Grasses Part one..
By surreylad
I’ve always had an interest in grass ever since i was a kid, but not really done anything about it till late last year, then i decided finally to make a smallish dry grass area, with bulbs or bulbous plants…
So this isn’t the full list as i still have around 10 types still under glass germinating…
This one is Carex Brunnea ‘Jenneke’ evergreen which is Variegated and hopefully in time make a nice clump..
This is Carex Brunnea ‘Variegata’ another Evergreen also Variegated again hopefully in time another clump maker..
This one i have be quite taken with, it’s Carex Buchananii ‘Red Rooster’ evergreen, or should say ever brownish….
Grown some what in the last few months, is Festuca Glauca ‘Elijah Blue’, nice plant this..
this one i was lucky last year to get at our local fete for 20p it’s Ophiopogon planiscapus ’nigrescens a lovely pink flowering grass….
This one needs a good comb through later this week, it’s similar to angel hair but is called Stipa Elegantissima.
This Gentle Giant, Stipa Gigantea…
Angel hair or Stipa Tenuissima
One of my Favourites Briza Maxima….
Another beauty Hordeum Jubatum or foxtail barley or squirrel tail…
My kids favourite Lagurus Ovatus or Bunny tail…
my pond grass is Isolepis cernua or fibre optic grass, or salt rush grass…
This is a path between dry grass bed and is lined either side with bunny tails, quaking grass,pheasant tail squirrel tail, angel hair plus a few others which i hope should be quite a show…
this is the other side of the grass bed, in there are Brodiaea, nerine, gladiolus, spraxis, anomatheca, pasithea, etc…
The other as it grows and matures this autumn time i hope, i shall do an improved blog to highlight the rest…
thanks for looking… :-)
13 May, 2012
Previous post: raindrops are falling on my plants :-)
Next post: Aquilegias and friends..
Me to Thanks Sticki, i've got some real beauties in autumn time if the grow quick enough that is...but that's part 2 :-)
13 May, 2012
i shall look forward to that, i was going to say which i liked best ~ but it was nearly all of them!!
13 May, 2012
These are lovely SL....that path will look great when it all fills out. Looking forward to autumn time to see part 2 :)
13 May, 2012
I adore grasses SL lovely shots - looking for squirrel grass - also I am in hunt of pennisetum villosum - feathertop
13 May, 2012
Looking forward to anther shot of these later in the year - they are lovely.
13 May, 2012
Is that a special compost for grasses or your normal garden soil Surrey lad ?
14 May, 2012
Thanks Sticki, i'm like that too, can't really make my mind up which one :-))
Thanks Scottish i'm looking forward to it filling out...
Thanks Paul, i don't have any at the mo but in autumn time i can send you some squirrel tail,i put villosum under glass last week lol must have the same taste in grass :-)
Thanks Steragram :-)
It's normal soil Diane just added a compost mulch around in winter time.. :-)
14 May, 2012
Yes SL very nice grass to frame - about the onky thing I enjoyed at school was when we did grass pictures in a frame
14 May, 2012
Lovely blog .. useful and informative with good pics :o)
Well done !
14 May, 2012
You've got so many different grasses. It's interesting to see them. I quite like them :o)
14 May, 2012
I like grasses too:) Have got few growing in pots.
Also like them with bulbs:)
14 May, 2012
I'm always adding to mine Paul, so if there's any you fancy just say and i'll send some :-)
Thanks Terra :-)
Thanks Hywel :-)
Thanks Kasy, i do think bulbs and grass complement each other :-) as with Paul, Kasy if you would like any i can send you some in the autumn time if you want. :-)
14 May, 2012
:) by the autumn time I should be able to have some more space after vegs would be gone. Or maybe I'd have the Lottery won and be moving to my own garden and house, lol.
14 May, 2012
Lol fingers crossed for the lottery win :-)
14 May, 2012
Very lovely :)
15 May, 2012
Thanks Pixi :-)
15 May, 2012
I may have to show this post to my girlfriend in the hope that I'll be allowed a few more grasses in the garden. Such a wonderful display - can't wait for part 2.
18 May, 2012
Thanks Tjhavenith fingers crossed for you then :-)
18 May, 2012
Great pictures of grasses ...... Briza maxima is one of my favourites too. Could you tell me if I should cut down my Festuca glauca in the autumn as it is looking a bit dry a dead round the edges at the moment ?
21 May, 2012
you can in spring time around now Roseberry, but i give mine a comb through to pull out the old bits, it is a short lived perennial so you could lift and divide to rejuvenate it and prolong it...
21 May, 2012
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i love the way grasses move and the swish they make, you have got some really beautiful ones there.
13 May, 2012