Tonnes of top soil (what a messy job i have on my hands)
By youngflower
Hi All
Just to keep you all up dated as i have not been on here a while.
I decided turf was the best choice for me.
So tomorrow i am having two or three tonne of top soil delivered.
And will be doing all the work myself. As you wouldnt believe how much i was quoted by a gardener!!
Never the less….. I shall be out there this week with the wheel barrow getting stuck in. I also feel i will benefit a great deal more satisfaction having done a job myself! a real sense of achievement! :)
Anyway i will upload photos as soon as i find my camera charger! haha. Since i’ve moved here some things are still unpacked and in the loft! deary me!!
I hope all your mums out there also had a wonderful mothers day. I spent mine with my mum and baby and had a lovely time with some beautiful roses.
4 Apr, 2011
Previous post: A harmless little Joke ;)
You'll have well-developed arm muscles after shifting all the top soil. I know how expensive gardeners are to do this kind of work and we've had to bite the bullet and accept that we can't do it the last quote is coming in this week.
We need at least 8 tonnes of top soil and then turf. Hope you have some nice bath oils to relieve sore and tired muscles, Youngflower :)
4 Apr, 2011
Thanks WhistonLass & Hywel
I will be relaxing in a nice hot bubble bath and be treating myself to having my nails done as the garden has made them awfull. My poor lottle hands :( .
The thing is the difference between the serveral quotes i've had between the builders has been about £800 difference, it's crazy. I sometimes think that because they see a glamourous young woman they think they can ripp me off and assume i'am some kind of air head idiot. Well they are wrong!!, I'm much to cute for them and because of their greed. I have now decided to do the garden myself and they have lost a job! Besides i will do a better job i'm sure, (or at least i hope so). :)
Also i managed to aquire the top soil off a local farmer free of charge. So i can now use the money saved for the top soil on some lovely plant pots instead.
I hope you are both well and enjoying the lovely sunshine .
xxxxx Young Flower xxxxxxxxx
9 Apr, 2011
That was very resourceful of you topsoil from the farmer. I know quotes can vary so much; we have found the same when trying to get someone honest and reliable to undertake the major part of our landscaping. I am very sure we have now found our gardener...a lady :)
I'll be watching out for updates as you progress with the development of your garden, YF.....and yes, by all means, enjoy that bath and well deserve the treat.
9 Apr, 2011
very resourcesful, well done..keep it up..hope your nails recovered..
9 Apr, 2011
Recent posts by youngflower
- A harmless little Joke ;)
18 Feb, 2011
- What a mess! where do i begin?
15 Feb, 2011
Well done on doing the job yourself. You will be proud :) I hope you can find your camera charger . I still have things unpacked from 6 yrs ago lol
4 Apr, 2011