An admittance and declaration of intent!!!!
By wyeth
This is my first ever blog – ever-anywhere.
Does it work like a diary? This because I’m hoping by writing in the blog, I shall commit myself in front of witnesses to making the effort and not to shirk [too much] the duties and wonders to perform that shall herein be known as the “Garden”…………. [If you read that again with a Spike Milligan voice you’ll understand how I’m pitching this as an endeavour].
Seriously……… I’ve had a bit of a look round and ………“YIKES”……………there’s some impressive Gardens Properties and Plant collections.
I can’t compete with that……….. I now officially have Garden envy, and I didn’t actually know I cared that much for the subject.
If any of you have read my profile you’ll understand already that I’ve inherited the title and job of head gardener, and it’s been pretty daunting trying to make sense of the Garden and what’s to be done with it??
Initially all I intended was to make it tidy and keep it respectable………… but you know what? As I’ve made headway with the clearing up, I find myself mulling over how best to develop and plant the respective areas.
Who knew just how insidious this Gardening malarky could be?
This is what it amounted to after only a couple of seasons of neglect – you could of wept!
I felt so terrible and yet so desperate knowing that I wasn’t a natural gardener and it seems such a mammoth task
Here’s a quick shot after a "bit of a tidy up! – you can see I’ve taken the old trellis from the first pic and after cutting back the privet I’m using it as a trimming guide giving me access to the greenhouse – I think it looks kind of groovy too?
A little later and having taken a step back from the previous shot you can see how much this bottom area was getting away from me already [I’d been working mainly at the top by the hovel – sorry; House [see “Back gate” pic’].
Anyhoo ………… managing a bit more this spring, and I’ve given all the beds a proper full spit depth dig over, this should stand me in good stead for ongoing maintenance and upkeep? Made some more changes that will provide a hopefully good infrastructure so that the “Visible” garden is that much easier to keep looking good?
I have however come to realise already that the garden as an entity is a fickle mistress – already I’m subject to emotional blackmail and much crushing disappointment.
Sorry if this comes over as a “whinge”? – I’m just hoping the documentation will act as a method of girding my loins somewhat – ooo-er!
Until then……….. KBO
2 May, 2011
More blog posts by wyeth
Next post: YIKES..................
Keep at it - it is coming along, you will soon be addicted to gardening and working and buying and planting and chopping and trimming and weeding and hoeing. Enjoy good luck, you have made an excellent start.
2 May, 2011
Very enjoyable blog,you have a way with words, I like what I can see and its easy to see the work you have already put in, you are so right Mother Nature would soon have taken over, she has a habit of doing that if allowed, obviously you`re not going to let her,lol.
Welcome to Goy Wyeth, enjoy both the site and your garden.......
2 May, 2011
Yes, welcome to GoY Wyeth. Your garden looks like it could be really interesting and what a challenge! Good luck.
2 May, 2011
very entertaining blog, and all the best with your garden, it already has some lovely plants in it and looks like a very nice place to spend time.
2 May, 2011
Welcome to GoY :) You've done a great job at tidying your garden. Keep going !
3 May, 2011
Welcome from me too! For a non gardener you've really done a great job, well done! It'll become your baby and you'll want to keep it as lovely as possible! It's good fun making plans for the garden, which plant where, what colours etc and if you're anything like me you'll drive yourself to distraction! This is a great website for all things gardening! In the photo sections you can view other peoples gardens, you'll find lots of differents planting ideas etc. I wish you every success on your new venture as the new "feild marshall" Good Luck and Happy Gardening!
11 May, 2011
Recent posts by wyeth
- Huzzahs for Cramden........................
2 Jun, 2011
- Just an update...............
26 May, 2011
- YIKES..................
11 May, 2011
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I had to smile at your blog wyeth very well written, and even though its a bit unkempt you can see the bones of a very nice garden, gird thee loins sir and carry on regardless!!!! Good luck and look forward to more pictures as you progress!!
2 May, 2011