The Daffodil / Narcissus season
By teegee
Well thats another Daffodil/Narcissus season more or less over for another year!
I just love them as you can see here;
They were a bit short lived this year due to the hot spell we had in in March followed by the snow we had on the fourth of April when this happened;
Not to worry here are some pictures I took this year and last, which will keep me happy until next year!….
Last year(2011) I decided to lift all the bulbs in my back garden because they were becoming less prolific so I thought it was about time I thinned them out and replant them.
I have the same planned for the front garden this year (2012)
This is a few of the bulbs I lifted;
Those bulbs that were surplus to my requirements were given to friends and family, or sold off to subsidise this years growing season.
I have a little arrangement with the owner of the village hardware store, who each year sells off any surplus plants I have ;o))
He is happy with the arrangement as it gets people into his shop.
Plus! as I understand it; his customers are quite happy as well!
I’m also very happy as it subsidises my gardening costs, which seem to increase every year.
So all well that ends well!
On to my pictures;
Emerging bulbs
Emerging bulbs
Emerging bulbs
Emerging bulbs
Emerging bulbs
Emerging bulbs
Plants budded
Buds beginning to open
Plants in bloom
Plants in bloom
Miniature Daffodils
Miniature Daffodils
A bit of a closer look
A bit of a closer look
Now for some flower head close ups of various varieties I grow.
Sorry they are unamed, but now that I don’t exhibit anymore, over time the labels have somehow disappeared.
Well that’s the lot I hope you enjoyed looking at them!
The eagle eyed viewers among you may have noticed that some of the flower heads are of the same variety.
This is simply because; when I see them at a different angle or in a different light I have to capture that view, I hope you don’t mind.
Speaking of varieties; What I have noticed when uploading these pictures is; I have inadvertantly given away or sold many of the varieties shown above when I lifted and moved them.
Not to worry, hopefully someone else will get the pleasure I have had when they opened each year.
7 May, 2012
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Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you were keen on daffs lol. What do you do with those large beds to follow on from them? :-)
7 May, 2012
Wonderful blog, thanks
7 May, 2012
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Gardening with friends since
22 Oct, 2008
A glorious show Teegee and so many, lovely pics, thankyou for sharing...
7 May, 2012