By 230338
Dawn came and out onto my lawn i wondered. Mower at the ready, grass not too bad but just needed a trim. Hi ho hi ho and the mower going full flow. Lawn cut completed i noticed smoke oozing from the motor and a bright glow from its casing. Pinky and perky (my gnomes) were smiling as my mower was frying. Total loss this was our spare mower and it was no mower. I retired to the lounge to tell Tiny (our budgie) the predicament but only got sweet nothings down my ear. I filled his bath and looking him straight in the eye i said"Crocus has one so get in" he backed away and in very good gobbledigook said " wot yer doin" i knew then it was a day for loosing. My lawn looked very nice but going past my shed i noticed a mobile balloon(Turbo fred the tortoise)he was zooming onto my paving, his balloon all a flutter bright and yellow. Now that made my day and a message from a special freind in ireland really set it fine. Take care all and good gardening. Tony
3 Aug, 2011
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Libet have you been on the old Potcheen again, you have us believing in faeries next.
Personally, I think it's the nasty little gnome hiding at the side of the shed. keeping a look out for more mischief.
Tony perhaps Tiny doesn't like using the water after Crocus, she may have shaved her legs. Does Crocus leave her discarded feathers in the water. Did you put any bubble bath in?
I know I won't share my OH's water not after he's shaved his legs and armpits.
4 Aug, 2011
something shy and mysterious is living in the lawn, deep in the grass there hides a monster, who not only hates lawn mowers but anyone who uses them.
4 Aug, 2011
Oops!!!!!! nothing worse than a defunct mower in the summertime, if that happened to me I`d not have retired to whisper sweet nothings to any living creature, more likely stormed around creating very blue air....
4 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Am so confused. One minuet i am in the brig, then out i come into a mower less shed and now once again the rascals are at it. Thank You for info on the four Musketeers Elizabeth. I am letting the grass grow around P& P and have popped turbo,s balloon. Tiny was a tough one but i managed to hypnotise him into a deep sleep until he fell into his bath. I got drenched when he came out though. Qualcast Mower still being serviced Elizabeth think i may send P& P the bill (L0L). Are you alright though as i had to water your hiding place before it rained?. Take care enjoy Tony
4 Aug, 2011
Hi granny b Thats what i forgot bubble bath for Tiny . How much would i need for his bath its 200 feet deep(LoL). He is into snorkel bathing. Take care Tony
4 Aug, 2011
Hiya Stickie I believe you have hit on a very good point their. I noticed black fluid oozing out of my lawn and thought crikey its scary. It was only when this chap came to my shed door and said " Ureaka! its oil can i drill " that i smiled . Take care enjoy Tony
4 Aug, 2011
Hi lincslass Yes it was one of those days but two Mowers in a week defunct blimey thats going some. I was,nt very angry though. I just went into my shed locked the door and cried a lot (LoL). Take care enjoy. Tony
4 Aug, 2011
4 Aug, 2011
Sorry to hear your mower was out, seems too you ve still got a lot of convinceing to Tiny to take a bath lol, nice to have nice news
4 Aug, 2011
Oh no! Tony! Don't cry! Here, I'll give you a hanky...Och, I haven't got one...Keith! have you a hanky, Tony's crying in the, why would Tony be in our shed Keith, he's in his own shed, Pardon? You haven't got a hanky either?... why is he crying? Och! I haven't time to tell you now, I just need a hanky...Oh, stuff it! Tony! Can you hear me through that door? Yes? You can? Great, can you stay there for a wee long? Ummm...just a couple of days...because I'm posting my sleeve over to you... what for?...because I can't find a hanky!...Well, you need something to dry your tears on, and the only thing I can my sleeve!
Why am I all wet? ...that blusher's not a bit waterproof... and that cigar'll never light either, it's wringin'! lipstick?
4 Aug, 2011
libet you dont need to worry about tony any more ~ he has struck gold [well oil] somewhere near the shed door ~ he must be rich by now and he is planning how to spend the money!!!
5 Aug, 2011
Ooops! That's next door's oil pipe for their central heating! I can smell trouble...and oil!
5 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie Please don,t tell everyone, but i think its a false prediction since the chap in question was from british gas. I thought he said oil but really he said oil be seeing you. What a rotter. Take care Tony
5 Aug, 2011
well done tony ~ i tried to work that one in but i couldnt make it work!!
i shall not tell a soul!
sounds like libet has enough of her own from next door so she wont mind.
have to wait till the rainbow brings you a pot of gold instead.
