Secret place
Everyone has a ‘Secret place’. This is mine.
You have to walk past my tree ferns, through the doorway in the conifer hedge and there you are. My secret place.
Actually it’s the part of the garden that is always evolving and gets used for anything that I dont have a proper home for. All the plants I dont want in the top part of the garden go here. I dont like throwing things out or on the compost heap so everything gets a second chance in this bit. Currently a cherry tree is doing his best to live on along with an un wanted conifer.
This is where our Spring watch pond is, along with our compost bins made from pallets. The plastic compost bins have weeds in one and leaves in the other’s.
There are several piles of rotten branches etc.
The big rotten tree that is lying just above the pond fell down in the begining of winter last year. Luckily it missed our, not quite a year old pond, but it did give us access to the woods without having to climb the fence. The woods are basically a natural dell that isn’t any good for building on so it got left well alone when they built new houses on what was an old nursery site at the back of the woods, several years ago.
We have frog spawn in the pond as some of you have seen my pics, as well as we have found several slow worms down here and watched the foxes come and go.
The tree in the middle of the compost pallets is a Hawthorn and I cant wait to post a pic of it when it’s in flower as it is lovely. I now have a spare clematis growing up him, so fingers crossed it should look good this year. I also throw any spare perenials at this bit just for colour/wildlife.
looking forward to spring!
9 Mar, 2008
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Secert Place ??? iv 2wait a little while b4 iget 1 of those Trees&Things,But im going2have 1 like you say ; )
10 Mar, 2008
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24 Apr, 2013
Very nice. I like the way your pond is situated on the lower level. I also like that you have to walk through the conifer hedge. I'm looking forward to seeing a photo of your Hawthrorn. ENJOY ! your secret place :)
10 Mar, 2008