By 230338
I looked into my garden and noted over 12 sparrows all trying to feed from the patio feeding station. Only 4 openings so i made a note to get another one they were fighting for access. Then i got my telephone call and it was not good news . My main qualcast mower was no longer use able. The service people detected a major defect in the motor which was not worth having replaced. Two weeks and two mowers completely written off. So we have to leave it to a gardener now. Because of the late season date we are going to waite until sales to replace them. But on the up side i have my cuttings and variouse plants to keep me on form and am getting some winter bulbs asap. Going to miss my mowing though. Will have some news soon on a lawn food i used recentley and am very pleased with so far. Take care all. Tony
8 Aug, 2011
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Oh dear! That's bad news Tony! I know you love your mowing. I would think the sales would soon be starting anyway, and you can get a shiny brand new one! It'll be interesting to see how the new feed does on the lawn too. Lovely picture of the fuschia, Tony!
8 Aug, 2011
I had to get a new one last year Tony, our local lawnmower repairer didn`t want to know, said its not worth mending them these days and they don`t bother to send for parts anymore. I`ve noticed more birds coming back for food in my garden in the last few days, admittedly I do have the fruit trees which they are enjoying so not too bad yet. Nice photo`s....
8 Aug, 2011
thats very sad;
one man went to mow,
went to mow a garden,
one man and his budgie,
went to mend the mower
one man went to buy,
went to buy a mower,
one man and the tortoise went to buy a mower!!
9 Aug, 2011
hi elizabeth Yes i did,nt expect it but now as you say its a new one on the horizon. Lawn feed i tried was miracle grow it complimented the weed and feed i tried some time ago but its applied every two weeks instead of 6 wks . Grass really is improving in colour. Two applications of weed and feed and one of just feed its put life back into my Lawn. Take care Elizabeth , hop the migrains ease off. Tony
9 Aug, 2011
Hi lincslass They quoted £75 plus vat and £20 for other parts. I could get a good one brand new for that. Hope your machine is ok. Take care Tony
9 Aug, 2011
Perhaps you could organise for the budgie and the tortoise and you to all have a pair of scissors and hand cut the lawn!?
9 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie Nice poem , I noticed turbo fred got a mention thats about the speed of the mower i lost beyond repair. My mower is no mower ,but i will return with a brand new one next season. Take care TOny
9 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie Good idea but i am buying a Donkey its cheaper. take care Tony
9 Aug, 2011
Perhaps you could strip the lawnmower down and use the bits to make more bird feeders??
9 Aug, 2011
If you buy a sheep it will be quieter?
9 Aug, 2011
Sorry about your mower Tony, perhaps you could get all the birds plus Tiny and tortoise , Elizabeth and you to cut the grass, and as a treat i will come and make my special jam!Is that a pyracantha, it seems to be in berry early?
10 Aug, 2011
Forgot to mention , Stickie , love the poem .
10 Aug, 2011
thanks rose! we used to sing it [well a slightly different version]
10 Aug, 2011
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Three lovely shots there Tony.
8 Aug, 2011