once upon a time
By 230338
Today i got to grips with my greenhouse staging but it was so hot 85F i sat to think on my little chair and switched my portable on . The birds were eating from the feeder outside my Gr like no tomorrow and my little Fuchsia cuttings were growing nicely in a shady part of my staging. My mind wandered back to my dreams of what i always wanted in my Gr and i realized i had it all . Smooth radio 100.4 FM, birds chattering, cuttings (18 Fuchsia,s & 3 Rose cuttings) all at my side. I am trying my Rose cuttings for the first time as i have had excellent advice from my dear freind Elizabeth. I completed my task in the greenhouse (all disinfected floor and staging ) and danced down the patio to the kitchen. And as i looked back onto my Lawn i thought, once upon a time i never realized i would ever get every thing. Take care all enjoy Tony
Foxdenton hall chadderton oldham
Silver jubilee this year front lawn
Ecky thump how did he get here?
19 Aug, 2011
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Tony, your blogs always make me smile and now I know why - it's because you are content and contentment is something rare and special!
Smooth radio 100.4 - is that classic fm or is it something different that I am missing out on?
Rose cuttings? I have never tried those - what I would love to do is to create a new Rose - decide what shape and colour etc! Wouldn't that be good! Mind you I wouldn't mind making a firework either!!
Will your fuchsia cuttings be planted outside this year or have you got them ready for next year?
20 Aug, 2011
Libet, a spider with boots on!!! That made me laugh, you have such a good imagination! Be a bit expensive - having to buy four pairs each time!! It's very strange how all these blogs appear to mention shoes or boots or socks!!
20 Aug, 2011
Do you know I nearly had a heart attack, I just looked at the first pic. without reading uderneath and thought "Oh my" he's loaded,lol!Then I saw the writing,another senior moment.You're really organised having already cleaned the greenhouse.Haven't you had any toms.in it?I do all my rose cuttings on my allotment in a gritty sandy trench and leave them there for a year. A long time I know but you are guarrenteed sucess.Oh Elizabeth ,you wouldn't even get me in the g.h.with a big spider in it.Hubby would have to remove it.Enjoy your wedding,hope the sun shines,and hows the foxgloves coming on? I agree with you Stickie,contentment is a rare thing and I'm lucky enough to be able to say I too am happy with my life.I also wonder what I did in my little bit of spare time before I came on Goy. Please tell us Tony what this radio programme is please.By for now and don't fall asleep in the g.h.listening to it or you will look like a tomato lol.
20 Aug, 2011
Lol! Sticki! Can you imagine lacing all those tiny boots up, never mind keeping them all shiny!
I'm so chuffed I made you smile Stickster! My work here, is done!
The 'feet' references are getting a wee tad worrying... they have become a bit of a recurring theme! Lol! ;0)
20 Aug, 2011
Quick!! Someone dial 999! Get a nice handsome paramedic for Rose! She has had a senior moment that urgently needs attention!! Lol! ;0)
Isn't that the most beautiful place Rose! But imagine trying to clean all those windows, or vacuum all the carpets? Nope! We're better off at home, we can visit all these places and then come home & just leave someone else to do all the hard upkeep!!
I must try your method of dealing with rose cuttings too, Rose, that'll be interesting! As I was saying above, the rose bushes have grown like crazy, so I should have lots of cutting material! And the foxgloves are doing grand, getting bigger by the day! Thank you, yes, we had a lovely day at the wedding, and lo and behold...the sun shone beautifully all day! We spent a long while people watching, and marvelling at how the young, (and not so young), girls were able to walk about in heels that were at least 6ins tall!! We were staggered, and so were some of them! Lol!!
Oh dear! We've gone back to shoes and feet again! I think I need counselling! Lol! :0)
20 Aug, 2011
Are you sure you aren't related to that mrs Marcos Libet?
20 Aug, 2011
Oh Elizabeth, a handsome paramedic, I'll have to have more senoir moments!Glad you had a nice day and the sun shone,its been lovely here for a few days now and today actually sat in the sun with my teenage grand daughter listening to ...wait for it....Jedwood who she is absolutely mad about.I had to hide the cd in the end as it was played over and over again!It was nice to sit instead of work.I really don't know how I used to walk in those heels when I was young.
21 Aug, 2011
Hi elizabeth Val hates spiders so i have to seek and eject them on sight. I put them outside but the little devils somtimes out run me with all those legs. I thought of lasooing them but the donkey does,nt like spiders either. Take care enjoy Tony
21 Aug, 2011
would tiny be able to lasoo them instead??
