Garden tip
By 230338
Today got a tip from paper explaining how Coffee grains can be used to feed plants and stop snails. Mix 30 grms grains to 1 gal water stir and applie. I personaley have never heared of this until this morning. Hope it helps somone. Take care Tony
Fuchsia Sarah eve
7 Aug, 2011
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Lovely Fuschia, worth trying anything to stop the snails especially something that won`t hurt the birds and my pets, thankyou...
7 Aug, 2011
That's a good organic tip, Tony! The fuschia in your first photo is really lovely, we used to have one a lot like it in our first house and it was called 'Devonshire Dumpling', really pretty! Thank you for looking at my photos, Tony, and for your thoughtful comments, you're so very kind! I was trying to put more on, but it was taking forever and I don't actually think it was going to let me put anymore on, but I'll try again tomorrow!! Thanks again for taking the time to look!
7 Aug, 2011
Good tip thanks.
Lovely Fuchsia, those Vinca are so hardy here and so drought tolerant I like em for that reason, quite showy too.
8 Aug, 2011
I have heard of this before tony , but what happens if it rains! Lovely pics. by the way.
8 Aug, 2011
Lovely fuschia, and thanks for the tip.
8 Aug, 2011
Being in germany...(me not of german origin) we drink loads of coffee and I always put the coffee grinds in the garden...just anywhere.
8 Aug, 2011
Hi sixpence Your welcome Take care enjoy Tony
8 Aug, 2011
Hi lincslass Yes it sounds great but havent tried it yet. Like you say if it does,nt harm pets its worth a go. Take care enjoy Tony
8 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Your photo,s always have been of interest Elizabeth. Glad you liked the Fuchsia, have taken cuttings and put them in my greenhouse. Must admit it is,nt a case of having the time really its more like when are you putting more on the web. Take care enjoy. Tony
8 Aug, 2011
Hi angieindgar Glad you liked my fuchsia and vinca plants. We have moved the vinca to open ground now and i have cuttings in my greenhouse of the fuchsia. Holding my breath and hopeing they will survive winter in unheated atmosphere. Think you will enjoy this site. Take care enjoy Tony
8 Aug, 2011
Hi Rose Your guess is as good as mine rose. If the fluid gets into the soil it should feed the plant. As for snail treatment i just don,t know really. Am going to give it a try though as i have nothing to loose. Take care Rose and enjoy Tony
8 Aug, 2011
Hi Rogi Wonderful but has it made any differance to plant growth ? or snail problemn. Have yet to try it myself. Take care enjoy Tony
8 Aug, 2011
True about coffee grains and used tea bags or tea leaves are great for roses.I love the Bleeding hearts. Delicate and so hardy.
9 Aug, 2011
I have used the left over coffee from my cafatier on my roses for yrs, they love it. I only do it a few times a month tho from March to Sept, as I drink a lot off coffee... but in the winter or rather as winter sets in I often save a few days worth of the left over coffee smudge and mix it with mulch to put around a selection of plants mainly my roses they seem to like it, my roses always flower very well and no pests or disease. But I do feed in the summer with flower power too so who knows if it really does that much but I know I have seen an improvement with both the feed and the coffee so.... try it and see does no harm that's for sure. :)
9 Aug, 2011
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Your window boxs are lovely and love the Fuchsia thanks for the tip.
7 Aug, 2011