5 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth i am confused my dreams of oil have been dashed by the gas man and since you ventured below my shed floor did you detect any gold?. I know there is slate and brick presence but i am waiting the builders return for them. Elizabeth i need your survey report before i dig . I am desperate. I really am not interested in a gas find (LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
5 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie Pot of gold was great thought but at present i have only one welly and my shovel has been burnt. But between yourself and Elizabeth i know i shall acquire success. Either that or an enforced residence at a mental institute(LoL). Take care Tony
5 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Just got your sleeve it was wrapped in my burnt welley. You may keep my sock. Made a boob on the blue lipstick but i had just drank an orange juice and was quite tipsy at the time. We were notified of a lady hopping about on our patio could that be because i found your size 6 mules under the bush?. I found 3 shoes for the same foot good heavens please don't explain if you have all those legs Elizabeth i am getting scared now. No chance of racing you (LoL). Just seen paper" lady with 6 feet and only one blouse sleeve seen dancing down the high street" awesome. Take care Elizabeth. Tony
5 Aug, 2011
hmmm you will have to give that burnt shovel some welly then tony, hop round to the neighbours and see if they have a welly and or a better shovel you could borrow?? mind you if libet has really got 3 legs [which i have to say is a little greedy] she could of course give you one ~ are you sure she hasnt still got your welly for her third leg???
5 Aug, 2011
Hello! Jake the peg here, with my extra leg! Thank you for the sock Tony, the extra leg was getting a little chilly, it's still a bit damp from getting watered yesterday, however, it's not all bad news, I have now developed a lovely new crop of buds on the said peg leg, but I'm not sure what they are yet. With any luck and a fair wind, (me hearty!!) I'll have a lovely crop of something edible that we can all share, then I can get shot of the peg and you can hang your coat on it in your shed, Tony.
Sorry, the only gold I could find under your shed floor, Tony, was off a sweetie wrapper, but it's ok...I won't grass you up to Valerie, and don't you tell either Sticki! He won't be allowed to come out and play again! We're already a bad enough influence!
Could you just whip over to your border there, Tony, take a pair of scissors with you and give the grass around P&P a wee trim? I'm feeling bad for them! Tehe! Have a lovely weekend all, have fun! :0)
6 Aug, 2011
P.s. Don't tell me you've got donkeys hiding under your Rose bush now...have they got my James Bond Binoculars? I can't find them in your shed, Has the lovely Valerie has been tidying up!! Lovely job too! I did find your rich tea biccys though, I only took one though, just to dunk! Lol!xx
6 Aug, 2011
hi stickie Blooming heck what a marvelous piece of detection work. The third leg has it, but unfortunateley i could not catch up with it to ask who it belonged to . Stickie if you can understand that then your a rocket scientist for sure. Take care Tony
6 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Flipping heck your on about a third leg as well. Now that's odd i sent your bi nos to a guy in Libya a Mr Gaddafi he said he could get them to you quicker. The rotter you should have them by now. Peg leg buds everyone knows Elizabeth they are pegonias and i,m an amateur at that(LoL). Thank You for the offer of a peg for my coat Elizabeth but where can i put my leprechaun hat? every one wants to grab it. Hecky thump i have found my sock under my biccy tin which is a little lighter than usual. A biccy is missing this is a job for stickie. Have trimmed grass around Trouble and Strife they can no longer walk without feet. You were lucky Elizabeth to find my biccy tin good heavens val cleaned up only yesterday. Eat well take care enjoy Tony PS Am restocking with rich tea and ginger nuts soon.
6 Aug, 2011
Ohh, Rich tea AND ginger nuts! We'll have to put the kettle on...and I'll never get my arm through the spout! (an oldie but goodie!) ;0) Pegonias! Lol! Excellent!! Chortled for at least half an hour!
6 Aug, 2011
you made me giggle till i cried!!
and yes ~ i can sort out biscuits!!
as for mr gadaffi and his leprechaun hat ~ oh sorry, did i get confused ~ hardly surprising on this blog!!!!
Do either of you remember Winnie the Pooh?
Im sure he would like this blog!!
anyway he is a quote from him that i like, i had to think about it but i like it
' "Rabbit's clever" said Pooh, thoughtfully.
"And he has a brain"...
There was a long silence
"I suppose" said Pooh "that's why he never understands anything!" '
i have that quote up in my kitchen!!! [because i do not have a brain]
6 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth The spout on my kettle will take a straw if that helps. Any way we have been invited to Roses tea party Elizabeth she is a very nice lady . I think Rose has a white coat (LoL). Genuine garden tip now, did you know that Coffee grains feed plants and repel snails? 30 grm to a gallon of water, stir and administer. Take care Elizabeth Tony
7 Aug, 2011
Hi Stickie I beg your pardon that hat is mine. Yes winnie the poo and tigger great cartoon characters. The quote you defined is perfect Stickie for most of my blogs any way and i have a Budgie that can vouch for that (LoL). Yuo took me back with that one. Take care stickie Tony.