21 Aug, 2011
Hi rose Smooth radio 100.4 i would say is a music station of new and old ballads. Its a must for me and i would be lost without it. Your teenage granddaughter may like it. Blooming heck whats this about a paramedic rose ?. You havent attempted to clean all those windows at Foxdenton have you(LoL) ?. Take care enjoy Tony
21 Aug, 2011
Stickie Tiny talkes them to death, he tries it on me every day and recentley nearly succeded. Smooth radio blots him out. No tomatoes in GH now , all eaten just like my blinkin lettuce. Great neighbours but very hungry lot (L0L). Got my bulbs to day so its planting tomorrow again . Take care enjoy Tony
21 Aug, 2011
Elizabeth Did you see anyone with my missing boot on?. Stickie found my sock and missing rich tea biccy. My good lady likes high heels but i have to hold her arm and sort of guide her. Rose cuttings appear fine. Take care Tony
21 Aug, 2011
i saw a whole shop full of boots today ~ was yours there tony? no high heels though.
tiny could be on the radio tony!!!
have you got rabbits for neighbours???
21 Aug, 2011
Rabbits? Stick? Ohhh! I get you now! Lettuce! Lol! Big tick, very good! Maybe my middle name's Imelda, Sticki!
I could have sworn you got your boot back Tony! Gosh, I wouldn't like to see the spider that fitted your boot! Yeuch! The gastapo spider with the boots on from the GH has been gently captured and released into the back of the wing mirror of Margaret's car! She had one previously but it disappeared when the car when in for a service and they very kindly valeted the car for her...she was bereft, when she discovered that they had...gulp...powerhosed it out of the mirror! I know, don't laugh! She loved that oul thing! Well, she's got a monster one now! Lol!!
I do hope that rich tea biccy wasn't the one I 'borrowed', it'll still be a bit damp from dunking! Oh, and Tony, Keith was doing a bit of shoe guiding today too, and Val will laugh at this, walking sideways down the stairs! She'll know what I mean!
Oh no Rose! You poor thing! Imagine having to listen to those pair all day! They give twins a bad name! I do actually think there is a wee something 'lacking' in those two, have you heard the way they talk about things? Oh dear, they make me shudder, but the young ones love them! There's someone for everyone!
21 Aug, 2011
My goodness Elizabeth,if the grandaughter could hear you say that, it would be pistols at dawn!I thought Tiny might like to clean all the windows While he's going round killing all the spiders for Elizabeth!Goodness Tony, tomatoes gone already and now putting bulbs in,you are organised.I'll have to tune in to this station to see what its like, thanks for that.
22 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie You may have hit on a good description of our neighbours. Several holes appeared under my shed floor and two long ear,s vanished down one of them. You are very good at detecting. Definately recruited for marine duties(LoL). Take care Tony
22 Aug, 2011
i dont like rough seas tony ~ can i be on rabbit hole duty instead please?? i have read 'watership down' in case you were requiring qualifications! also read and know much better ~ Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny!! oh yes and little grey rabbit.
two long ears ~ they could have been your donkey????
22 Aug, 2011
Hi rose Toms gone lettuce gone and stickie is trying to find who,s had them for me. I see you liked Foxdenton hall! the window cleaner started down stairs and retired at the window top right. I advised the owner to put a protective coating on the brickwork but all we could think of was your jam (sorry no hammer or chisel) (LoL). Take care enjoy. Tony
22 Aug, 2011
that would be a sticki hall then tony!!!
22 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Your quite welcome to my biccys Elizabeth unfortunately my good lady forgot to get them on friday so goodie tin empty like one half of my greenhouse. Stickie has found my donkey under the floorboards . Be honest Elizabeth did you see him when searching for Jacks dub loons?. Is there a conspiracy going on are Elizabeth, Stickie ,and Rose, after the exclusive rights to my palace and treasure. All will be reveiled in episode 40 . What on earth have you done with my sock?. Take care number one . Enjoy Tony
22 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie Talking about qualifications it appears on reflection only one is essential. Looking at my recent answers to comments i think barmy surfices. We oust clever people from the ship just look what we are doing to mr Gaddafi at our holiday camp(LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
22 Aug, 2011
are you saying i am barmy tony??
you are right i am officially barmy ~ so i get the job of looking for donkey? and or rabbits? provided i find that sock first???
22 Aug, 2011
Stickie NNNNNo i did,nt say you were barmy its not easy for me either (LoL). Have found the donkey. Take care Tony
22 Aug, 2011
;-))))))))))) oh dear they look like double chins!!!
