By 230338
This afternoon my freinds who have been staying here went home. And with them went a lot of memories,all i am glad to say are good. One memory they will take back however is that of Tiny our budgie a blooming show off , a noted kiss fanatic, and a born manipulater of unsuspecting visitors. Tiny played up because he could not perch next to my computor as it (computor) was not accessable. He dances next to it but tonight he went into a frenzy and wobbled right under my computor desk. He got so excited that we were now able to use the comp he asked it for a kiss. Flipping heck how barmey is that!. He bathes frequentley now ( thanks to advice from terratoonie and crocus) and is very shiny. Photos of Tinys playstation enclosed. I will be purchasing a pair of ear muffs tomorrow as he is sending me round the bend(LoL). Take care all nice to be back Tony
Tiny posing
Diff veiw of playstation
18 Aug, 2011
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Love it :o) Another for my favourites :o))
19 Aug, 2011
Thats one very clean handsome boy then, spoilt as well methinks, guess Tiny was telling you that although he likes visitors, its even better to have his own space and routine back to normal. Nice playstation Tony, hope you got a big kiss for making that......
19 Aug, 2011
I wondered where you were Tony ~ not the same without your blogs.
Has Tiny been tweeting on the computer yet?
I love the playstation ~ did you make it ~ much healthier than the electronic version the children use ~ ought to suggest all children use a proper play station like yours!!
19 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Tiny has,nt come down from the pedistal our freinds put him on but its only val & i now. Its going to be a pleasure to plonk him on the top perch by jiminey. Take care enjoy Tony
19 Aug, 2011
Terratoonie Hope Tiny likes it Terra , he is getting very fussy of late. Thankyou. Tony
19 Aug, 2011
Hi Linclass The way of things has changed now Lincslass as its i that has to ask Tiny for a kiss. I am a mere peasent after all. Think he likes the new dolly on the station though. Take care enjoy. Tony
19 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie Good heavens you must never plug the children into the mains(LoL). Thought i should get that PLUG in. No screws in Playstation all my own work and all wooden doweled joints. My good lady getting Tiny a Tweety pie asap to add to toys and i am getting a ladder for him to exercise on. Take care Tony
19 Aug, 2011
you should go into production tony!
now what could you call your company?
play is us?? [rather than toys r us]
Tiny's Gym
Tony, Tiny &Co
i cant think properly ~ have to be some better ones than that.
19 Aug, 2011
I was beginning to wonder where you were! Aren't you the clever one making this playstation.Tiny is getting so spoilt now, is that a mirror i see so that he can keep looking at himself?Perhaps you should cut out the middle man and call it Tiny's Toys.
20 Aug, 2011
What about 'Tony's Tiny Gym'?!
23 Aug, 2011
Hi elizabeth Great suggestion but turbo ousted Tiny and Tiny is not amused. Turbo,s tiny gym it has to be or i will be trampled on. Take care Tony
23 Aug, 2011
Dont tell me you have put Turbo into the gym ~ Tony! how could you!!!
23 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie Yes i am one bad dude stickie but what could i do when turbo was caught carrying a sock full of Roses jam. He even had the hammer and chisel to eat it with!. Four little legs on the top perch that,s his punishment. Take care Tony
23 Aug, 2011
If you lived nearer me i would be on my way to rescue that poor little turbo.
eating roses jam [actually i thought it was lime marmalade that Rose's made] and having to work so hard to get at it!! Gives quite a different meaning to Jammie Dodgers doesnt it!!!
23 Aug, 2011
Turbo does look a little like a dodgem car though! But without the jammy middle, or the biccy bit...come to think of it, put a little ariel on his back and he'd be just like a little dodgem car...but without the steering wheel...
OH! NO! Tiny's converted him from lettuce power to electricity! Tony! Have you seen the little yellow balloon gaining speed lately? Have you had any speeding tickets through your letterbox? Quick! Make a speed bump out of your sock filled with Roses' jam! And make sure it's not the sock with the hole in the toe!!
23 Aug, 2011
No speeding tickets ~ I think they are on green paper in which case Turbo would have done the decent thing and ...
eaten them!!
