"Dedicated To Barbara" RIP 27-12-2013
2013 was quite a year for the family, first time in 7 years that I have not been admitted to Hospital. One of my nephews slowly regaining memory loss after being beaten up and left in a coma.
Unfortunately 2013 was singed with sadness. The Friday before Christmas my son-in-law’s mother Barbara visited my house to wish my family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
The Saturday before Christmas she boarded her plane to return to the home that she shared with husband Mike in Southern Spain.
27 Dec 2013 04.20 my son-in-law received a phone call from his father telling him his mother had been rushed to intensive care. She had previously a few days earlier been to hospital complaining that she was not feeling well but after a check up was deemed to be sent home.
My son-in-law and my daughter tried to get a flight out to Spain to see his mother. Sadly as the day progressed Barbara’s condition deteriorated. We were told her vital organs were closing down and sadly she passed that evening. The cause of death was given as pneumonia .
Barbara was 63.
I dedicate this blog to her
Wonder if the rain will be a bonus for our Camilia as the buds growing huge
Barbara loved the Camilia especially it’s colour.
A regular live feature viewed through my living room window, red kites playing in the wind…
Robin in the pink
Coal Tit
Looks of Horror The Collared Dove and Piedwagtail seem to be sharing grief. Who says birds and animals don’t have feelings
A first in my garden. I open the kitchen curtains and the sight that met my eyes. The sparrow hawk just plucked the now dead collared dove oblivious to all who looked on
This dove was the mate of the one getting eaten .
The Pied wagtail was very brave mobbing the hawk with it’s calling.
The SparrowHawk soon flies off with it’s breakfast and life begins to carry on. The grey squirrel grabs his chance to hog the feeding tray.
The squirrel gone and my latest additions on a now daily basis squabble as they feed. I never saw a single starling for years then one day I read a blog form Jane of text>> she gave details of her porridge oats feed for starlings and I tried it with much success ..
Next a beautiful great tit feeds
One of two Nuthatch that regulary take food for their winter storage larder…..
A single longtailed tit, seperated from it’s mob, must have been separated when the hawk struck. …..
A female blackbird appears from the evergreen hedge…..
Things getting better as a Dunnock takes a morning bath..
Next a male chaffinch, don’t know where the female is…
Another regular visitor- a young wren feed on the dry mealworm that I put under the bottom hedge on a regular basis…
The other of the two nuthatches returns, on studying the two have different preferences on the way they feed from the feeder. I use a nut feeder but I choose to add my own mixture of feed with added dried mealworms plus shredded suet….
Just in time for last week ends bird count 26/27 Jan 2014 a Male Black cap. I was sure I could hear it beautiful song so I played it’s call and song using the RSPCB App that you can get for Iphone OS or Android. The black cap soon answered and before long it was perched at the bottom of the single buddleia that I never fully cut back as it’s perfect for the hanging feeders.
Hopefully the brown capped female should soon arrive on the scene ..
You might have wonder the pink hew of the Robin’s photo and the reason being The Morning Warning of a vivid pink sky..
I do hope that you have enjoyed sharing this blog and I hope to write many more
30 Jan, 2014
Previous post: "Oh For The Joys Of Spring"
Next post: "Updating My Diary 2013/2014
You do get a lot of different birds Tommy and your photo's are really lovely to see, its a shame about the dove but I'm afraid its natures way, I haven't seen a single chaffinch in my garden this year, I guess they're finding food elsewhere and don't need my help this winter......
30 Jan, 2014
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17 Jan, 2012
i feel for the dove i am sure they mate for life ,we had the problem of the sparrow hawk that took many small birds,so now their feeders are mingled in tree branches although we can not see so much of them and they eat i suppose in safety because the hawk does not have a clear run at them and fingers crossed it has gone somewhere else away from here
30 Jan, 2014