22 Aug, 2011
Stickie Double chins so you have found the rabbit then. We still have the sock problem though. Could this be a search to far ?. I am sending Tiny with a DNA sample if you stuff him down the rabbit hole i would be grateful. take care Tony
22 Aug, 2011
Lol!! Double chins! Och Sticki!! Tony, the two long ears that disappeared under your shed floor...are you sure the ears were actually attached to a body? I have heard on the qt, that P&P are up to their old tricks again, and I definitely know that Turbo is involved, because it's ages since I've heard about him, and it does take him a very long time to get up to his daft shenanigans...what with him having wee tiny legs and a very low mpll (miles per lettuce leaf). The drag coefficient on a small yellow balloon doesn't help! So, whatever he's getting up to...it's going to take him a long time to get up to it! Lol!! I would also suggest that you have a quick shufty at that miscreant Pinky...does that not look like your sock perched jauntily on his bold little head? The plot thickens...;0)
22 Aug, 2011
I have a feeling that sock is being hidden by turbo - he has got it already for his little sleeping bag for hibernating this winter.
Does someone have time to check Turbo's sock drawer?
22 Aug, 2011
Am I missing something here WHAT DONKEY!
23 Aug, 2011
it got lost rose then tony found its ears.
23 Aug, 2011
Oh my, they weren't in the missing sock were they!
23 Aug, 2011
Donkeys ears wearing socks - brilliant Rose! What do you reckon - those stripy ones.
I think they wear them to protect their ears from the terrible noise they make - not the ears!
23 Aug, 2011
Rose He Haw, He haw, He haw your right what bloomin donkey (LoL). Take care Tony
23 Aug, 2011
Elizabeth Very good detection work my lawn is infested by undesireables. Turbo and pinky they are absolute rotters. Turbo flashed by today and pinky taking a trip to the moon via my toe with no sock on it. Take care Tony
23 Aug, 2011
Stickie just had a message from a donkey he said he cannot hear anything. Whats this its a pair of long ear,s on my desktop with 3 burnt initials on them. E R S, well i never Elizabeth, Rose and stickie you little devils (LoL). Take care Tony
23 Aug, 2011
you will be able to hang them all up at christmas tony ~ and we can come and collect them?? please make sure donkey doesnt mistake them for carrots ~ be best if they weren't orange in colour!!!!
23 Aug, 2011
But a Christmas stocking always has a little orange on the toe! Pardon? oops, sorry, IN the toe, you're so right Stickie!
Tony, you'll either have to darn the hole in the toe of your sock, buy a new sock, or be happy having burnt to a crisp Xmas pressies! Happy Crispmas!! And a Holey New Ear!!
There! I think I covered a lot of blog references that time!
23 Aug, 2011
well i am happy to get tony a new sock for christmas ~ tony would you prefer to have one new one and risk it clashing with your one remaining or would you prefer a whole new pair??
24 Aug, 2011
Well , Stickie I think Tony should have a batch of my jam for Christmas and then he can give everyone some and nobody would get lost cos. they would all be stuck together,lol.Mind you perhaps i better buy a chisel and hammer to go with it! Anyway why christmas talk now..winter..brrrr....no thanks,perhaps I'll hibernate with Turbo.
24 Aug, 2011
with a pot of jam to keep you going.
24 Aug, 2011
Hi crew i am truly off my veg(carrots) now, and Rose has put me off my Strawberry jam also. In Fact i have moved on to my sock draw and my good lady has re stocked it. On top of all that i have acquired a new plank and am sending invites to any one who desires to walk along it. Tiny is on it at the moment. Its all good news as i have found my missing wellie, but didn't know turbo was a tenant. I evicted him pronto. Take care enjoy Tony
24 Aug, 2011
what has tiny done to merit walking the plank?
24 Aug, 2011
I'm only glad it's not me Sticki! It usually is! Tony needed a new plank, because I'd worn a groove in the last one. You see, I'd been bold and called the men in white coats to see to Tony. But he totally got the wrong end of the stick(i), because they were just ice cream van drivers, nice young men...in their clean white coats...coming to take him away... to sing them a new jingle for their ice cream vans!! (A friendly little wasp called Buzz, stuck in a '99 cone told them Tony was a very good singer!)
Turbo has gone into hibernation early, Tony! Are you sure he wasn't wearing your sock with the hole in it, when you found him settling down for a long snooze in your wellie? As Sticki says, it would make a lovely little sleeping bag for a tired little tortoise!
24 Aug, 2011
Well i can cheer you all up as I actually made Shirley's plum cake ( instead of jam you'll be pleased to hear!) and it was soooo gorgeous I had to make another the very next day so I think this calls for another Mad Hatters tea party as I'm sure we all qualify for an invite! Then nobody will want to walk the plank and I'll cut a special little piece for Tiny ( but not as his last supper!)
25 Aug, 2011
Ooooh a mad hatters tea party! That's great! Who will we stuff into the teapot?!
