The Veg Patch '09 cont...
By sunday
Entry Four
Hi Everyone
Sorry for the delay, but as you all know the weather is picking up so I have been…you guessed it gardening lol. I am just updating you all on my progress.
Going back to my last blog, I did receive my plug plants from j parkers and must say I was very disappointed. I ended up returning all the plants apart from the freebies and one shrub; euonymous cascading red. The lillies which I received in bulb form, some, not all were mouldy so they were sent on their way also. Spritzhenry, I coming after you next lol. The herbacous borders from gardening direct have yet to arrive.
I have propagated alot of seeds using the electric propagator and all i can say is money well spent.
To be honest, the plants that I have propagated myself as well as the bare root plants purchased from wilkos with a bit of love and attention, are doing really, really well. I have to admit that I have surprised myself with how well the plants have come along as I have killed many plants in my dark and murky past…
I have now planted the majority of perennials, shrubs and cordylines,which were situated in my porch, and conservatory over the winter mths. These include phlox, astilbes peonies, lupins, hostas, dicentra, babies breath and a few more I can’t remember.
I am also impressed with the growth of my lillies, purchased locally in the end. I was a bit nervous to be honest as I have never ever grown a bulb successfully. I think the trick is to sow indoors, then transfer outdoors when safe to do so. I have also planted dahlias in pots for my mum, but no shoots appearing as yet. There has been movement though, cos I planted four pots and one of those are see through, and I can see the root system, so fingers crossed.
I planted sweet peas, which are ready to be planted out now, all seeds germinated. Again, really impressed with myself with the growth and vigour of plants. I also planted morning glory and passion flower, I think only one out of ten seeds germinated, and is doing great things whilst situated on my window sill. These are hopefully going to climb up the fence in my front garden.
I have also received delivery for my weeping cherry tree, and my mums grapveine, from garden bargains. Don’t think much about the grapevine, looks like a stick to me, but let’s wait and see.
I have tried to be eco friendly and planted on in paper pots as recomended by a member here. To be honest, the veg has tolerated the paper pots very well, but for some odd reason, the lobelia in paper pots have just rotted away, but those in the plastic pots have flourished. Strange but true.
Just to quickly add, my son has sown eight sunflowers seeds from the freebies from gardeners world magazine last sun and already they have started to come through. We are gonna name them Haydn in his honour.
I’ll let you know how i get on…
…now onto the veg.
My early potatoes have now been planted in potato bags. I have noticed some growth already. The second lot will be planted soon, and the maincrop is still chittting away (slowly), I might add…
At the moment, the veg I am growing qiuite sucessfully I might add are…
Middlemore cucumber x 2 Bush cucumber x 3
Tumbling Toms x 10. Gonna purchase tumblers from garden centre in next couple of weeks.
Pumpkins sowing many seeds for my mom, as she does not hae the room for all the pots, some coming through now, bit of a slow start.
Sweetcorn x 6
Hot Peppers x 6 Sweet Peppers x 6
Green Peas x 5 grown inside and transferred to planter in garden.
Lettuce x 11. One already eaten by slugs etc..I have protected with netting cos last yr, the birds pecked them all within one day, so far so good.
I already have another set sown, cos we love lettuce.
I have many strawberry plants, elanta, roman and others. Probably buy a few cambridge, and that should take me through the summer…
As you all know, I planted garlic, shallots and onion sets. All are doing well. I think the birds have tried to pinch them, but so far so good.
II bought a kiwi plant self fertile, had lovely big leaves when I bought, but now, the leaves look a bit burnt out?? I have removed them now, not sure about this plant now.
Blueberry plant x 1. Planted in ericacious soil, the leaves seems to look a little different, a bit darker since doing so, I assume it is normal cos that is the right medium for them.
Finally, my spring onions have been planted, but are taking a long time to germinate. It’s been over three weeks, will check again and may just buy a new packet and start again.
I have also planted radishes and carrots, but not a shoot in sight.
I heard that radishes are the easiest to grow, but maybe the plant killer in me has started to rear it’s head again…who knows…
Anyway time to go. Speak to you all soon..
Thanks for stopping by.
Thought and comments welcome, but I know you’ll all be in the garden
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22 Mar, 2009
More blog posts by sunday
Previous post: The Veg Patch '09 cont...
Your seedlings look great Sunday. You've got a lot of planting ahead of you. :o)
23 Mar, 2009
Thanks Gilli
I know. I'm happy that their planting out is staggered, that way it won't seem so bad.
I'm just thinking of the lovely veg to be eaten over the summer months. mmmh!
Blodyn, thank you for your kind message. I have to be honest, i'm quite impressed with myself at this point.
23 Mar, 2009
Hi Sunday,
You can call me Hywel. That's my real name. Blodyn is my cat.
Enjoy the Veg .
23 Mar, 2009
Well you have plenty to keep you busy, sorry to here your plants from J/Parkers i've had loads of plants from there and they have all been really healthy.
23 Mar, 2009
Recent posts by sunday
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- Starting The '09 veg patch
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- Friday 16.01.09
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- The beautifying of Sundays' garden
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You have such a lot to look forward to this year. I wish you success.
22 Mar, 2009