Just an update...............
By wyeth
Hi all……………
Firstly I guess a bit of an apology;- with one thing and another I find myself snatching just a few minutes to catch up with all your escapades – and truthfully, to remain most impressed with all your efforts and achievements.
And therein lies the crux – I seem to burn up all my time reading your diaries and blogs, then running out of time to comment on them all. I’m so sorry – I do remain inspired by all of your wonderful posts, and I promise to try and acknowledge them more formally.
Things are slowly moving forward at Fort Wyeth. Although I seem to be “de-constructing” an awful lot – stripping the old beds out [trying to save the best of course].
My lack of foraging ability [earlier in the year – see previous blog] has resulted in me having to plant a lot of seed and to just be grateful for when they do mature and flower. Although have managed to find some nice Basket and Pot plants, being that much more expensive I’ve just had to be a bit more judicious in their usage – tough for me as I like my pots and baskets like I like my upholstery – OVERSTUFFED! [I hope that doesn’t come over sounding cheap]?
Here’s a bit of a success though, a small one I’ll admit but this Clematis was looking pretty forlorn just outside the back door [It’s just to the right of the view through the “Back Gate” for those that might be trying to orientate themselves]
I believe it’s “The President”? My camera seems to have rendered it a bit on the Lilac side – it’s much “Bluer” – and the language isn’t much better [Sorry -that was a bit abstract]!
Actually it has grown and flowered as much again, as of this morning you could barely poke your finger between the flowers – it really does give one the impetus to keep on trying……….. and against all the odds it seem with this destructive wind we’ve suffered.
A few other things perhaps worth mentioning but I’ll have to leave it there for the moment, as I seem to have whittered on somewhat………….. that and I’ll have Class banging at the door any minute.
Speak soon………………… KBO.
26 May, 2011
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As long as you are going forwards its ok, I also like full baskets and borders, if there is a gap I will fill it.
I bought The President and planted it only last week, I hope it does as well as yours, I`ll be well chuffed, yours is smashing....
26 May, 2011
I like that clematis. I have it aswell and you are right about the colour. I don't thin k digital cameras pick up the colours of things properly.
Never mind if you can't put comments. I often am unable to think of something to say lol so I just click the 'like' button.
28 May, 2011
Recent posts by wyeth
- Huzzahs for Cramden........................
2 Jun, 2011
- YIKES..................
11 May, 2011
- An admittance and declaration of intent!!!!
2 May, 2011
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any acheivements makes you want to keep going. im still a very long way from completing my garden but keep going it takes time i've learnt that.
26 May, 2011