By 230338
Weather great today so we cancelled all family visits and mowed the rear lawn. Then i did a little on Tinys play station and guess what?! yes we had a visit from the family. Project put on hold. Brolly went up and so did my feet it was a wonderful laugh to get the family gossip. I noted turbo Fred(tortoise) and his balloon going up and down between the grass and not a titter from muffin (the pup) as he listened to us laughing . Lucy was at my feet in a ball fast a sleep but Nelson the cat did not make it on the basis we were told he is courting. it was a very slow wonderful day and a change after the bad weather. Take care all and enjoy. Tony
24 Jul, 2011
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Glad you had a super day - sometimes it's just nice to go with the flow isn't it ?
25 Jul, 2011
hi mariek That's a very pleasant expression Mariek (go with the flow) you are right of course and some of my good family news was that i am an uncle to a three day old young lady. That's worth its weight in gold to me. Take care enjoy. Tony
25 Jul, 2011
hi Elizabeth Did the front lawn today with our reserve mower( yesterday our Qualcast bit the dust from overwork). I have it in for a full service it does both lawns in 45 minuets when on form. Our res mower is very dinky but does quite a good job. Blimey one minuet your a pirate and next your Clint eastward. You are a woman of many talents Elizabeth. Like the hoedown suggestion though. Got to feed my toms and that was it today. Weather great but it brought our neighbours out and it was local gossip then. By the way i,m an uncle to a three day little girl born to my nephew who,es partner is the sister of kerri Payne the Olympic swimming champion. Yes i made the same mistake in 2008 using old seeds but lesson learnt. Well i best be off, the oil in me storm lamp be low so it is. Until next time Elizabeth take care enjoy Tony
25 Jul, 2011
Oh I've just seen this Tony! and my battery be low! I'll have to throw a shovelful of coal in the iPad and fuel it up for tomorrow! This is all very interesting! Gotta go...;0)
25 Jul, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Goodheavens your very modern with a coal fueled ipad. Most of my Friends are on elastic band technology. You little devil you. Take care enjoy Tony
26 Jul, 2011
Teehee!... That was very funny! So! Congratulations on becoming a Uncle!! A wee girl, that's lovely, no name yet? You'll be on babysitting duty before you know it!
My goodness! A celebrity in the family, I've seen her race, and she comes across a a thoroughly nice girl! She's the first British competitor to qualify for the Olympics, isn't she? Very dedicated girl, and if her sister is half as nice as her, your nephew will have done well! And if your nephew is anything like you...poor girl! Chuckle! Nooo! Tony! I don't mean it! I'm know your nephew is lovely!! Just like you!! ;0)
Hope you get your mower back soon, at the rate your grass is growing!... it was hilarious when you described the size of the grass box! if your reserve mower breaks down, you're going to have to negotiate terms for the lease of Turbo, to trundle up and down your lawn nibbling
all the way, although how you're going to get the grass
stripy is another matter entirely! Doesn't bear thinking
about! I'll speak to you soon, Tony!
26 Jul, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Little girls name is Erin i was left in the conservatory with her fast asleep in my arms. It was several minuets before they realized i was not in the company. Her mum janine (kerrie,s sister )couldn't believe i had got her to sleep. Bunch of amateurs(LoL). Little Erin great little lady and so is her mum. All we see of turbo these days is a yellow balloon bobbing about. Well i be blowed ,me first officer taking the micheal, tis the plank if ye not be careful. Had my other neice down today (she is 9 months old) our Ellie and she is a beauty. We had to vacate the patio(it was roasting there) and seek cool in our dining room. Managed a little gardening but as yet so many projects on hold. To create the lines in our lawn Elizabeth i drag Tiny along by his tootsies and ensure his beak creates the furrows. Its been a busy but nice day. And i be wishing you a pleasent time in your garden as well. Take care enjoy Tony
27 Jul, 2011
Ochh! Those little ones know who the nice people are! Keith's Dad was always able to put any child to sleep, they just completely relaxed and in the blink of an eye, they were snoring! Useful trait! Love the little ones names, all the' bestest' people have names starting with the letter E! Chuckle! Oh no! Not the plank again! I'll have a wee groove worn out in it! Not unlike poor Tiny and the lawn! Sure, if you don't get your mower back soon, you could commandeer Turbo again and drag him up and down the lawn by the heels, while Tiny gets a break to let his beak grow back! Right! I'm now going to report myself to the RSPCA! and wash my mouth out with soap! I'm sorry, Tiny and Turbo!
(no animals were hurt during the writing of this, quite frankly, bonkers comment!) Lol! ;0)
27 Jul, 2011
I've really enjoyed listening to all the bantering going on between you and Elizabeth who I think is a lovely person, even if I haven't a clue what your'e talking about.Congrats. on being an uncle.Best wishes and happy gardening( if you can find the time with your growing family lol.)
28 Jul, 2011
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Sounds like a perfect day Tony! Sorry it all got a bit scuppered on you, but it sounded like you all had a lot of fun, and at least you got the lawn done! It seems to be growing so flippin' fast now after all your loving care, you're either going to have to mow it 2 or 3 times a week, or bale it up and sell it for animal feed! Or arrange the bales around the edge of your lawn and have a Hoedown!! Yeeharrr! Or get a goat to keep it nibbled down for you! Lol!
I was busy in the BOILING! greenhouse, sowing more new white foxglove seeds, the last lot sown were from a packet left over from last year...lesson learned, I only got about 12 to germinate, as opposed to the apricot ones, where about 60 germinated! They were new seed this year mind you! Just goes to show, it was a false economy keeping the ones from last year! Also splitting some of my heucheras up so if you'd like me to send you any, just whistle!! Yawn!! Got to go to bed now...the candles are burning low...they only last half the time if your burning them at both ends! ;0)
24 Jul, 2011