blenheim Palace 2003 "Elements in Reflection"
In 2003 myself and 13 other mature adults were part of a City & Guilds Garden Design course.
We convinced our tutor to enter us into the Blenheim Palace Garden show 2003.
Between the 14 of us we came up with a design and then managed to secure £500 from the college and proceeded to aquire plants from a local nursery on a borrow and then sell basis.
Managed to convince a landscape company to build our structure then along with the plants from the college we started to put together our garden.
We recieved a Silver, which was great for all of us. First time and all that.
Joe Swift came for a visit.
and Anthea Turner was hosting a show for UK Living.
So she came for a chat as well.
This was a great experiance and I must say this is where some of my plants came from. Initially kept in pots and followed me from house to house until now we they have been planted for the last two years.
The garden lasted a couple of days then it was all sold off and dissmantled.
3 Mar, 2008
Previous post: White Hyacinth's.
Next post: Greenhouse Shelves.
Well done Trees to you and the class for taking the initiative. Wonderful design. Which of the plants did you keep?
4 Mar, 2008
I kept the red Acer "BloodGood", some of the Primula Vialiis(I think thats right) and a few others.
4 Mar, 2008
Acer 'Bloodgood' is a wonderful one. Lucky you, and congrats on the Silver! What an experience for you all.
4 Mar, 2008
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I enjoyed seeing your photos and congrats on the silver. The pool or water feature is very interesting.
4 Mar, 2008