I thought lettuces were soporific???
23 Aug, 2011
Yum! I love lime marmalade! A jammie dodger filled with lime marmalade would be lovely...hold on...right back now! Sorry! Had to fetch a slice of toast, I got right peckish there! Lol!
23 Aug, 2011
Well yes so they are, but don't forget, Turbo's running on electricity now! Who knows what speed he's up to now!!
How do you know what colour speeding tickets are, Sticki dear?!
23 Aug, 2011
I have had one ~ possibly two!!
actually they are probably white ~ i cant remember.!!
in future i think i will get a safer driver ~ do you think turbo could spare the time??
24 Aug, 2011
Oooh! Sticki! You petrolhead! That's very bold!! Lol! Tony will be making you walk the plank! Speeding is officially a plankable offence! Lol! I'm not sure that Turbo is that dependable as a driver, might be better off with Tiny, he has his own galleon, you know...mind you, he does only go from Tony's back door to the shed, but he does carry a very precious cargo of yummy sandwiches made by Tony's fair lady Valerie! So, if you're in need of a lift from Tony's back door etc, etc...Tiny's your budgie!
24 Aug, 2011
tell you what i would make a bigger splash if i could drive off the plank!!
25 Aug, 2011
Stickie Blooming heck stickie could you bring yourself to warn me when your out driving i think i may want to stay in the garage(LoL). Take care Tony
25 Aug, 2011
Be on the roads at 5.30 am tomorrow - will you be in your garage? Shall I hoot the horn?
25 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Thank You for advertising Valeries sandwich Menue. We are considering making a bid for Roses jam and Plum pie enterprise. Rose has yet to replie as she has had so much success on x factor with her rendition of Sally. I am at present nursing a swollen knee due to a vehicle launching itself off a plank on to my limb,and i think i know the driver. Take care Elizabeth Tony
25 Aug, 2011
Tony, I am very worried about some of the company you seem to be keeping - one wearing large boots and a hoodie who was seen in the back garden after dark acting suspiciously and now we learn that you know, but have failed to report to the correct authorities the identity of this dangerous hit and run driver.
25 Aug, 2011
Hi Stickie At five thirty you may hoot and scoot and blow the house down as i will be in paradise. Stickie what time are you coming back?. Tony
25 Aug, 2011
Stickie i am also worried about the company i keep but since Rose iis throwing a party well what the heckits knives and forks at dawn. Take care Tony
25 Aug, 2011
In paradise eh? Lucky you! I will be working! I could return to your area at your convenience - I need to shop for jam, socks, wellies and a plank before I drive back - possibly midday? Depends how long I have to wait for the outriders who accompany me.
25 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie Your in luck i know where you can get all four items for nothing . Mr Gaddafi does some very good deals but only at mid day. Sorry he is,nt at home tomorrow. Are you in a rush?. Take care Tony
25 Aug, 2011
I was taking them all to a party and I don't think I will be allowed in without them! As it is I'm hoping to smuggle in four officers of the law who appear to follow each time I go out in the car - im not sure if they want some jam or to gatecrash the party?
25 Aug, 2011
Oh no! Please don't report me to the authorities! I have two kitties and a hungry hubby to feed, and they only eat Shirley Tulip's Plum cake, Rich Tea biscuits, Fig Bars, Valerie's Stupendous Sandwiches, and now I've introduced them to Rose' jam, they have become terribly addicted to it, although, it does keep them all nice and quiet while they wait for their jaws to become unglued...but, look, I'm falling on the mercy of the court! Please!! I'll do anything! (whoop's, probably went too far there...) ahem, I'll do ALMOST anything! If they send me to the poky...Tony, could you possibly request a cake from Rose, with a small chisel in it so I can tunnel my way out? Please ask her kindly to leave coating it with jam this time, as I shan't be able to break into it, to get the chisel out. Sticki, I could really use your skills to 'acquire' a fast getaway vehicle, yes, I agree, a shopping trolley would be great, much less conspicious... could you possibly pick me up at 5:30 tomorrow morning?...
26 Aug, 2011
on its way libet ~ i have ordered an essential trolley ~ free if you spend £50???
