"Oh For The Joys Of Spring"
What a laugh, when is the jet stream going to make it’s mind up and move north of the UK.
12 Noon on St Patrick’s Day I take a look out of my kitchen window, stair-rods of sleet and hail but bravely dodging the ice balls the garden birds were still feeding.
Sorry I have not been on here for a while but hopefully a return to a regularity of a weekly blog update.
Not to much on the garden front at the moment so please accept a few views from my kitchen window.
Nice to see a bit of yellow amongst the over wintering fushia
A bit of colour adds some cheer.
This Woodpigeon has a rather refined look in it’s eyes..
Just popping the wings into joint
What a cute looking Blue Tit but just been watching it chase off two larger Great tits from the feeders..
A Dunnuck searching for a few dried mealworms…
The Dunnock moves to the feeders.
I’ve put a fat feeder onto a little shrub for the smaller birds..
This male Chaffinch checking to see what the Woodpigeons have left….
I suppose the Collared Doves feed like this for protection.
Makes you wonder how they can see what’s going into an open bill.
This pigeon had been chasing another pigeon around the garden before alighting beside a pair of mating doves, perhaps looking for advice…
Very unusual for my garden but a singleLong-tailed tit arrives
The Long-tailed tit unusually arrived to feed on it’s own.. This one did not look 100% while it was feeding
Pied wagtail enjoy the sun and advantage point
Pied wagtail on next door’s screening..
This is the view from the kitchen sink to the garden. Looking a bit grim as it’s North facing but as soon as the sun high enough it soon shines over my roof top brightening the garden up. I do hope you have enjoyed my return
18 Mar, 2013
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Previous post: Wild bird visitors January 2013 and perhaps 2012 or earlier
Next post: "Dedicated To Barbara" RIP 27-12-2013
Thank you Stickitoffee.....
18 Mar, 2013
I do sympathise with the mess problem. Because mine is the only proper garden down our street we get a quite a few cats who think it's a toilet for their use and I do have to clear up a lot of mess. It's not so bad later in the year when there's not much soil to be seen. At the moment I'm using rose prunings scattered on exposed earth to deter them, but it's impossible to have a seed bed or anything like that, it would soon be fouled and scratched up:( I even had to give up feeding the birds completely as it encouraged the cats even more.....
Lovely bird pics btw.
18 Mar, 2013
Cheers Louisa 15
I've tried everything from rose cuttings to orange peel and even feeding the cats but no luck, I will have to stick to shrubs I think. Nice you liked the bird pics, Thanks
19 Mar, 2013
Love the wood pigeon in his bath, fab shot.
And I too wish the jet stream would move north again, not that my northern friends agree about that.
Re cats and their mess....not a nice first photo! But when I lived in London, cats were such a huge problem. Not sure what you can do. I'm lucky to live in a field far away from other cats! Just my feral cat who lives in a rabbit hutch and does her business else where!
19 Mar, 2013
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Gardening with friends since
30 Dec, 2011
Love the birds having a bath, beautiful little wagtail and long tailed tits.
18 Mar, 2013