some colour.
By surreylad
Just have time before Holly gets home to upload this, just some colours really…
lavatera barnsley baby, had an accident with this when the fence blew down and smashed it, so had to cut it right back to the last 6 inches above ground….
delosperma floribunda stardust, love this one it reminds me so much of the mesembryanthemum….
This is an un-named carnation, Holly wanted it 5 years ago so i’ve been doing cuttings every year for her…
anomatheca laxa- part of the gladiola family from Africa, seedlings have finally flowered after being almost decimated by snails.
This beleave in or not is hydrangea lanarth white, the ground it’s in is extremely acidic i was going to move it but i like the colour and it seems to be quite happy there.
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Serotina’ not a happy plant this year it’s been to damp….
Some orange gladiolas i got free with an order this year…
The swallow tailed moth in Holly’s room, i managed to snap with my phone, the camera on my nokia is rubbish….
Always like these Ipomeas the way they light up…
A little helper in the garden on my allium sphaerocephalon they love it…
i have these in tubs by the back door, this is Stargazer lily but a darker form.
The Liatris Spicata is flowering now, my white alba isn’t far behind either…
Loads of fruit this year on my passiflora caerulea, love this climber.
Un-named poppy just liked it when i saw it..
Another lovely blue/purple flower, done reasonably well this year..triteleia queen fabiola
This has performed amazingly this year….
This un-named white lily i got for the fragrance as it’s really heady…
Another of my dahlia’s, these have suffered this year…
And this little devil is the Common pipistrelle our british smallest common bat. It’s taken months to try to photo it, in the end i had to use video the use a single frame which is why it’s a bad pic…
thanks for looking…
2 Aug, 2012
Previous post: Terminal PC problem
Next post: Warm day with some colour in the garden..
Cheers Paul, after the rain i thought be nice to have some colour, i do like bats i sit by the pond at dusk and watch them some times... :-)
2 Aug, 2012
:)) yes - great time of the day .
2 Aug, 2012
some lovely colours there S/L, a lovely blog too,
2 Aug, 2012
Fab set of pics... difficult to pick favourites but the Liatris is amazing, as are the carnation and hydrangea :o)))
2 Aug, 2012
Cheers Paul :-)
Thanks Yorkshire :-)
Thanks Terra :-)
2 Aug, 2012
What a lovely blog. I love the way you've remained chatty but informative at the same time. Super pictures. I've tried everywhere to get a Lavatera Barnsley, but it seems to be out of favour at the moment, perhaps I should try 'baby' instead.
2 Aug, 2012
there is a simple solution SL. " Holly ! You are grounded for a week." Enough time to get it fixed ;))
That Dahlia is fab.
2 Aug, 2012
These are gorgeous pictures SL.....the colour of that Hydrangea is gorgeous! So much going on...water lily is spectacular, the Liatris is so much further on that mine and my white one has been finished off by the slugs!!
The trilelia is still looking pink one is opening up now - although pink is kind of pushing it a bit - more of a mauve to my eyes.
Thank you for showing us the lovely colour you have. I really enjoyed :)
2 Aug, 2012
Thanks Waddy, i'll see if i can get a cutting to strike for you if you like. :-)
Lol Pimms, cheers mate :-))
Thanks Hb. glad the triteleia helped, the waterlily's have been amazing this year.. i was lucky with the Dahlia as i got it without a label as a small plug plant cheap so i didn't know what it would turn out like, The Geums came today thanks very much they are great :-)
Thanks Scottish :-)
2 Aug, 2012
Some lovely plants in your garden, SL. The hydrangea is gorgeous and I really like that triteleia, especially as I've never heard of it before. Lovely to encounter new plants. Well done for snapping the little bat too.
2 Aug, 2012
Love the bat! Don't they move fast!! We often wait on our balcony for dusk and watch several little bats flying out from our roof eaves but, as I said - they move so fast I can never see what species they are.
3 Aug, 2012
great pictures and blog.Stunning flowers:)))))
3 Aug, 2012
Really lovely blog SL..everything is look ing pretty and healthy :) Did Holly scream at the moth?
3 Aug, 2012
Thanks Tuesdaybear :-)
Thanks Nariz yes they really move fast i love them :-)
Cheers Mark :-)
Thanks Pixi yes she screamed then called for me Lol :-))
3 Aug, 2012
Lovely pics Sl and I would be pleased with the gorgeous colour on that hydrangea too. We've had no bats flying round this year and we normally have one or two. Must be the awful weather we've had:-)
5 Aug, 2012
Haha :) Sarah told me she had a huge one in her flat the other night..she was scared but had to deal with it herslef lol only way to learn really. I remmber being sacerd of them and Daddylonglegs when i was small.
5 Aug, 2012
I'm scared of daddy longlegs ....their legs fall off:-(
5 Aug, 2012
So many beautiful flowers in bloom now :)) Mine Alliums and Liatris finished in June/July and I do not know how long is the season of lilies, but they bloomed in June too and that was all. That Hydrangea has excellent colours, will remember its name when I will go to GC. Better do not move it and keep it in that place! :)
I must subscribe to your Club of Bat Men. I have two bats in my garden, too. But usually do not have time to watch them, lol.:))
5 Aug, 2012
Thanks Bornagain yes the weather has probably affected them too.
lol Pixi my Holly hates daddy longlegs too she says they look too much like big spiders..
Thanks kat, i plant my Lily's at different times so i get a longer season of colour, welcome to the bat club :-))
5 Aug, 2012
Lots of colour and interest there.
That hydrangea was a lovely colour ;o)
5 Aug, 2012
Thanks Hywel :-))
5 Aug, 2012
gorgeous blog:-)))) admired so much:-)))
1 Sep, 2012
Thanks Junna :-))
1 Sep, 2012
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lovely cheery pics SL - nice collection of reds - second picture is so summery especially :))))) we have a bat that flies around the house - nice happy blog mate :))
2 Aug, 2012