26 Aug, 2011
hi stickie hello,hello, hello, whats this then?. I00mph in a 30mph area , blimey she,s vanished. Take care Tony
26 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth I wish i was one of your cats Elizabeth, but where did you get the fig bar from and rich tea biccys ?. Blooming heck my sandwiches have disappeared now. Lower the boom and steer to port i fear i have been gazumpt. Not only that but Tiny complained of noise at 5 30 am and he is not being a good boy. Post just dropped a jam tart through the letter box hope Rose is ok . Take care Elizabeth. Tony
26 Aug, 2011
Tony you will get me a very bad name ~ and its not good to start with!!
i was just wondering tony ~ are you really lewis carroll in disguise ~ i think these blogs get more like alice in wonderland everyday!!
to get to you for 5.30 i would have to have rocket fuel ~ so it wasnt me this time tony.
26 Aug, 2011
hi stickie Sorry stickie but i refuse to get you a bad name. My energy will be used to locate the lady and 4 police officers seen looting my goody box in my palace. Where ever you are i wish to return your bottle of Worcestershire sauce left in haste on my workbench. Sorry someone just emptied it. Take care stickie, am very interested in rocket fuel myelf. Enjoy be good Tony
26 Aug, 2011
there appears to be something smelling suspiciously like worcestershire sauce somewhere near my petrol tank ~ have you been feeding my car tony??
now if you could list the contents of your goodie box i will set my bloodhounds off to track it down.
26 Aug, 2011
Hi Stickie Contents as follows I fig bar , 3 rich tea,2 choc wholemeal (one side eaten) 1 splattered egg (On tin base)and a jam tart (Licked). Sorry Muffin next doors dog had the fig bar. Hold my hands up your honour , twas i who put Diesel in your tank. Take care Tony
26 Aug, 2011
That may explain one or two things then - I may have paid my speeding fine with the Rich Ts - since it was your fault for making my car go so fast!
The jam tart is rumoured to be the latest hope for the leaning tower of Pisa as it has proved to be more solid than Italian cement!
Still on the trail of chocolate wholemeals with biscuit side missing - hardly a whole meal now!
27 Aug, 2011
Free trolley? Where's that from then Stick? Although I doubt I could muster up a whole £50 shop in one go! There's only the two of us, oh, and 2 kitties! And a temporary foster kitty from the people who we bought our house from, who flounces up the garden from their house, and sits at our back door, looking in through the bottom pane of glass. We nicknamed him Bigface, because when we look out he's practically the full of the door!! He looks really thuggy, but his real name is Cuddles! It's like calling a Rottweiler, Fluffy!! Lol! So Tony, there's always room for you here, you may have to sleep in the airing cupboard ...but it's lovely and warm in there, so you'll be all cosy! Also you may have to wear stripey jammies (flip! jam again!) so you don't look out of place with the stripey tabbys! I got the biccies from Sticki's store, but I made the sandwiches myself, jam and Worcestershire sauce of course! Mmmm! Yummy! (bleurgh!)
How many rich teas does it take to pay off a speeding fine Stick! Do you have to provide cups of strong tea to dunk them in? Who licked the jam tart? Although it should make a lovely job on the Tower of Pisa now the jam's nice and Sticki!
Lol! Looking for the biccies with the biscuit side missing!! Priceless!
27 Aug, 2011
am i allowed to say without advertising libet??
wearing stripes is better than arrows that i will end up with if tony chats to those boys in blue ~ could you keep him locked up in your airing cupboard please libet till the coast is clear??
27 Aug, 2011
Wilco Sticki! Over and out!! (Vertical stripes are very slimming!).
27 Aug, 2011
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Oh! brilliant! You're back!! I've missed you and Tiny!! Dear help the poor wee birdie, he was having withdrawal symptoms! Lol! Wobbling under the desk, and then asking the computer for a kiss...he's a bold boy! How's he getting on with his playstation? You've done a very professional job on it, it looks like good fun for an intrepid, shiny, chatty, little budgie! Lol! :0) Good to see you back!x
18 Aug, 2011