25 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie One name stickie TINY he would make a watertight cork. Take care enjoy Tony
25 Aug, 2011
Hi Rose it will be Tiny,s last supper if Stickie gets him. Take care Tony
25 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Its not fair the plank didn't just appear it was commandeered from my shed floor by a hoodie wearing size 6 mountain boots. We later traced this young lady to a bush which we hosed down but she had long gone . Leaving a note saying "i,m a wee bit late for a certain date but am feeling great" begorra. Think she was Irish (LoL). Have to get stickie in on that clue. Rose is plumb pie making. Take care enjoy Tony
25 Aug, 2011
I've got my blogs all muxed ip! I understand why Tiny is getting stuffed into teapots now!...Excuse me, have to make a quick call... "Hello? RSPCB? Is that the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Budgies? Yes? Oh, never mind, it's ok! he probably deserved it!"
That's lovely, Rose! A Mad Hatters Tea Party! Will the tea be brewed from real Mad Hatters? Lol! I really will have to bake this famous Plum cake, the Victorias are just about ripe now! It's just as well I won't have to walk the plank, Rose, I'd probably snap it in two!
Tony! Was the hoodie wearing blue lipstick and have binoculars hanging around her neck? Was she carrying a mule under each arm? Yes? It was probably me then! I wondered why I was all wet! Begorrah? Tony?! Cliche man strikes!! Lol!! Next, you'll be saying I live in a little stone house!...Oops! I do! But at least my roof doesn't lift up and play, 'When Irish Eyes are Smiling!' That would be the biggest musical box in Western Europe! And I am a wee bit late...for a date with my bed! Ni, night!xxx
25 Aug, 2011
oh libet please put a photo on of your musical box and the stone house!! im sure you can photo shop it and put the music on too!!
did i just see a pirate ship sailing by with a mad hatter walking the plank and a budgie on his shoulder???
26 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Blooming heck Elizabeth Tiny is heartbroken , he relied on you for support and got pushed down the spout for it. His eye,s are saying "i trusted Elizabeth and look at me now". He has just whimpered "how can i trust a lady with 2 donkeys under her arm and wearing blue lipstick". Am shocked and Tiny is devastated. However we both hope you had a sound sleep(LoL) Take care Tony
26 Aug, 2011
Hi stickie Flipping heck, that must have been an experience. I happen to know who they are . Did one look like Jack sparrow and was the budgie yellow in appearance ?. Did the plank have brand on it saying Elizabeth was here and Stickie rules?. If so I,ll be steering me ship clear of ye me lass. Take care stickie enjoy. Tony
26 Aug, 2011
Oh Tiny, I'm so sorry! That's the second time I've hurt your tiny feathery feelings! I feel lower than a snake's belly...sniff... I'll never wear blue lipstick again...no other little yellow budgie can take your place...I'm sorry Capt'n Tiny, give your second in command a push on your swing for me, and please cheer him up... . .
27 Aug, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Tiny thanks you for your very nice thought but now stickie (the naughty lady ) has made him retire to bed earley very upset. What a great expression (lower than a snakes belly) your being promoted Elizabeth ,expressions like that will get you eating at the captains table. Take care enjoy Tony
27 Aug, 2011
whereas the whole ship is steering clear of me.
27 Aug, 2011
Oh no! Sticki overboard!!! Help! Call the life guards...only the handsome ones...lovely lady will almost definitely need the kiss of life!! And fetch me a defibrillator...I'm getting palpitations thinking about it!! Bring Tiny! He's always up for a wee peck!! Lol! ;0))) get the tot of rum at the ready...
27 Aug, 2011
help help
27 Aug, 2011
Hold on! We'll get you tomorrow!! Zzzzzz...zzzz...x
27 Aug, 2011
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Oh heck nooo! It's far too early for Christmas! You'll have Tiny done up in silver paper and be telling us he's the Easter Budgie next!! Lol!
That's a phenomenal amount of cuttings you have there, Tony, hope the roses 'do' for you, I haven't been able to take any yet, the bushes started to grow like topsy, and produced another flush of buds...and I hadn't the heart to chop them off! I'll leave them another week, and do them then. You must have been boiling in the greenhouse today, you seem to be having grand weather lately, (except for the poor souls caught in those awful flash floods), you've got yourself all ready for winter, getting your staging and floor disinfected...no nasty creepy crawlies in your greenhouse! I say that because, at the minute, I have a spider in the GH and it's so big, that when it walks across plastic bags, you know, the thin supermarket ones, it actually makes a noise! Honestly! I think it has it's own little itty bitty army boots, and goes for marches on the bags to intimidate me! And, by jove, it's working! Margaret will get it out for me, she loves spiders!
Dear love you, it doesn't take much for you to think you have it all, Tony! As Keith would say "You're very easy kept!" So, you all have a lovely weekend, we're off to a wedding tomorrow, so that'll make a nice change! I'll speak to you soon!
19 Aug, 2011