7 Aug, 2011
I LOVE the Winster stories!! "I'm so rumbly in my tumbly, time for something sweet!"
And, sometimes I think: "My top is made out of rubber and my bottom is made out of springs!"
But I do know: " I'm bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy,
Fun! Fun! Fun! FUN! FUN!"...well!...most of the time!
But then again, I think it could apply to the three of us...and a small feathery pirate!
8 Aug, 2011
If i listen to you 3 much longer , i think i will be needing a white coat and then who's going to make the tea.I should serve it up with my home made jam!
8 Aug, 2011
Home made jam Rose? That would be very welcome! Can you do some for Libet's feathery pirate too - you sure it's a pirate on your shoulder and not a parrot?
I bet that pirate has only one leg - and it's wearing a wellie. And is that a sock on his head?
8 Aug, 2011
Hi elizabeth Goodheavens a bouncy top and a springy bot and what does the doctor say? Anyway keep up with the medication Elizabeth, if you throw any more tablets over your shoulder he is,nt going to like it (LoL). Drat that feathery Pirate i have eaten him. Take care me harty Tony
8 Aug, 2011
Hi Rose please accept my apologies rose, the moment you mentioned home made jam i cancelled your coat issue. You have carte blanch to my end of the table(LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
8 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie Thankyou for finding my wellie and sock. Rose is putting a spread on for us and i think your invited. i have one white coat left over plus a yellow feathery bob hat that s required for admission. Rose has aggreed to put the jam pot at my end of the table. Take care enjoy Tony
8 Aug, 2011
I am delighted to accept your very kind invitation just so long as you can provide me with a very long handled spoon so I can still reach the jam from my end of the table.
Thank you for the offer of a hat - I shall be wearing a White feathery hat on Saturday just to practise.
Will there be any coffee left after you have given it all to the snails and Libet has bounced all over the garden!?
8 Aug, 2011
hi stickie so glad you accepted but no spoons i,m afraid, i have a fork i can lend you. Rose has decided to make jam in my wellie( the damaged one) it was such a shock when she explained in a foot note(LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
9 Aug, 2011
Hmm wellie jam, is it a bit chewy? Or maybe smelly?
If it is runny jam a fork won't help??
Footnote!!! I shall have to tip toe I think.
9 Aug, 2011
hi stickie Ugh please give me my fork back. Runny jam yuck its not is it Rose ?. Thats put me right off(LoL). take care Tony
9 Aug, 2011
I'm sorry but I can't reach to pass the fork back, and it's a little sticky. Also I am having trouble trying to catch the runny jam with my fork whilst trying to learn to tap dance - thinking that this may help to join in with the footnote?!
9 Aug, 2011
Obviously you have not read about my jam on Strollers page yet about her plum cake !
10 Aug, 2011
oooh sorry rose i have missed that little treat ~ not sure how! but i will trundle off in my white coat and feathery hat ~ they wont notice me will they?
10 Aug, 2011
Put it this way Stickie, if you want to taste my jam ,bring a hammer and chisel!
11 Aug, 2011
I apologise rose - I had forgotten I had seen your blog - I know I shouldn't laugh but I did and then I laughed even more when you mentioned the chisel.
Sorry bit distracted. Youngest son gets married on Saturday - been having a meal - and drinks! Previous to that last few days have been somewhat busy!?
11 Aug, 2011
New hat , then Stickie! Have a lovely day.
12 Aug, 2011
Yes Rose something like a fluffy white chicken! Big day today! Bit hectic but if the rehearsal is anything to go by the service alone will be amazing - bride (my daughter in law to be) has brought her school choir - they were amazing. Her mum has done a brilliant job on the flowers.
13 Aug, 2011
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14 Apr, 2011
Hello Tony! Are you still on your reserve mower? Were you not to get your Qualcast back from it's service? You were saying that those two bad gnomes were smiling? Well, I think the answer to your mower malfunction lies in their direction! I think they've been crumbling up rich tea biccys and squeezing them into the petrol tank! Or if it's electric, they've got in cahoots with Turbo, and he's had a nibble at the cable! That's why Tiny was whispering sweet nothings in your ear...he was distracting you so Turbo could escape across your paving!! Bye for now!!
3 Aug, 2011