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What make you say that ?? Are Rhododies prone to vine weavil...but I will most certainly check. Do the grubs live in the soil or on the shrub ??

On question - Hello...Advice please


It is a good one, isn't it?


Very cheerful.


Agreed. Is it an Evison?

On photo - Clematis Darcy


That's attractive. I can't grow ferns for love nor money. Too hot and dry most of the time (not this year, though..)


That looks to be a good, strong specimen, Karen. Are you buying your plants locally?

On photo - Had to have one!


Ange, thanks so much for your kind words!


Thanks Callie, David and Josie, it really is a lovely shade, not blue, more lilac to my eyes.


Karen, even Michael calls it 'Karen's rose' now ... :o))


Julia, I know just how you feel as I am reluctant to plant out Godetias and Zinnias. Yesterday I added some of them for a charity plant sale ... hopefully somebody else will not be plagued by the S&S!


That's gone on to my grocery shopping list ... thanks for the info.

On blog - Slugs and snails.


Oh lord, Karen, why did I not read that properly? Another senior moment methinks ... :o(

On photo - 7am


Same here Karen, even in the summerhouse it's too chilly to sit for long.



On photo - Had to have one!


Josie, I believe Doff blue pellets are for both slug and snail control. They don't seem to make any difference to the ones munching on my plants!


Very bracing, I'm sure with the blowy weather. Interesting blog. Thanks you.


'R in Blue" was a favourite of mine. While away at Peter Beales I spied 'Blue for You'. Goodness, how I would love to have that! No space, though.
The roses are coming along nicely now and yours are a smashing selection, Shirley.


We had 'Bobbie James' once. It was beautiful but threatened to swamp the space we had for it, Janey. I'm still bad at taking enough notice of plants' eventual sizes. I am still learning the hard way after all these years.


All ideas wlcome! Thanks, everyone for your comments.

On blog - Slugs and snails.


No, J C Van Tol! No variegation, just a nice price-free deep glossy green, and bright red berries. Nice upright growth too.

On photo - 7am


Thanks Shirley! It’s still a very chilly wind here.


Thanks Shirley. I feel it’s important to love Ferns if you have a north facing garden wall!


That’s great to hear Shirley as this is the aspect here.

On photo - Had to have one!


That’s a great tip Thorneyside! Thank you!

On blog - Slugs and snails.


I’d be checking it for vine weevils grubs too. ASAP

On question - Hello...Advice please


Really pretty Clematis.

On photo - Clematis Darcy


'Golden King' by any chance?

On photo - 7am


Looking fabulous in the sunshine!


That is a lovely Fern. My one and only Fern went to plant heaven last year ... :o(


Karen, I have one of these too, planted in an East facing border so it has sun in the morning and shade from mid afternoon which suits it well. Good luck with yours.

On photo - Had to have one!


I use crushed garlic from the frozen food aisle at Asda. No cooking involved thankfully as I hate the smell. Just add to water and leave a while then strain. I have used it on tree lilies as well to keep the dreaded red lily beetle away. Not expensive either, just over a pound I think from memory. I stored mine in a washed out 4 or 5 litre screen wash container and sprayed every few days as we had so much rain this year. It'll do for this year and I'll just buy another pack next year. I found only one red lily beetle so far so worth the smell.

On blog - Slugs and snails.


Lovely blog Sheila, the viburnum flowers are stunning! I thought they were hydrangea flowers at first..:)
Everything is looking very pretty and much further along than in my garden.
Thanks for the pic of Ukigumo, I had to move my two small acers out of the strong cold winds we've had this week. I couldn't manage the Jordan, so had to bag it up, which I've removed this morning fingers crossed we may have more gentle weather now....please.....!!


I have enjoyed seeing the coastal plants you came across Hywel, especially the valerian which attracts the hummingbird hawkmoth. If I'm lucky it'll arrive up here in July finding my old valerians at the back of my border. I do envy you a coastal walk and look forward to maybe seeing the wild orchids next time


You have a great collection of roses. The Rhapsody in Blue is an amazing shade. They all look nice & healthy (fingers crossed) :-)


Ty for showing these coastal plants Hywel. I’m interested in all plants not just our garden ones. I don’t think I’ve seen the Sea Spurge before.


I didn’t know that those blue pellets don ‘t kill off slugs, only the snails. Ty for that info.


of I do miss coastal walks. Thank you so much for sharing your wanderings.


I can’t wait to plant some!


That's very interesting Hywel and how good to sea the coastal plants.I've always loved Valerian.Reminds me so much of growing up in Cornwall.


You haven't missed much Balcony, it's mostly rubbish. That's why I hardly ever switch it on. Sometimes I watch a program on the iplayer on my laptop - things like something archaeological or local/family history related.

Thanks for everyone's comments.

On photo - Mammillaria heliosa


I love roses & yours are lovely, Shirley! 👏 👏 👏


The only bulbs I've ever grown from seed are Amaryllis.

On photo - Gladiolus dalenii


I must remember to take a photo tomorrow!


I don't think I've ever seen Beechgrove or at least not more than once. But then I've practically not watched a TV programme, on the TV, in at least 3 years! I sometimes watch a few GW programmes or some of David Attenborough's documentaries but that's about as far as I go on seeing TV programmes - oh, I mustn't forget I watch the FI races on Channel 4 but on the computer, not on the TV. Our TV is so old now the cables have been lost & I couldn't get it to work any more even if I wanted to!

On photo - Mammillaria heliosa


Beautiful roses Shirley, I love your blue rose.


Aw..thanks for the honourable mention Shirley. It is a lovely rose. I feel sad now about all the gifted plants I have had to leave in Scotland. But I shan’t forget them. X


Ok…so Clove, lavender and peppermint are suggested! So much nicer than boiling garlic. But there is loads of info on line about using essential oils to deter slugs! Worth a try!

On blog - Slugs and snails.


Regarding the garlic. I wonder if using an essential oil would work just as well? I read this week that spraying an essential oil dilute such as peppermint or eucalyptus, even Lavender, will help deter cats from pooing in your beds. I sprayed all around the outside of my borders with eucalyptus and it seems to have worked. No more cat poop. I couldn’t help wondering if it would harm plants if I sprayed my Hostas with it, and might it deter slugs also? Does anyone know? I’ll go and do a bit of research and let you know!

On blog - Slugs and snails.