Friday 29th May 2009
By tonyb158
Hi Folks
Here we are again, the weather has been beautiful in this part of the world and we have been busy putting all the bedding plants in as I think there is little chance of us having a frost that would do any serious damage, although I have known us to have a frost as late as June but that is very rare, anyway did I say bedding plants, well we don’t plants in beds as they all go into boxes on the side of the glasshouse or in baskets, plus pots around the garden and of course just outside of the back of the house where we have at least a dozen boxes that are 30" long plus 4 16" hanging baskets, my we have had a busy time but it was fun and we still had a few left over so we had to look around to see where we could squeeze the remainder in, so that job is done now so it is back to concentrating on the veg garden, we bought some fushias from the Thompson and Morgan sale on the net they claim to be black at the centre hope they are as they will make a super contrast amongst the other flowers, and another one called Lady Boothby it is said to climb never heard of one climbing but we shall see, mind it does say that it will need some assistance so it probably will need some tying in well there are wires on the fence in the veg garden where it is going so that is not a problem, the veg is comiing on well we have used quite a lot of lettuce out of the garden and some of those lovely crunchy radishes, I can hear your mouths watering, not a lot to say at the moment so I enclose some pictures.
This is a clematis that is out now guess it is one of the Montana family any offers what name it is as I have lost the label.
Curry Plant now this can make your mouth water when you rub your hands over it.
Gizzy she seems to love to sit amongst the pepper plants in the glasshouse.
Gizzy on her favourite perch on the top of the shed she seems to like up her as well, probably guarding the garden as she is not to friendly with other cats.
Ceonanthus think I have spelt it right, this is now 6 ft high.
We have loads of these little fellas in the garden most of the day and what hard workers they are, hope they come and pollinate the peas and beans for us.
29 May, 2009
Previous post: Bank Holiday Weekend
Next post: Sunday 31-05-2009
Lovely photos, cant help with Clematis, Im learning about them myself
29 May, 2009
gizzy looks well at home in your garden,
29 May, 2009
Love your photos especially Gizzy. I have a curry plant Love the smell of it makes my mouth water
29 May, 2009
Lovely Gizzy :o)
Lady Boothby is a lovely fuchsia. It will grow to about
6 ft tall or more. It doesn't climb but it will use nearby plants or a trellis for support. You'll have to tie it on probably. Mine died in the servere weather we had last winter. I'd had it for many years. It is usually quite hardy and can be left in the ground all year. I had mine in a tub and put it near a wall for the winter but last yr was too cold.
30 May, 2009
Cats always find the warmest spots, don't they? She looks so haughty looking down at you, as if to say, what on earth are you doing?! Lol!
Beautiful clematis, I'm "green" with envy, hehe! Hope you find it's name? You could try the place you bought it from, they may still sell it. The other alternative is to visit lots of gc and look at the clematis' in flower there. I sometimes do that!
4 Jun, 2009
Recent posts by tonyb158
- The Garden over the last fortnight
26 Jun, 2009
- A busy week
14 Jun, 2009
- My wet weekend 10-06-2009
10 Jun, 2009
- Thursday 04-05-2009
4 Jun, 2009
- Sunday 31-05-2009
31 May, 2009
- Bank Holiday Weekend
27 May, 2009
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i love the clematis, but it seems to complex for a montana. cant help though.
glad you have plenty of bees. i love the orange furry bum on this not so little lady. ;o)
29 May, 2009