade from scratch, I'll give you that...but a great improvement on store-bought.
I keep promising myself I'll make some cinnamon buns but I always seem to make too many and have no storage! I assume like to bake your own bread from scratch. If we are lucky enough to get a recipe/cooking section you can delight us with your tips and recipes for bread (minus the bread machine, of course!
26 Oct, 2010
oh of course ~ sorry tiger
i would dearly love to make bread properly but after several attempts and a material suitable to double as foundation bricks [well, not quite that bad] i gave up and used the bread maker
but if you know of a bread making course i could go on i would be more than happy to make my own!
26 Oct, 2010
Love to give you lots of tips with bread-making Whistonlass, but it would be a bit of an act of treason on my part!
I have been in the bakery trade now for 30 years. I could make bread with my eyes closed now!! I know that sounds terrible, but some things are sacred, hope you understand!!
I feel i have no right in asking for help in the garden now!
26 Oct, 2010
My mom and sister always made their own bread so that's how I learned to make it from scratch. A wood stove was what my mom had....mine is circotherm (electric) and my sister tried making bread in it once and said it wasn't a very good oven for bread making! Ugh!
I bet you could make bread with your eyes closed, Tiger. It is a good way to release tension/anger too...pounding the bread into submission! lol
Oh you mean gardening is in 2nd place now, Tiger? You go on asking for's always secrets there! :)
26 Oct, 2010
Sticki, i'm afraid i am right out of touch with all the latest baking courses, i did my training many, many years ago now!
I'm sure you could find some courses at your nearest college/uni.
To be honest, there is nothing like learning from your mistakes, bread-making is an art and can take years to master!!
26 Oct, 2010
Thank you Whistonlass. Believe me no 2 ovens are the same. You will never get a proper crusty loaf from a domestic oven- oops, there i go, giving some trade secrets away Lol!!!
26 Oct, 2010
I made naan breads once - they were brilliant, but such a mess in the kitchen!
26 Oct, 2010
Meanie, i'm not allowed in my wife's kitchen now! Bakers do tend to throw the flour around rather alot!
26 Oct, 2010
Your wifes kitchen!!!!
It's my kitchen, although she's allowed in to do me a proper breakfast on a Sunday!
26 Oct, 2010
i throw the flour around ~ but thats better than plates? naan sounds great ~ would love to make that.
its the crusty loaf i like ~ but id better not give up just cos my oven is not the same as commercial
i loved watching that great british baking programme ~ the baker was tough but i liked him ~ could have learned lots
i think my biggest mistake was being too impatient for the yeast to be ready ~ put it in too early and then the bread was too dense!! not sure if it was me or the bread was most dense!
26 Oct, 2010
Steady, you are giving my wife some bad ideas Meanie!!!!
26 Oct, 2010
tiger and meanie you are making me laugh ~ its like watching a tennis match between you ! not sure what the score is now tho
26 Oct, 2010
You can get reasonable results from your own oven Sticki, don't give up!
There are many factors to consider, but i won't bore you all too much.
Maybe when i'm back in the bakery i could take some photos to show you what a proper loaf looks like, Lol!
26 Oct, 2010
I'm the better cook - simple as that!
I do make my own pizza bases too. It's worth the effort.
26 Oct, 2010
Tiger - I wouldn't even try to match anyone on bread. The local butchers wife bakes bread - it's out of this world, but only fit for toast after a day. Once you've picked up one of her loafs and put butter on it whilst it's still warm, there's no point in trying to emulate a skilled baker!
26 Oct, 2010
Better than my beloved that is - important to clarify that statement!
26 Oct, 2010
In my experience, a " cook " can never be a baker and a " baker " can never be a cook, it's one or the other!
26 Oct, 2010
Perhaps I should get her interested in baking!
A little unfair that really - she's not a bad cook, but I am better.
26 Oct, 2010
yes i would love to see the photos please.
i do make my own pizza bases ~ love making pizza, dont like shop bought ~ but real italian pizzas beside an italian lake take some beating
26 Oct, 2010
I thought i'd reached the pinnacle of my career when i was decorating wedding cakes. Even now there is nothing more pleasing to a baker than producing a lovely loaf! Just can't explain that one, just ask any true baker.
26 Oct, 2010
Stickitoffee - when I lived in Amsterdam the pizzeria around the corner was owned by a pukka Italian family. It was fantastic! Still try to get there once a year if I can.
26 Oct, 2010
Blimey Sticki, if we keep this up, your baking-sorry, cooking site stands every chance of becoming a reality!!!
26 Oct, 2010
I don't mind the bread machine type and I do get a crusty top (I always put some butter on a bit of waxed paper and lightly rub the top of the loaf). What is a nuisance is the shape of the loaf and the hole from the mixer at the bottom.
What about all the fuss with cupcakes these days? And boy do they charge for them too! And I've never found them difficult to make, although some of the decoration is very elaborate/intricate.
I made my own wedding cake and didn't know much about baking then. Didn't cover it with marzipan first before icing and on the day of our wedding my stepmom and myself were frantically trying to cover all the brown spots where the cake colour had leaked through. Lesson learned! Cake was tasty though :)
26 Oct, 2010
I do a pretty reasonable sticky lemon cake Whistonlass. But, instead of lemon, try a sticky pink grapefruit cake! My favourite, but not everyones cup of tea.
26 Oct, 2010
you will never guess what im doing now tiger ~ trying [its very trying] to make sugar paste tulips for my sisters 50th birthday cake!!!???
i can understand the lovely loaf ~ have been known to take a photo of bread i have made ~ it looks nice, just isnt quite the texture it needs to be1
had i better make a comment on gardening before i get thrown off this site?
26 Oct, 2010
The proof is always in the eating!!
With the weather at the moment, i'm sure this site be it gardening or cooking is a great source, or should that be [ sauce ] of entertainment!!!
26 Oct, 2010
very good ~ quite agree
26 Oct, 2010
meanie, ive never been to amsterdam ~ would love to see the bulbs tho ~ i gather lincolnshire doesnt do a bulb show any more???
you never know perhaps GoY could do a trip to the bulb fields ~ and the pizzeria???
26 Oct, 2010
Have added my name.......very passionate about food, cooking it, or eating it, as a family we are great foodies.
29 Oct, 2010
and me dottydaisy ~ and became even more so when i started working for a very nice supermarket!!
29 Oct, 2010
I sometimes use the breadmaker just on the dough setting and then make cobs or a bloomer, it just saves the kneading...and looks homemade!!
29 Oct, 2010
Get over there Stickitoffee, and leave plenty of space for all the bulbs you'll be bringing back!
29 Oct, 2010
i think i will meanie, i would love to go ~ will need awful lot of space on camera memory cos think i would take more than a few pictures!
i must try that out pam ~ [with apologies to tiger] i havent done it yet but would like to
also want to try making brioche and others
29 Oct, 2010
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Been & done it Stickitoffee :o))
25 Oct, 2010